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The Economics of Information Security: A Survey and Open Questions Ross Anderson, Tyler Moore Cambridge University Economics and Security The link between economics and security atrophied after WW2
The Economics of Information Security: A Survey and Open Questions Ross Anderson, Tyler Moore Cambridge University
Economics and Security • The link between economics and security atrophied after WW2 • Since 2000, information security economics has become a hot topic, with 100 researchers and now two annual workshops (WEIS, WESII) • Economic analysis often explains failure better then technical analysis! • Infosec mechanisms are used increasingly to support business models (DRM, lock-in, …) • Research is now spilling over to dependability, conventional security, trust and risk
Traditional View of Infosec • People used to think that the Internet was insecure because of lack of features – crypto, authentication, filtering • So engineers worked on providing better, cheaper security features – AES, PKI, firewalls … • About 1999, we started to realize that this is not enough
Incentives and Infosec • Electronic banking: UK banks were less liable for fraud, so ended up suffering more internal fraud and more errors • Distributed denial of service: viruses now don’t attack the infected machine so much as using it to attack others • Health records: hospitals, not patients, buy IT systems, so they protect hospitals’ interests rather than patient privacy • Why is Microsoft software so insecure, despite market dominance?
New View of Infosec • Systems are often insecure because the people who could fix them have no incentive to • Bank customers suffer when bank systems allow fraud; patients suffer when hospital systems break privacy; Amazon’s website suffers when infected PCs attack it • People connecting an insecure PC to the net don’t pay full costs, so we under-invest in antivirus software (Varian) • The move of businesses online led to massive liability dumping (Bohm et al)
New Uses of Infosec • Xerox started using authentication in ink cartridges to tie them to the printer (1996) • Followed by HP, Lexmark … and Lexmark’s case against SCC • Motorola started authenticating mobile phone batteries to the phone in 1998 • The use of security technology to manipulate switching costs and tie products is now widespread • Vista will make compatibility control easier for software writers
Platform Security Lifecycle • High fixed/low marginal costs, network effects and switching costs all tend to lead to dominant-firm markets with big first-mover advantage • Microsoft philosophy of ‘we’ll ship it Tuesday and get it right by version 3’ was quite rational • When building a network monopoly, woo complementers by skimping on security, and choosing technology like SSL that dumps the compliance costs on the user • Once you’re established, lock everything down
Other Investment Effects • Security may depend on best effort (security architect), weakest-link (careless programmer) or sum-of-efforts (testing) • Analysis (Akerlof, Varian) suggests firms should hire more testers, and fewer but better programmers (this is happening!) • Security products can be strategic complements (and tend to be a lemons market anyway) • Security product adoption a hard problem unless you provide early adopters with local benefits • So very many products fail to get adopted
Security and Liability • Why did digital signatures not take off? • Industry thought: legal uncertainty. So EU passed electronic signature law • But customers and merchants resist transfer of liability by bankers for disputed transactions • Best to stick with credit cards, as that way fraud is still largely the bank’s problem • Similar resistance to phone-based payment – people prefer prepayment plans because of uncertainty
Privacy Economics • Gap between stated and revealed preferences! • Odlyzko – technology makes price discrimination both easier and more attractive • Varian – interests of consumers and firms not in conflict but information markets fail because of externalities and search costs. Educated consumers opt out more • Acquisti et al – people care about privacy when buying clothes, but not cameras (some items relate to your image, so are privacy sensitive) • Externalities cut both ways, though – to be anonymous, you need to be in a crowd
Open versus Closed? • Are open-source systems more dependable? It’s easier for the attackers to find vulnerabilities, but also easier for the defenders to find and fix them • Theory: openness helps both equally if bugs are random in standard dependability model • So maybe we should keep systems closed (Rescorla) – but this is an empirical question • So get the statistics: bugs are correlated in a number of real systems (‘Milk or Wine?’) • Trade-off: the gains from this, versus the risks to systems whose owners don’t patch
Vulnerability Markets • Security isn’t just a lemons market – even the vendor often doesn’t know the quality of his software • Insurance can be problematic because of inter-firm failure correlation • Camp and Wolfram (2000), Schechter (2002): try vulnerability markets • Two traders now exist (but prices secret) • Alternatives - software quality derivatives (Böhme), bug auctions (Ozment)
How Much to Spend? • How much should firms spend on information security? • Governments, vendors say: much much more than at present (But they’ve been saying this for 20 years!) • Measurements of security return-on-investment suggest current expenditure may be about right • But SMEs spend too little, big firms too much, and governments way too much • Adams: it’s the selection of the risk managers
Games on Networks • The topology of a network can be important! • Barabási and Albert showed that a scale-free network could be attacked efficiently by targeting its high-order nodes • Think: rulers target Saxon landlords / Ukrainian kulaks / Tutsi schoolteachers /… • Can we use evolutionary game theory ideas to figure out how networks evolve? • Idea: run many simulations between different attack / defence strategies
Games on Networks (2) Vertex-order attacks with: • Black – normal (scale-free) node replenishment • Green – defenders replace high-order nodes with rings • Cyan – they use cliques (c.f. system biology …)
The price of anarchy • Some technical cases soluble, e.g. routing with linear costs, 4/3 (Roughgarden et al) • Big CS interest in combinatorial auctions for routing (Papadimitiou et al) • Big practical problem: spam (and phishing) • Proposed techie solutions (e.g. puzzles) put the incentive in the wrong place • Peer-to-peer systems: clubs?
Vista and Competition • A live EU concern – workshop on Monday • IRM – Information Rights Management – changes ownership of a file from the machine owner to the file creator • Files are encrypted and associated with rights management information • Switching from Office to OpenOffice in 2010 might involve getting permission from all your correspondents • Other cases of lock-in harming innovation
Vista and Competition (2) • How should we think of DRM? The music industry wanted it while the computer industry hated it. This is flipping. Microsoft embraced DRM and the music industry’s now wavering • Varian, 2005: what happens when you connect a concentrated industry to a diffuse one? • Answer, 2006 – Apple runs away with the money • Answer, 2007 – Microsoft appears to be making a play to control high-definition content distribution (Gutmann)
Large Project Failure • Maybe 30% of large projects fail • But we build much bigger failures nowadays than 30 years ago so… • Why do more public-sector projects fail? • Consider what the incentives are on project managers versus ministers – and what sort of people will become successful project managers versus ministers!
The Information Society • More and more goods contain software • More and more industries are starting to become like the software industry • The good: flexibility, rapid response • The bad: frustration, poor service • The ugly: monopolies • The world will be full of ‘things that think’ (and that exhibit strategic behaviour) • How will society evolve to cope?
More … • Economics and Security Resource Page – www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~rja14/econsec.html (or follow link from www.ross-anderson.com) • WEIS – Annual Workshop on Economics and Information Security – next at CMU, June 7–8 2006