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Operating Systems

Operating Systems. Certificate Program in Software Development CSE-TC and CSIM, AIT September -- November, 2003. Objectives to give some background on this subject. 0. Preliminaries. Dr. Andrew Davison dandrew@ratree.psu.ac.th Dept. of Computer Engineering Prince of Songkla University

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Operating Systems

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  1. Operating Systems Certificate Program in Software DevelopmentCSE-TC and CSIM, AITSeptember -- November, 2003 • Objectives • to give some background on this subject 0. Preliminaries Dr. Andrew Davison dandrew@ratree.psu.ac.th Dept. of Computer Engineering Prince of Songkla University Hat Yai, Songkhla 90112, Thailand

  2. Overview 1. Outline of the Course 2. Meeting Times 3. Workload 4. Course Materials 5. Reading Materials

  3. 1. Outline of the Course • An overview of the design principles behind Operating Systems (OSes). • This course is not about a particular OS (e.g. UNIX), but how OSes in general are designed and constructed.

  4. Details (may change) This follows the S&G textbook 5th ed. (see later). • 1. Overview (parts 1–3) • background, computer-system structures, operating system structures • 2. Process Management (parts 4–7) • processes, threads, synchronization, deadlocks, CPU scheduling continued

  5. 3. Storage Management (parts 8–11) • memory management, virtual memory, file-system interface, file-system implementation • 4. I/O Systems (parts 12–13) • I/O, secondary-storage structure • 5. Distributed OSes (parts 15-18) • distributed file systems. coordination

  6. Prerequisites • This course requires you to understand quite complex algorithms and pseudo-code (written in a Pascal/C-like language). • The course does not require advanced programming skills.

  7. 2. Meeting Times • I will visiting CSE-TC four times: • Saturday 20th -- Monday 22nd Sept. • Saturday 11th -- Monday 13th Oct. • Friday 24th -- Sunday 26th Oct. • Friday 7th -- Sunday 9th Nov. • Probable teaching schedule each day: • 8.30 -- 11.30 (3 * 50 mins; teaching) • 13.30 -- 15.30 ( 50 mins teaching; 50 mins lab) continued

  8. 3. Workload (% of total score) • Reading assigments from the S&G textbook. • Lab questions and answers. • Three exercises: 30% (each worth 10%) • handed out on the last day of each visit • Exam: 70% (3 hours) • closed book

  9. Lab Questions and Answers • These questions will not be marked • they are to help you check your understanding • I will go over the answers on the last day of each visit. • The lab questions are similar to the marked exercises and the exam questions.

  10. Marked Exercise Details • The exercises may ask you to write: • descriptions of OS features • develop algorithms (in pseudo code form) • produce/investigate variants of examples taken from the S&G textbook • You will not be asked to modify an OS. continued

  11. I will give you a week to do the exercises, and then you must e-mail me your solutions • If e-mail is a problem then tell me • you can hand in your work at CSE-TC • Each exercise is worth 10% of your final mark.

  12. 4. Course Materials • I will hand out one copy of my slides, the lab questions/answers, and the exercises. • Course materials will also be available at: http://fivedots.coe.psu.ac.th/ Software.coe/OperSys/ • if you print the slides out, use 6 slides to the page to save trees

  13. Thanks • A few diagrams come from the slides for a similar course: • Comp 305, 1999School of Maths and Comp. Sci.Victoria Univ. of Wellington, New Zealandhttp://www.mcs.vuw.ac.nz/courses/ COMP305/© John H. Hines, 1998 • I’ve included a note with each diagram that I’ve used in my slides.

  14. 5. Reading Materials • The required textbook: Operating System ConceptsAbraham Silberschatz & Peter Baer Galvin (S&G)Addson-Wesley, 1998 (5th ed.) • CSE-TC has a copy of the 6th edition • I have brought a copy of the 5th edition with me continued

  15. S&G (6th edition) • Mostly consists of changes to the later chapters which we will not be studying. • I have added the (small) changes to early chapters, and the new material on threads into my slides. continued

  16. Which S&G to Use? • You can use either the 5th or 6th edition. • My slides refer to page numbers/figure numbers in the 5th edition. • The 6th edition is rather expensive to buy.

  17. Another good textbook: Operating Systems: Design and ImplementationAndrew S. Tanenbaum & Albert S. WoodhullPrentice Hall, 1997 • we will not be using it in the course

  18. Reading Assignments • I will be asking you to read several chapters from S&G (5th ed. or 6th ed) during each of my visits. • by the end you will have read 13/14 chapters • The things you read may appear on the exam.

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