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Les exigences de QoS, mobilit
1. Security Issues & Paradigmsin Mobile Computing Science & Networking Michel Riguidel
Tel : +33 1 45 81 73 02
3. Feb-02 3 Information Technology evolution Before 80 : Middle Age, Computing Sc. belongs to fiefs (IBM, …), no network
All proprietary, no flow : All is parchment or proprietary spreadsheet
80s : All is transparent for a computer scientist
All is file : UNIX (/dev/null, /dev/lpr, ...)
a file is a set of characters which can be manipulated by C language
85s : All is readable on a desk (or a PC) for anybody
All is document (no more interoperability & transparency)
95s: All is an available object on the network for communication
All is document, readable everywhere (HTML page) or executable everywhere (Java)
Privilege to information access : kiosk, server
00s : All is a digital, fluid & live stream distributed over networks
Nomadic user, virtual presence (user or sw/content move), Virtual Machine & JavaBeans
Ubiquitous IT (networked planet grid) & Mobile computing infrastructure (Xeo satellites)
05s : All is program, alive on ad hoc networks
An entity on the network is a Java Program (Jini Concept)
Intentional architecture
4. Feb-02 4 The new Paradigm of IT
5. Feb-02 5 Infrastructure of a IS:Urbanization of an Information System
6. Feb-02 6 Software Intensive System:Architecture is a key issue
7. Feb-02 7 Urbanization :Versatility in Access NetworksHeterogeneity, Global roaming, QoS, Value Added Services
8. Feb-02 8 Global Interconnection : « seamless »Heterogeneity, Multimedia, macroMobility
9. Feb-02 9 Dynamic Links :heterogeneity & mobility
10. Feb-02 10 New Services, Contents, Middleware,Network Service ProvidersClient-server => intermediation architecture
11. Feb-02 11 The digital World: Architecture & Urbanization Ubiquity of computing & storing resources
communication anytime, anywhere, anyhow
concept of datagrid (metacomputing)
Externalization of General resources
Trust content (secret keys available everywhere)
Communicating Objects & Subjects
Objects are dynamically connected
Devices are permanently connected (IP v6)
Subjects have representations over the network (avatars)
Customization of its own Virtual Private Network & Community
12. Feb-02 12 The digital World:Architecture & Urbanization Customization
of its own Virtual Private Network & Community
Subjects have representations over the network (avatars)
Devices are permanently connected (IP v6)
Layer 2 : Data link
Communicating Objects & Subjects
Objects are dynamically connected
Communication anytime, anywhere, anyhow
Versatile medium access
Layer 7 : Bottom of Application Layer
Ubiquity of computing & storing resources
concept of datagrid (metacomputing)
Externalization of General resources
Mips, Storage, Trust content (secret keys available everywhere)
Semantic socket, « pluget »
Quality of communication (QoS, Security)
Nature of content
Negotiated resources
13. Feb-02 13 The past & emergence of new context Information on Years 80s & 90s
Simple and it works …
Not enough mips …
Dedicated entities with specific intelligence & engine
Assumptions which are no more verified for Years 00s
Catalogues of fix Applications
Bill Gates' concept is obsolete
Dedicated Infrastructure
Need of Global Interoperability & Roaming
For "Beyond 3G networks", Routes do not exist any more
The OSI model is no more "the" reference
Herzian spectrum : static allocation by ranges
Spectrum must be shared differently (new rules, UWB, …)
14. Feb-02 14 The Future :Open, Smart & Configurable Networks Non Functional Properties are essential
Policy aware networks
Mobility, QoS, interoperability, security
Configurability : changes versus time & space
Management issues, proactive & reactive mgt
Potential solution
Hw Trivial (not simple !) & Sw Virtual
More Intelligence in the network
Pros & Cons
Business models
Technological issues
Complexity reduction
Software engineering does not follow
15. Feb-02 15 Long Term Vision Vision
Hw & Sw separation and independence
Smart intelligence within the open network
Radio block (General Management of the Radio Resource)
Lower layers (UMTS MAC layer)
Upper Layers & Downloadable Applications
Relationship between the layers
Articulation between the architecture styles
Implementation of these architectures are different
Open Network (Next seism in Computing & networking)
Software radio, software Terminal, "Software Network" : Ad hoc & Active Networks
New Architectures : P2P, M2M, …
16. Feb-02 16 Convergence :Virtualization & Externalization Wireless
Mobility & autonomy
Adaptation, Configurability
Depending of the context
Ambient Networks
Embedded Internet, Desegregating terminals
Disappearing computing, pervasive computing
ubiquity of access
communicating objects and devices
remote work (medicine, surgery)
Augmented reality
Data Grid & MetaComputing
Global computation (Genomes, cryptography, astrophysics, …)
Managing & securing Chain Value
17. Feb-02 17 Conclusions Convergence / Divergence dialectic
Merging wired & wireless
high date rate core networks
diversity of access to the network
New Content: multimedia, art creation
exploration of the content cosmos
Different Scales & heterogeneity
Bluetooth, WLan (802.xx), UMTS, Internet
Not a revolution but smooth & permanent changes
migration of standards
IPv4 versus IPv6
de facto: Windows towards Linux (open software)
18. Feb-02 18 Computing &/or Networking
19. Feb-02 19 Gilder’s versus Moore’s law
20. Feb-02 20 Mobile Context & Digital World More Mobility
Nomadic people (with terminals)
Mobile services, content (caches), infrastructure (satellite constellation)
Downloading applications, agent framework, liquid software, VHE, …
21. Feb-02 21 Evolution of mobile networks :from vertical to horizontal segmentation
22. Feb-02 22 Dynamic Provision of Services to Users
23. Feb-02 23 Quality of Service QoS defined by UIT-T E.800 norm
24. Feb-02 24 Information Flows, Streams & Cachesefficiency of the whole Loop : Content Delivery Networks, ...
25. Feb-02 25 The ecology of networks Social networks
who knows who => Virtual Private Communities
Knowledge networks
who knows what => Knowledge Management
Information networks
who informs what => “à la Internet”
Work networks
who works where => GroupWare
Competency networks
what is where => Knowledge with time and space
Inter-organizational network
organizational linkages => Semantic Interoperability
26. Feb-02 26 Mobility & InfospheresEvolution of Spaces : regular & intelligent
27. Feb-02 27 The Seven OSI Layers
28. Feb-02 28 Communication Infrastructure : Client-server is dead =>Policy Aware Networks
29. Feb-02 29 Active Network Model
30. Feb-02 30 Réseaux actifs : défis Ouvrir le réseau aux (fournisseurs de) services
Modification dynamique du comportement du réseau
par les utilisateurs, applications, et opérateurs
Définir une interface (API) de programmation des réseaux
31. Feb-02 31 Active Networks To keep the Network proprietary ! over an Open Infrastructure
To distribute intelligence within the Network
DiffServ is a straightforward Active Network !
The Java Packet program is a constant (flow header)
MPLS is an elegant simple Active Network !
The program is a stack of constant (shim header) which is run over the entry and exit nodes to create Tunnels
More to come
Filtering, …
32. Feb-02 32 Spontaneous Device Networking :self-organizing, ad-hoc Wireless : no route
Access control ?
Net etymology : mesh, graph
How to find his own way ?
Some Issues
Service discovery
Spectrum coexistence
33. Feb-02 33 Ad hoc Networks Each node can be a router and/or a terminal
Astrid cannot talk to Charlotte (hidden nodes)
Basil : potential collisions
C can reach the cell A via B
34. Feb-02 34 Ad hoc Networks No more Routes
No more Topology
Blind search
Search with Reminiscence
Extension to Self organizing Network
35. Feb-02 35 Zimmermann’s open interconnection model From top to bottom and from A to B
Seven layers model: isotropic, no time and space
Homology to win interoperability
Vertical software engineering
To shred any content into packets, datagrams, frames, and finally bits
We ignore content semantics
36. Feb-02 36 Theory of communicationShannon & Weaver model (1949) Linear & unidirectional model
Neither the relationship between the actors nor the situation are taken into consideration
Eliminate semantics
J Lacan (seminar II, 1954), R Barthes (ethos, logos, pathos)
37. Les exigences de sécurité dans un univers mobile
38. Feb-02 38 Security issues in a mobile world Specification of policies compatible with the Content and the Container
Set up of a context-oriented, plural, configurable policy
Design of new encryption protocols
Placing cryptology and steganography in perspective
Introducing security in an open world
39. Feb-02 39 Challenges Years 2001
Distorting reality prism with
Internet (asynchronous messages & meshes of routers) and
GSM (voice content & cellular architecture with Base stations)
Security & mobility
Use of infrastructures
Need of geographical references
Need of protecting the spatial structure
Fix infrastructure : articulation of mobile part and fix part via a cryptographic protocol
Mobile part (ad hoc networks) : search for invariant structures
Use of history of movements
Traceability of moving objects and subjects
Building alibis
Ontologies are moving in these virtual spaces
Identification and then confirming their existence in a defined location using alibis
40. Feb-02 40 New situation : no more deterrence Before 11th September (QQ33N)
Symbolic attack : no more
undetectable or discrete attack
balance between investment protection cost & risk to lose assets
After 11th September (QQ33N)
The whole communities can lose confidence
Security against on cyberwar
at a greater scale for large infrastructure
Main threat
Denial of service for a long time with multiple accidental coincidences
Basic security
Audit, accountability (identification & authentication)
41. Feb-02 41 Classical Security solutions PKIs, Certificates (X509), SSL, IPSec, Firewalls
Security classical cryptography model
Audrey & Basil share a secret
can be used to scramble the message (cryptography)
can be used to insert a subliminal mark in order to leave a trace (steganography)
42. Feb-02 42 Security Solutions IT today : 2 focal key points
43. Feb-02 43 Digital era :vulnerability & customized security
44. Feb-02 44 Mobility within a Convergence world Open or closed ?
Both : Möbius ribbon
Historical world : footprint & witness
We must authenticate the scene, the situation
We must trust a witness located at t = t0 and at x = x0
Audrey & Basil know each other
Local confidence
Mobility introduces new threats
a subject S is going to travel : trajectory x(t)
S is not alone
S leaves traces, depends upon the « ambience »
S wants to trust the object O
S and O are going to create alibis depending upon time and space
are trusted relationships between the infrastructure, S & O
E.g. : the individual is going to sign with the station base that he/she was present in this cell
45. Feb-02 45 Security policy depending upon space & time User point of view
he/she defines his/her own security policy for comfort
Service access if the user in inside a perimeter
One restricts on his own our mobile phone usage inside a given zone for a certain period of time
One asks for a control from the telecom operator
Secret shared with the operator
Service Provider point of view
Creation of a cryptographic protocol to sign the user ID with the location ID (here the base station name)
Buyer may be anonymous but one knows that he was here at t = t0
It is no more a virtual world
46. Feb-02 46 Object traceability Trust model
Content security (end-to-end)
Container security (depending upon operator, Internet, etc)
The whole system has a memory
Audit function (.log files to record events)
Historical signature
Digital signature of the content : integrity
Digital signature of the traces
Labeling, watermarking
Ephemeral watermarking
47. Feb-02 47 Security functions in a mobile universe Identification
Biometry, smart card, trusted entity
need to find a witness for the situation
capture a secret depending upon the situation
Of the scene:
to exchange a secret with someone that we will see again
History of the objects /subjects trajectory
Ephemeral watermarking
Data Protection
Both Cryptography & steganography
48. Feb-02 48 Architecture : Projection of constraints Architecture
Expression of constraints
Design : Projection of the specification onto an implementation
The expression of the constraints (QoS, Security, mobility, interoperability) must be incarnate and instantiate through
The network architecture
The protocol specification
The applications
Some expressions will be through markers
In a clear world
49. Feb-02 49 Reconstruction of space, time and trust Network models
Anarchical model
Internet, WLAN, WPAN
Cellular networks
Semantics of protocols
Architectures of Applications
Client server architecture model
Audrey & Basil are living in an isotropic world
Producer & consumer of content
« management » : very often a bureaucracy
50. Feb-02 50 The new paradigms :the focal point is not IP Computation ubiquity (bottom of layer 7)
Horizontal software engineering (M2M, P2P), Agents
XML metalanguage
To find an Esperanto (interoperability)
Allows to describe policies, rules, intentions, predicates
Metacomputation: « grid »
Swarm of computers (10 6) running one single application
Issue : the semantical socket at the bottom of the application layer
Access ubiquity (layer 2 – MAC)
Vertical software engineering
High data rate Internet (digital divide)
Construction of an Harlequin mantle (802.11, 802.15, UMTS, …)
Dialectic of usages
51. Feb-02 51 Remedies to mobility vulnerabilities Distribution
Trusted hierarchy by subsidiarity
One can distribute secrets which are longer
Intelligence everywhere
Inside the network
Network have a better throughput
Capillarity larger & larger
Security hopping (security evasion)
Classical cryptography : immutable world
To zap one billions of security policy implementations
1 single security policy but 10 9 implementations
Each solution is fallible but the whole is highly secure
Secret contents
Delivery Content Network (DCNs), Storage Area Networks
Flood the network with machines able to compute secrets
Secret Content Networks : huge repository of keys
52. Feb-02 52 Conclusion L’urbanisation des systèmes de communication
Ubiquité, universalité
Complexité : Structure, Architecture, Urbanisme
Les nouvelles exigences dans les futurs réseaux
QoS, mobilité, configurabilité, sécurité
Le seuil de la complexité des architectures
Performance versus intelligence
Les points de vue
opérateurs, manufacturiers, fournisseurs de services et utilisateurs
La complexité projetée dans l’urbanisme, l’architecture, les protocoles, les extrémités et la subsidiarité (management réparti)
Le rythme des ruptures et des évolutions
dans le cadre de la convergence et
des réajustements de la tectonique des 3 plaques
Télécoms, Informatique, Audiovisuel