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Grant Process. Pre-ApplicationReferralReviewPre-Award CouncilPost-Award. . . JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL. . Review . Council. . Cycle 1. Receipt. Referral. . . . . . . . . Award. . . . . .
Division of Cancer Biology
National Cancer Institute
January 29, 2007
2. Grant Process Pre-Application
3. Application Submission TimeframeThree overlapping cycles occur per year:
4. Pre-Application Program Activities:RFAs and PAs Develop scientific concepts for NCI initiatives
Scientific community or portfolio based
Advisory group directive
Congressional directive
Select appropriate grant mechanism and initiative mechanism to achieve goals
R01, R21, R03, P01, U01 etc.
Program Announcement (PA)
Request for Applications (RFA)
Obtain NCI approval
Communicate goals of NCI initiatives
ENS system - http://oerdb.od.nih.gov/cfdocs/ens/ens_main.cfm
NIH Guide and Grants.gov
Scientific community
5. NCI Process to InitiatePAs, RFAs or RFPs
6. Pre-Application Functions Advise applicants on funding mechanisms
R01, P01, R15 etc. (unsolicited applications)
R21, R03, R01 (PAs, RFAs)
Other funding sources
Prepare documents for applications requiring prior approval for acceptance
Awaiting Receipt of Application (ARA) form
Example: Applications over $500,000 dc in any year
Workbench module
Conference grants (POC is David Contois, DEA)
Provide grant writing advice and study section information
Advise on application procedures, requirements and general grant policy
7. Application Requirements Competing Renewal Budget Cap
Request is limited to a 20% increase above last funded year
Exemptions must be approved before submission
Model Organism Sharing Plan
Data Sharing Plan
All applications requesting $500,000 DC or more in any single year.
Goal: “to share and make available to the public the results and accomplishments of the activities that [NIH] funds”
Plan to share "unique data" that cannot be readily replicated eg., epidemiologic/clinical trial data, genome sequences/maps, protein/nucleotide databases
11. 2007 Grant Mechanism Experts
12. CSR Referral Assignments are made based on specific written guidelines
To Study Sections based on
Topics addressed in the application
Areas of expertise in the Study Section
To awarding Institute/Center based on
Overall mission of the Institute/Center
Specific programmatic mandates and interests of the Institute
Dual assignments possible
13. NCI Referral Program Coordination and Referral Branch PCRB assigns applications to Cancer Activity
Assignment appears in Workbench Referral Activity lists
Program reviews assignment
Renewal/revised applications default to previous program
Single referral: Program decides appropriateness
Yes/ program accepts and assigns specific PD
No/ program refers to another program/branch/IC
If transferring primary IC assignment, prepares a 901
Dual NCI referral: Program representatives negotiate
Refusing program releases application
Accepting program assigns PD
PD assignment transferred to IMPAC II systems
PD name and contact information will appear of summary statement and NIH Commons
14. Program Activities in the Initial Review Process
Attend Study Sections
Respond to Program Related Questions
Note Reviewers’ Concerns
Discuss Summary Statements and Issues Raised with Applicants
Discuss Appeal Issues with SRAs
15. Pre-Award: Funding Decisions PDs Should Not Make Funding Promises to PIs
Payline funding
Documented on Paylists in Workbench
Institute paylines
Percentiled R01s, R21s, R03s, R15s
EC determination
P01s, R01s over $700,000 DC
RFA, PA Funding plan
Discretionary funding
Documented on “Exception form” in Workbench Program Funding Request Module
Exceptions/Shannons (R55) /R56s/AERs
New PI “extended payline”
Secondary IC assignments
16. Resolving Human Subjects, Animal or Biohazard Concerns Examples of concerns:
IRG identified
H.S. code 44, 45
Animal code 44, 45
Program identifies concern from application or progress report
Actions required before funding allowed
Contact PI and obtain response
Prepare recommendation and submit to appropriate office to lift bar to award
Human Subjects
Technical clarification - OER (Valerie Gordon)
Assurance negotiation - OHRP http://www.hhs.gov/ohrp
Minority, Gender, Children - DEA policy http://deaintranet.nci.nih.gov/ncipolicy/inclusion.htm#procedure
Animal - OLAW http://grants1.nih.gov/grants/olaw/olaw.htm
Biohazards – NIH OSHA http://dohs.ors.od.nih.gov/
Comments – PD reviews, contacts PI for response, and prepares recommendation
17. Funding Preparation Fogarty Clearance for Foreign Grants and Domestic Grants with Substantial Foreign Components (Form 1820)*
Updated Other Support*
Negotiate Overlap Concerns
Negotiate Change in Aims to Match Budget Reductions
Human and Animal Concerns
Check Assurances – JIT information
Resolve IRG Concerns*
Check Required Human Subjects Training*
Clinical Trials Special Requirements*
Obtain Discretionary Funding Approval*
Exception funding, budget restorations, policy exemptions
NCI Levels of Authority
Division-specific processes
Complete Program Director Electronic Greensheet *Submit Documentation with Electronic Greensheet
18. IRG and Funding Documentation: Responsibilities and Paper Flow
19. Council Review-Program ActivitiesNational Cancer Advisory Board (NCAB) Report Review Concerns
Human Subjects
Women, Minorities and Children Representation
Animal Welfare
Address Foreign Institution Requirements
Prepare MERIT Nominations and Extension Recommendations
Prepare Review Appeal Packages for Council Review
Other Staff recommendations
21. Post-Award Activities Review Annual Non-competing Renewal Applications (T5)
Accessible electronically in E-Grants
Monitor Research Progress and Other Support
Oversee Policy Adherence
Assess Impact of Grant Changes
Complete T5 Electronic Greensheet
Assist Grantees During Award Period
Evaluate Administrative Supplement Requests
Explain Grant Policy
Facilitate Collaborations
This is the phase of the grant cycle where there is a close coordination between a program and grants management staff.
1. Provide direct consultation and assistance to grantees concerning programmatic and technical matters; Make sure there are no overlaps between projects; change in the scientific scope, change in PIs
-Assist grantees by providing administrative supplements, interim funding,
Follow the Levels of Authority, a document which was put forth by GAB. It provides us with a guideline as to which level has the authority to approve what.
-So far, I have not mentioned much about our interactions with the ARCs. ARCs is involved with any activities that require the Division allocated funds, such as administrative supplements, exception funding, conference grants
3. Evaluate and Monitor progress -- PIs submit every year a progress report on their research and us as program director will read and evaluate the progress and ensure that there are no overlaps with their research; grantees should be acknowledging NCI grants in their publication
4. Interact and provide input to grants management staff concerning business issues relating to the grant
I hope I have provided you with an overall picture as to what we as program director. Now I will turn over to Dianne Bronzert who will describe in detail some of the special program initiatives
This is the phase of the grant cycle where there is a close coordination between a program and grants management staff.
1. Provide direct consultation and assistance to grantees concerning programmatic and technical matters; Make sure there are no overlaps between projects; change in the scientific scope, change in PIs
-Assist grantees by providing administrative supplements, interim funding,
Follow the Levels of Authority, a document which was put forth by GAB. It provides us with a guideline as to which level has the authority to approve what.
-So far, I have not mentioned much about our interactions with the ARCs. ARCs is involved with any activities that require the Division allocated funds, such as administrative supplements, exception funding, conference grants
3. Evaluate and Monitor progress -- PIs submit every year a progress report on their research and us as program director will read and evaluate the progress and ensure that there are no overlaps with their research; grantees should be acknowledging NCI grants in their publication
4. Interact and provide input to grants management staff concerning business issues relating to the grant
I hope I have provided you with an overall picture as to what we as program director. Now I will turn over to Dianne Bronzert who will describe in detail some of the special program initiatives
22. Databases for Program Directors IMPAC II (NIH Information for Management, Analysis and Coordination)
Requires IMPAC II userID and password
QuickView ? NIH Grant Folder ? PI Common’s View
Program Module
Electronic Council Book
PMA (NCI Portfolio Management Application)
Only available to subscribing NCI Divisions
Workbench (NCI only)
Requires NCI/Novell userID and password
Notifications ? Greensheets
Referral Activity
Program Funding Requests (Exceptions)
Change IMPAC II password
E-Grants (NCI Electronic Grant File)
23. How to get access to databases DCB Barbara Spalholz, John Cole
DCCPS Judy Kuan
DCP David Levin, Cynthia Whitman
DCTD Wendy Fredericks
DEA Greg Fischetti, Debbie Buranich
OGA Terry Dunne
EFDB Sun Beng-Meng, Vance Hudgins
OCTR Pat Winkler
Others Anita LoMonico
24. Program Director Resources NCI E-mail Distribution Lists
Program Directors list
owner is Charles Conley
DEA PD Plus list
owner is Charles Conley
GAB (OGA) PD list
contact Terry Dunne
EFBD Program Staff list
owner is Steve Hazen
NOW (NCI Online Workplace) List
Automatically included when you’re entered into NOW
25. Program Director Resources
Levels of Authority
Best Practices
NCI Office of Grants Administration
NCI Extramural Financial Data Branch
NCI DEA Intranet
NIH Commons
Human Subjects Guidance
NCI Grants-Related Policies