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TOPIC INFLUENCE. Power = the “official” (org-backed & controlled) right to assume designated org responsibilities & order others to assist you Influence = an informal (not backed by org power) attempt to make people behave in certain ways for professional or personal agendas. POWER MOVES:

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  2. Power = the “official” (org-backed & controlled) right to assume designated org responsibilities & order others to assist you Influence = an informal (not backed by org power) attempt to make people behave in certain ways for professional or personal agendas

  3. POWER MOVES: • Hiring/firing • Policies • Rules • Meeting agendas • Budgets • Departments & formal org structure • Products/services • Financial statements

  4. INFLUENCE IN ACTION: • Motivation & morale (+ & -) • Teamwork (or lack thereof) • Consensus (or dissention) • Conflict (+ & -) • Evolutionary change (+ & -) • Ideas & creativity • The informal organization • Power (eventually)

  5. Power is limited by the org; influence is limited by human dynamics: interdependencies +personalities + agendas. • Power most affects official org activities; influence most affects the informal (human interactions) “real” org.

  6. Power mandates official org decisions; influence determines how well the decisions work out. • Power determines who is hired & fired, but influence determines how they develop professionally. • Power is hard to get, easy to use; influence is easy to get, but hard to use.

  7. Power gives you the right to make choices that bind others; influence can provide wisdom to make the right choices. • The more you use power, the more other sources of power will be used against you; the more you use positive influence, the more it might be used to support you.

  8. POSITIVE INFLUENCE: • Benefits multiple agendas • Gives people choicesvia participative decision-making • Involves authentic (“masks-off”) communication • Is non-political & non-ideological (fair & balanced)

  9. NEGATIVE INFLUENCE: • Is hatched by personal agendas • Feeds on disguises, deceptions, manipulation, & exploitation • Makes enemies • Creates resistance • Is fueled by emotion & personal charisma

  10. INFLUENCE STRATEGIES (ranked by greatest + potential) • Virtual team leadership • Networking • Expertise • Innovative thinking • Politics


  12. PositiveI.I. • Turning me into we (independence into interdependence) • My success becomes our success. • Professional synergies • 4 I AMs magnets • We know the truth about one other

  13. NegativeI.I. • “Follow me (us) & we’ll go places together.” • Mutual back-scratching • “Do me (us) a favor…” • “Join our side & we’ll win.” • “No one will know.”


  15. OD #1. Utexts

  16. Utexts wants to transition out of printed texts into digital online texts. A project team of Utexts production & marketing brainstormed strategic ideas they hope will influence their exec team to reinvent the company.

  17. UTEXTS TRANSITION TACTICS (go back 7 slides to the 6 “influence strategies”)

  18. Make the ancillary learning package that accompanies the digitext the main profit center. (Inno think #5) • Survey college students to find out their point of view about printed vs. digital textbooks. (Networking #2)

  19. Make JCs & tech schools bigger profit drivers than 4-year colleges. (Net) • Recruit academics at tier-2 schools to write practical texts, & hire pedagogy consultants to develop hands-on software relevant enough to sell the texts. (Expertise #3)

  20. Retain lobbyist to sell state pols on budget benefits of cheaper higher eddigi texts (Politics #6) • Buy high potential digipublisher (Powernot influence) • Mine Facebook data base for advertising/promo ideas (Net) • Launch online ad campaign to profs & academic depts(Persuasiveness #4)

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