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High School Options for Students in the Northeast Consortium (NEC) NEC Signature Programs, the Choice Process, and Application Programs Information Meeting for NEC Grade 7 Students and Parents Springbrook High School Monday, April 22, 2013.
High School Optionsfor Students in theNortheast Consortium (NEC)NEC Signature Programs, the Choice Process, and Application Programs Information Meeting for NEC Grade 7 Students and Parents Springbrook High SchoolMonday, April 22, 2013
Tonight’s Outcomes:Hear an overview of the --• Northeast Consortium (NEC) High School Signature Programs•Choice Process and Timeline • Application Programs Available to NEC Students:--Magnet programs at Montgomery Blair, Richard Montgomery, & Poolesville high schools--Visual Art Center (VAC) at Albert Einstein HS --Professional-Technical Programs at Thomas Edison High School of Technology (TEHST) Provide feedback by completing an evaluation form
James Hubert Blake HS Paint Branch HS Springbrook HS What is the Northeast Consortium (NEC)? The NEC is made up of: 3 high schools, 5 middle schools, and their feeder elementary schools The NEC: 3 Great Schools . . .3 Great Choices!
What do ALL NEC high schools have in common? • A comprehensive high school education •Athletics and extracurricular activities • Lots of opportunities for you to make friends! • Newspaper, yearbook, music program • Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses •Special education support services and ESOL levels 4 & 5 services • TV studio – students produce daily announcements on TV •Use of technology/computers throughout the school • Signature programs – programs of instruction based on a central theme or focus
Instructional program developed around a central theme that includes: • Rigorous course work • Variety of course offerings in the thematic area • Sequential course offerings to build knowledge and skills Themes that appeal to students’ interests: Thematic programs that help students make connections with their future – and think about life after high school – college, military, and possible future careers. What is a Signature program? The NEC: 3 Great Schools . . .3 Great Choices!
What Signature programs are available in the NEC? James Hubert Blake HS: Fine Arts and Humanities Springbrook HS: IB World and Information Technology Paint Branch HS: Science and Media
Arts & Communications Pathways: • Visual Arts • Studio Art, Ceramics, Photography, Fashion Design • Media Arts • Video Production, Television Production, Journalism, Digital Art • Performing Arts Pathway • Theatre, Music, Dance Course Example: Foundation of Fashion & Costume Production Capstone Example: Developing a presentation portfolio Humanities & Public Service: • Humanities • History, Cultural Studies, English, World Languages • Public Service • Teacher Education, Child Development, Law and Public Policy Course Example: Latin American History Capstone Example: Mock Trial Competition James Hubert Blake HS: Fine Arts and Humanities
Science: • Academy of Health Professions • Medical Careers, Pharmacy Pathway • Become a Certified Nursing Assistant or Certified Pharmacy Technician • Academy of Engineering Technology • Nutrition Science • Biotechnology Course Example: Foundation of Medicine & Health Services Capstone Example: Internship at medical facility Media Arts: • Video Production • Radio Production • Journalism, Literary Magazine, Photography, Digital Art Course Example: Radio Production A/B Capstone Example: Member of daily TV crew Paint Branch HS: Science and Media
International Baccalaureate Program: • Challenging, comprehensive curriculum based on a global perspective • International theme - focus on understanding various culture • Emphasis on World Languages - French, Spanish, Italian, German, Arabic • Middle Years Program (MYP) • Grades 9 - 10 • Pre-IB course work • International Baccalaureate Diploma Program • Curriculum developed by IBO • IB courses - Grades 11-12 Course Example: Arabic I, IB Physics Capstone Example: Extended Essay/Independent Study Project Academy of Information Technology: • Robotics • Computer Programming • Network Management • Digital Media Course Example: Designing Technological Solutions Capstone Example: Microsoft Competition (ap design) Springbrook HS: IB World and Information Technology
Explore Your Options! An engaging, interesting and informative website designed for the middle school student! • career interest quiz • advice on high school courses • search for college majors • explore interesting careers • ask questions to experts in the field • learn about hobbies www.bridges.com Hear from NEC high school students about their interests and the exciting high school experience! Montgomery County Public Schools - You Choose
September • Choice and Signature program information provided to Grade 8 students • Evening parent/student information meetings October • Evening Open House at each NEC high school • College and career development activities for middle school students •Choice forms mailed to Grade 8 students’ homes • Evening parent enrollment meeting for non-MCPS students November • Completed Choice forms due to NEC middle schools January • High school assignments mailed to students’ homes What is the Grade 8 NEC timeline?(Proposed for School Year 2013-2014)
NEC High SchoolChoice Process Step #1 Complete a Choice form. Parents/students rank the 3 NEC high schools in order of preference, based on the Signature programs at each school.
Step #2 Choice forms are run through a computerized lottery process. Step #3 High school assignment letters are mailed to students’ homes. Every effort is made to assign students to their first choice. Some students may be assigned their 2nd or 3rd choice school. • Factors which may impact the • school assignment process: • School capacity (space availability) • Number of students who choose their base school • Ranking of schools on Choice form • Sibling link • Socio-economic diversity • Gender balance
The base area high school is determined by a student’s home address.* Assignment to a student’s base high school is guaranteed if it is: 1) Indicated as 1st choice on the Choice form OR 2) Indicated as 2nd choice on the Choice form AND the 1st choice is not available. * To determine your base high school, visit: http://gis.mcps.k12.md.us/gis/PublicLocator.asp What if my child wants to attend her/his base area high school?
What are some frequently asked questions? On average what percentage of students received their 1st choice over the last five years? 92% Is transportation available? Students will receive bus transportation if they live: • in the Consortium attendance area AND • beyond walking distance of their assigned school (about 2 miles, as determined by MCPS).
Summary • All 3 NEC high schools provide: • A comprehensive educational program, including after school activities, athletics, and clubs. • Excellent programs that appeal to students’ interests. • TheChoice process encourages discussion about student interests, high school opportunities, and future goals. The NEC: 3 Great Schools . . .3 Great Choices!
What other high school options are available? Application-Only Programs Available to NEC Students*: • Science, Math & Computer Science Magnet at Montgomery Blair HS • International Baccalaureate (IB) at Richard Montgomery HS • Global Ecology Studies Program at Poolesville HS • Visual Arts Center (VAC) at Albert Einstein HS • Half-day Academic, Professional & Technical Career Education Programs at Thomas Edison High School of Technology (TEHST) *NOTE:Students who apply for application-only programs must still complete and turn in an NEC Choice form by the due date.
Applicant Characteristics Parents, ask yourselves: To an exceptional degree, does my child… Show curiosity about ideas, events and how things work, or have a questioning attitude? Demonstrate initiative and intellectual curiosity? Have an ability to learn at a faster rate? Have an unusual understanding and use of language? Have strong critical and creative thinking abilities? Show empathy and sensitivity towards others? Have an ability to see relationships and detect patterns? Have a positive self-concept? Understand his or her strengths and know when and how to ask for help? Prefer long-range goals to short-term or immediate needs?
Science/Mathematics/Computer Science Magnet Program at Blair • The Magnet Program offers accelerated, interdisciplinary courses in science, mathematics, and computer science for highly able students particularly interested in these subjects. • Students in Grade 8 with a strong interest in science, mathematics, and computer science who are enrolled in at least Algebra I may apply. • Magnet students have an eight period day, instead of the normal seven period day at most county high schools. • Applicants must be residents of one of the following high school clusters: the Downcounty Consortium, the Northeast Consortium, B-CC, Churchill, Walter Johnson, Richard Montgomery, Rockville, Sherwood, Whitman, or Wootton.* *Students from other high school clusters can apply to the Science/Mathematics/Computer Science House at Poolesville HS
Richard Montgomery IB Magnet Program* • Located in Rockville; All high school clusters may apply • Countywide program for academically capable and committed students interested in pursuing a rigorous pre-university course of studies in: English ; Foreign Language; Individuals and Societies Economics, Psychology, History; Experimental Sciences; Mathematics; and The Arts and Electives. • Students successfully completing the program earn an MCPS diploma, a Maryland Certificate of Merit, and the internationally recognized IB Diploma. • Grade 8 students who are enrolled in at least Level I of Spanish, French, or Chinese (or are qualified bilingual students who are fluent in those languages), Algebra I, and have taken 2 G/T or advanced courses may apply. *The IB diploma earned at any high school offering an IB diploma program adheres to the same rigorous testing and essay requirements.
Poolesville Global Ecology House* • Poolesville High School features a whole-school magnet program in which students select a specific area of concentration from 3 “houses,” all of which provide options for rigorous and advanced academic coursework. Global Ecology House open to all MCPS students. • Global Ecology House students study environmental issues through rigorous interdisciplinary science and social studies curricula; focus on human impact on the natural environment. • Grade 8 students from any MCPS high school cluster who are in Algebra I or higher may apply to the Global Ecology House. • The Global Ecology program has existed for over 10 years. • * Grade 8 students who live in one of the following high school clusters who are in Algebra I or higher may also apply to the Science/Mathematics/ Computer Science House and/or to the Humanities House: Clarksburg, Damascus, Gaithersburg, Magruder, Northwest, Poolesville, Quince Orchard, Seneca Valley, or Watkins Mill
Countywide Application Programs • Science, Mathematics, Computer Science Magnet Program Montgomery Blair HS • Contact Mr. Peter Ostrander, magnet coordinator, • 301-649-8240 • International Baccalaureate (IB) Magnet Program Richard Montgomery HS • Contact Ms. Jennifer Hoover, magnet coordinator, 301-610-8100 • Global Ecology House Poolesville HS • Contact Ms. Billie Bradshaw, magnet coordinator, 301-972-7976
The Visual Art CenteratAlbert Einstein High School • High level half-day program offering a broad perspective of the fine arts, art history, contemporary artists, and artwork. • Students can do ½ day at home high school and ½ day at Einstein OR transfer to Einstein. • Admission is selective. Applicants are evaluated on completed art courses, portfolio, personal interview, teacher recommendations, and transcript. • Contact: 301-962-1027
Thomas Edison High School of Technology (TEHST) • Half-day program for students in Grades 10-12. • Students attend home HS for ½ day and TEHST for ½ day. • Programs such as: Interior Design, Medical Careers, Cosmetology, Professional Restaurant Management, Network Operations, Carpentry, Masonry, Plumbing, Autobody Repair, HVAC. 301-929-2181
Application Programs Available to students who attend a DCC middle school or reside in the DCC Students who live in the NEC and attend a DCC middle school (and students who live in the DCC) are also eligible to apply to the following programs in the fall of Grade 8: Communication Arts Program (CAP) at Blair HS • Designed for students who wish to develop their intellectual, creative, and communication skills in the fields of media and the humanities. • For additional information, contact Anne Cullen, Program Coordinator, at (301) 649-2854 or visit http://cap.mbhs.edu Leadership Training Institute (LTI) at Kennedy HS • A rigorous interdisciplinary education emphasizing experiential learning, community service projects, and leadership theory and application. • For additional information, contact Yolanda Rious, Program Coordinator, at (301) 962-5930, or visit www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/kennedyhs/lti.htm
Application Programs Available to students who attend a DCC middle school or reside in the DCC Students who live in the NEC and attend a DCC middle school (and students who live in the DCC) are also eligible to apply to the following programs in the fall of Grade 8: Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Biomedical Program at Wheaton HS • A hands- on, collaborative program for students with a strong interest in math, science and medicine • For additional information, contact Heather Carias, Academy Coordinator, at (301) 929-2068 or visit www.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/curriculum/specialprograms/high/biomedical.aspx Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Engineering at Wheaton HS • A rigorous competitive program for students with a strong interest in math, science and engineering; multiple fields of engineering explored • For additional information, contact Andrea Robertson, Engineering Program Director, at 301-929-2050 or visit www.montgomery schoolsmd.org/curriculum/special programs/high/engineering.aspx
Proposed Application-Only Timeline • Information nights: October 2013 – hosted by each high school application program* • Application deadline: Early November 2013 • Testing: Early December 2013 • Notification: Early February 2014 *Note: Students may apply to multiple programs.
THANK YOU PARENTS AND STUDENTS! Need more information? DCCAPS staff members are available to answer individual questions this evening. Please complete your evaluation form and return it to the collection box. Thank you!