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Explore the various types of ecosystem services provided by nature, including provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services. Discover how these services contribute to our daily lives, from providing food and materials to regulating natural phenomena and supporting basic life forms. Understand the potential consequences of human disruptions on these services.
1 : ProvisioningService www.nwf.org • Provisioning Services: a service provided bynature • (Food)Fruits, vegetables, trees, fish, and livestock are available to us as direct productsof ecosystems. • Provisioningservice-anytypeofbenefittopeoplethatcanbeextractedfromnature. • Includedrinkingwater,timber,woodfuel,naturalgas,oils,plantsthatcanbe madeinto clothes and other materials, and medicinalbenefits.
2 : RegulatingService www.nwf.org • Regulating Services: basic services that make life possible for people. • Examples: Plants clean air and filter water, bacteria decompose wastes, beespollinate flowers,andtreerootsholdsoilinplacetopreventerosion. • All these processes work together to make ecosystems clean, sustainable, functional, and resilientto • change. • Regulating service- benefit provided by ecosystem processes that moderatenatural phenomena. • Regulating services include pollination, decomposition, water purification,erosion and flood control, and carbon storage and climateregulation.
3 : CulturalService www.nwf.org • Cultural Services: As we interact and alter nature, the naturalworld has in turn alteredus. • Guides our cultural, intellectual, and social development by being a constant forcepresent • in ourlives. • Theimportanceofecosystemstothehumanmindcanbetracedbacktothebeginningof mankind with ancient civilizations drawing pictures of animals, plants, and weather patterns on cavewalls. • Cultural service- a non-material benefit that contributes to the development and cultural advancement ofpeople, including how ecosystems play a role in local, national, and global cultures • Buildingofknowledgeandthespreadingofideas • Creativitybornfrominteractionswithnature(music,art,architecture) • Recreation.
4 : SupportingService www.nwf.org • Supporting Services: The natural world provides so many services, sometimes we overlook the mostfundamental. • Ecosystems themselves couldn't be sustained without the consistency of underlying natural processes, such as photosynthesis, nutrient cycling, the creation of soils, and the watercycle. • TheseprocessesallowtheEarthtosustainbasiclifeforms,letalonewholeecosystemsand people. • Withoutsupporting services, provisional, regulating, and cultural services wouldn't exist.
Results of Human Disruptions • Anthropogenic- (chiefly of environmental pollution and pollutants) originating inhuman activity. • Potentially resulting in economic and ecological consequences.