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Rare Plants in Wisconsin Right-of-ways

Rare Plants in Wisconsin Right-of-ways. Presentation prepared by: Wisconsin Transportation Information Center-LTAP University of Wisconsin-Madison. Right-of-ways – A resource for rare plants. Help locate and protect endangered and threatened Wisconsin plants

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Rare Plants in Wisconsin Right-of-ways

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  1. Rare Plants in Wisconsin Right-of-ways Presentation prepared by: Wisconsin Transportation Information Center-LTAP University of Wisconsin-Madison

  2. Right-of-ways – A resource for rare plants • Help locate and protect endangered and threatened Wisconsin plants • Watch for them during right-of-way work: • Mowing • Brushing • Spraying • Utility projects

  3. Plants found in many counties Cream Gentian Purple Milkweed

  4. Cream Gentian Map Found in: • Brown, Calumet, Columbia, Crawford, • Dane, Dunn, Eau Claire, Fond du Lac, Grant, Green, Iowa, • Jefferson, La Crosse, Lafayette, Milwaukee, Monroe, • Pepin, Polk, Racine, Richland, • St Croix, Sauk, Vernon, Walworth, and Waukesha Historical in Chippewa, Dodge, Kenosha, Outagamie, Rock, & Sheboygan

  5. Cream Gentian (or Yellowish Gentian)(Gentiana alba) • Blooms August-September • Flower  • Cream-colored – 1- ¼” • Tube shape with small opening at top • Clusters of many flowers • Plant  • Upright – 1 to 3 feet tall • Sturdy stems • Usually not branched • Grows in • Varied soil and moisture conditions • Sometimes found in roadside ditches and railroad rights-of-ways

  6. Cream Gentian patch

  7. Purple Milkweed Map Found in: • Crawford, Dane, Grant, Iowa, Kenosha, Lafayette, • Racine, Rock, Sauk, Walworth, • Waukesha, Waushara, & counties Historical in Jefferson, Milwaukee, Washington, Winnebago

  8. Blooms June to August Flower Purple-red flower cluster Only 1-3 clusters to a plant Always at or near top of stem Often produces pods Plant Tall: 1-1/2 to 6 feet Looks like common milkweed Often found in ditches. More likely in dry soil Purple Milkweed(Asclepias purpurascens)

  9. Purple Milkweed

  10. Other important plants and their regionsDwarf Lake IrisForked AsterHairy Wild Petunia

  11. Dwarf Lake Iris Map Found in • Door & Brown counties Formerly in Milwaukee County

  12. Dwarf Lake Iris(Iris lacustris) • Very rare. Grows only on north shore of Lake Michigan, in Wisconsin. • Blooms peak in late May, a few into July • Plant • Tiny: leaves 6” long • Arranged in fans like garden iris • Flower • Blue-purple (a few white) • 3” diameter • 3” off the ground • Found in ditches with • Partial or filtered sun • Shallow soils (alkaline) • Near white cedars

  13. Dwarf Lake Iris patch

  14. Forked Aster MapEastern & Southeastern Wisconsin Found in: • Fond du Lac, Milwaukee, Ozaukee, • Racine, Rock, Sheboygan, • Walworth, Washington, Waukesha Formerly in Kewaunee & Winnebago

  15. Forked Aster(Aster furcatus) • Blooms August through October • Flower • White, star-shaped • Tiny: ½ inch across • Branched cluster of 9-18 flowers • Plant • 12"-32" tall • Grows in moist woods and edges, often near streams • Rare. Only found in part of the Midwest.

  16. Forked Aster

  17. Hairy Wild Petunia Map Southern Wisconsin Found in: • Crawford, Dane, Grant, Outagamie, • Rock, & Winnebago counties Historical in Walworth

  18. Hairy Wild Petunia(Ruellia humilis) • Blooms May to October • Looks like garden petunia • Flowers • Pink - purple • Small: 1-1/4 inch wide • Funnel shaped • Plant • Upright • Short: 3"-18"Often less than 12” • Has been found along roadsides

  19. Hairy Wild Petunia

  20. Discovered 2005Outagamie County roadside

  21. ProtectedNo-mow area • Signs outline protected area • Use general term: “Native Plants” • Exact location not publicized

  22. Other endangered or threatened plants that may appear in roadsides • North & northeastern counties • Arrow-leaf Sweet Coltsfoot • Southern & eastern counties • Pale Purple Coneflower • Yellow Giant Hyssop • Pink Milkwort • Milwaukee & Racine counties • Axillary Goldenrod

  23. Arrow-leaf Sweet Coltsfoot Map Northern Wisconsin Found in: • Bayfield, Douglas, • Forest, & Oconto counties

  24. Arrow-leaf Sweet Coltsfoot(Petasites sagittatus) • Blooms May-June • Flowers • Small: ½ inch • White • Plant • Large leaves: 12 inches • Arrow shaped • Grows in wet areas

  25. Pale Purple Coneflower MapSouthern Wisconsin Found in: • Dane, Grant, Green, • Racine, & Rock counties

  26. Pale Purple Coneflower(Echinacea pallida) • Blooms June to August • Flowers • Drooping • Purple • One to a stem • Plant • Tall: 2 to 3 feet • Several stems in a cluster • Grows in full sun; dry to moderate moisture; sandy, loam soil

  27. Giant Yellow Hyssop Map Southern Wisconsin Found in: • Columbia, Crawford, Dane • Grant, Green, Lafayette, • Racine, Rock, & Walworth counties Historical in Jefferson

  28. Giant Yellow Hyssop(Agastache nepetoides) • Blooms July through October • Flower • Cylindrical spikes • Green-yellow 5-parted • Plant • Tall: 2 to 5 feet • Resembles catnip • Square stem. Mint family

  29. Pink Milkwort Map Southern Wisconsin Found in: • Grant, Green, & Rock counties Historical or formerly found in Crawford, Dane, Iowa, Jefferson, Kenosha

  30. Pink Milkwort(Polygala incarnata) Blooms early July to mid-September Flower • Pink • Small spiky cluster ½”-1-1/2” • Single stems with distinct bluish-green color • Plant • Height: 8”-24”. Often less than 12” • Grows in dry soils • Nearly extinct in Wisconsin

  31. Axillary Goldenrod MapMilwaukee & Racine counties

  32. Axillary Goldenrod(Solidago caesia) Blooms August to October Flower • Cream to yellow • Short clustersusually 3-4 • Where leaf joins stem Plant  • Upright • Tall: 12"-40” May grow in ditches if next to woods, semi shaded

  33. Why help preserve Wisconsin threatened and endangered plants? • Promote biodiversity – a natural mix of many different species which provide for a healthy environment. • Protect historic plants and habitats for future generations • Preserve plants important to butterflies and other insects • Preserve plants which may be future sources for medicines, treatments, etc. • Help maintain a varied and attractive landscape

  34. What you can do • Contact your local DNR Transportation Liaison or Regional Ecologist to find out more • Mark right-of-ways once a species is identified • Local citizens and groups may be available to help • Protect by timed mowing or no-mow area • Alert crews doing brushing, digging, spraying, and utility work • Comply with administrative rule (NR27) and state statute • It is illegal to remove, transport, carry away, cut, root up, sever, injure or destroy a wild plant on the Wisconsin Endangered and Threatened Species List on public lands (which includes public right-of-ways). Section 29.604, Wis. Stats.

  35. Department of Natural Resources Regional Ecologists Armund BartzWestcentral Region608.785.9019Owen BoyleSoutheast Region414.263.8681 Sarah CarterSouthcentral Region608.275.3276  [Vacant] Northeast Region Ted GostomskiNorthern Region715.635.4153 Transportation Liaisons Get current list by county of responsibility at: http://dnr.wi.gov/org/es/science/DOT_liaison_list.pdf Online plants information Wisconsin DNR, The Natural Heritage Inventory Working List: Rare Vascular Plants http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/land/er/ Click on “Threatened and Endangered Species” and then on “Vascular Plants.” Click on the scientific name for details. No search function. UW-Stevens Point Freckman Herbarium http://wisplants.uwsp.edu/index.html Includes identifying information, photos and maps with town and range number locations of known plant populations, and links to other online resources. This is a general herbarium site covering 200,000 Wisconsin plants. search for common or scientific plant name under “vascular plants” USDA-NRCS PLANTS database http://plants.usda.gov/index.html Resources

  36. Credits • Rare Plants in Wisconsin Right-of-Ways, PowerPoint presentation, prepared by Lynn Entine, Senior Editor, Wisconsin Transportation Information Center, University of Wisconsin-Madison.http://tic.engr.wisc.edu • Plant location maps (updated Feb. 2006): Craig Anderson, Wisconsin DNR, Natural Heritage Inventory Botanist • Coordination: Shelly Schaetz, Wisconsin DNR Transportation Liaison (Northeast) • Photos: • Gentian:Thomas G. Barnes @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database • Milkweed:Robert H. Mohlenbrock @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database • Iris:Clayton Alway @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database • Aster:Kitty Kohout, UW-Stevens Point • Petunia:Plants and roadside (summer): Patrick J. Robinson, Wisconsin DNR; Sign on roadside: Michelle M. Schaetz, Wisconsin DNR • Coltsfoot:June M. Dobberpuhl, UW-Stevens Point • Coneflower:James R. Sine, UW-Stevens Point • Hyssop:Kathie and Tom Brock, UW-Stevens Point • Milkwort:Robert H. Mohlenbrock @ USDA-NRCS PLANTS Database • Goldenrod:Kitty Kohout, UW-Stevens Point

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