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Goals of the Program. Increase the number of students enrolled in AP math, science, and English coursesIncrease the number of students getting qualifying scores on AP math, science, and English examsQualifying score = 3, 4, or 5. AP Courses Supported. AP Calculus (AB and BC)AP StatisticsAP Computer ScienceAP BiologyAP ChemistryAP Physics (B and C)AP Environmental ScienceAP English LanguageAP English Literature.
1. Virginia Advanced Study Strategies
VASS Program Elements
Cohort 4 Training
January 2011
3. AP Courses Supported AP Calculus (AB and BC)
AP Statistics
AP Computer Science
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics (B and C)
AP Environmental Science
AP English Language
AP English Literature
4. School Letter of Agreement Extended by VASS to school selected for participation
Outlines expectations what the school can expect from VASS and what VASS expects from the school
Lists responsibilities of teachers, lead teachers, and administrators
Provides projected goals for the grant period (3 years)
Includes projected budget based on several variables
5. Projected Budget Based on projected enrollments, number of teachers to be trained, number of exams to be taken, and realistic expectations of success
No check written to school for any line items budget is an estimated value that VASS will bring in the implementation of program elements
6. Program Elements Training and support for teachers, administrators, and counselors
Classroom equipment and materials
Additional time on task for students
Financial support with exam fees
Stipends and incentives for teachers, administrators, and students
7. AP Teacher Responsibilities Participate in at least 7 days of training each year or the equivalent as approved by VASS
Teach the course using practices learned in training
Actively recruit students into the course to increase enrollment
Provide tutoring outside of class time (at least 4 hours per month)
8. AP Teacher Responsibilities Attend and assist with 3 prep sessions
Ensure good student attendance at prep sessions
Attend and assist with 4 vertical team meetings
Successfully complete the College Board course audit each year
Submit syllabus for new course in early summer
Make revisions as required by the College Board
Make sure course gets renewed each year
9. AP Teacher Stipends and Incentives $500 stipend for performing duties of contract
Roster Incentive
$100 for each student on his/her roster who receives a qualifying score on the exam
Threshold Bonus
$1000, $2000, or $3000 for reaching course goal set by VASS; goal (but not money) is shared by all teachers teaching that course
Rewards teacher for increasing enrollment and the number of qualifying scores, NOT PASS RATE, each year
10. Lead Teacher Responsibilities Handle necessary prep session details this includes:
Projecting student attendance for planning purposes
Working with administration on securing building or transportation as needed
Ordering pizzas and arranging payment with VASS
Purchasing drinks, paper products, supplies, etc.
Distributing gift cards (door prizes) and completing VASS paperwork
Maintaining and reporting attendance info to VASS
Obtaining hotel reservations for consultants
Other tasks as necessary
11. Lead Teacher Responsibilities Assist administrators and counselors in providing student and parent outreach activities
Schedule and lead vertical team meetings with high school and middle school AP and Pre-AP teachers
Represent VASS and/or the school or school division when called upon to address the community or media about the program
Provide data and reports to VASS in a timely manner
12. Selection of Lead Teachers AP math, science, or English teacher with good results and rapport with colleagues
Selected by VASS with assistance from school administrators
Typically, but not always, one in each content area
Usually NOT someone with administrative duties (i.e. department chair = evaluator of teachers)
Two tiers of lead teachers:
Project Lead
School Lead
13. Project Lead vs. School Lead
14. Project Lead vs. School Lead
15. Lead Teacher Stipends/Incentives As AP math, science, or English teacher, he/she gets the AP teacher stipend and incentives
Additional stipend for performing Lead Teacher duties dependent upon number of schools served
School Lead stipend = $500
Project Lead stipend = $1000 or more
16. VASS Designated Administrator(s) One or more school personnel who actively participates in administering/supporting the AP program
May be one or more of the following:
AP Coordinator
Assistant Principal
School Counselor
Director of Counseling
May NOT be an AP teacher
17. Responsibilities of the VDA Create and support an environment to increase the number of students receiving qualifying scores of 3 or higher on AP math, science, and English (MSE) exams this means you will:
Develop new policies and remove barriers to increase the number of students enrolled in AP MSE courses
Summer assignments
Weight of grades
Exam exemption
Pre-AP title on courses preparing student for AP
18. Responsibilities of the VDA Work to ensure that extra-curricular school activities do not conflict with or hinder VASS program activities or AP exam success this means you will:
Provide necessary information to help VASS schedule prep session dates and protect the dates after they are scheduled
Put prep session and exam dates on school website and other mediums of communication to students and parents
Schedule prom and senior trip after AP exams (or, at the very least, weeks before the first AP exam)
19. Responsibilities of the VDA Manage the ordering of all PSAT and AP MSE exams and provide requested documentation of orders to VASS in a timely manner
Assist all those involved in providing the best possible testing environment during PSAT and AP exam administration
Provide opportunities for parents to learn about the benefits of and how to support their children in Pre-AP and AP courses
Monitor all AP teachers to ensure that VASS program activities and strategies are being implemented
20. Responsibilities of the VDA Ensure that courses are approved by College Board; remember to go through renewal process each year
Work closely with all Lead Teachers in the support and implementation of their responsibilities and in empowering them to act as mentors.
Represent VASS and the high school when called upon to address the program with the community and/or media.
Manage the submission of all data requests made by VASS in a timely manner and according to program deadlines.
21. VDA Incentives No stipend for the VASS Designated Administrator
$3000 bonus if school reaches overall MSE goal set by VASS
$3000 is shared if more than one VDA in school
22. Stipends and Incentives Contracts for AP teachers, Lead teachers, and VASS Designated Administrator(s) offered in the fall
Monies paid to the individual by VASS not through the school system payroll paid in the fall of the following school year
Taxable income to be reported to IRS by the payee VASS does not withhold for taxes
VASS must have w-9 form from each payee with contract
VASS sends out 1099 (in January) to each individual who receives $600 or more in the previous tax year
23. School Goals Year 1 school goals are based on the fact that there will be a significant increase from the base year (no VASS program) to year 1 of the VASS program; this truth comes from years of experience in the Texas model
Years 2 and 3 goals will be at least a 10% increase from the prior year
Goals in the Letter of Agreement are projections; new goals are set each fall
24. Teacher Threshold Goals Goals are part of each AP teachers contract with VASS
Three tiered goals for the numbers of qualifying scores in the course; meant to encourage increased enrollment in the course
In 2009, there were 7 qualifying scores on the AP Biology exam in a school. The threshold goals for the AP Biology teachers in that school for 2010 are 10, 12, and 14 meaning, if there are 10 qualifying scores in 2010, the AP Biology teachers get a $1000 bonus; if 12 - $2000; if 14 - $3000.
25. VASS Training AP Teacher Training
Pre-AP Teacher Training
Lead Teacher Training
Designated Administrator Training
26. AP Teacher Training All AP math, science, and English teachers
5 days each summer
2 days each fall
Up to 2 more days during the year
Schools must incur the cost of substitutes no more than 3 days during the school year
VASS pays all costs; no additional stipends
27. Pre-AP Training VASS will train:
2 English, 2 Math, 2 Biology, 2 Chemistry, 2 Physics, and 1 or 2 Earth Science
VASS encourages both trainings for science teachers who are AP and the only Pre-AP in the school
4 days each summer
Teachers selected should prepare to stay in training for 3 years
Program used is Laying the Foundation
VASS pays all costs; no stipends available
28. Lead Teacher Training 2 days at end of school year
For project and school leads
Planning session for next year
VASS covers all costs; no additional stipends
29. VDA Training 2 days in January/February
Review program elements
Bring cohorts together for idea sharing
VASS covers all costs; no stipends available
30. Training Logistics Central locations when possible
Dates provided as early as possible to avoid conflicts
All training done in house with few exceptions
Teachers need to be immersed in the VASS program elements
Opportunity to collaborate/share
Cost effective for VASS = more teachers trained
31. Equipment and Materials Formula to determine equipment budget each year:
$5000 + $25 per student enrolled in AP MSE
School required to match VASS equipment allocation dollar for dollar
If school is unable to match the allocated amount, VASS will provide only the amount that the school can match.
32. Equipment and Materials VASS staff works with teachers to determine what equipment and materials are needed
Equipment allocation is NOT divided equally between math, science, and English
VASS orders all equipment, including that being paid for by the school match; invoice school after all materials are received and accounted for
VASS receives 30% or more discount and is sales tax exempt
All items purchased are immediately property of the school, not VASS
33. Additional Time on Task Scheduled tutoring outside of class time
Prep sessions
34. Tutoring At least 4 hours per month per course
Specific topics based on need of students
Use as additional class time
35. Prep Sessions At least 18 hours per course
Generally 3 Saturdays (6 hours each)
Scheduled by VASS staff using info provided by schools; dates provided in early summer
Schools must protect dates!!!
Data shows students who attend do better on exam
Prep session costs account for ź of VASS program budget
36. Prep Sessions Schools combined geographically and according to courses offered
Host school = one that can accommodate the number of students attending and has the materials necessary (i.e. lab equipment) also usually the most centrally-located but may change from one prep session to next
Day is split into sessions with topics determined by Lead Teachers and VASS content directors
37. Prep Sessions Presenters are highly successful AP teachers and graders for the AP exam
Information presented is not new; sessions are meant to review material already learned, help students understand what will be emphasized on the exam, and teach students strategies for success
VASS pays for snacks, lunch, supplies, door prizes, presenter fees and travel expenses
Transportation generally provided by schools
Administrators should attend to show support and help with crowd management
38. Exam Ordering and Fees VASS pays for ˝ the cost of the exam
Schools MUST get all discounts available for students in poverty
College Board discount = $22 per exam
VA discount = $56 per exam
VA discount managed by VADOE schools usually have to apply in the fall to participate
If you are told by DOE that you cannot get VA discount due to being in the VASS program, CALL US FOR HELP!!!
39. Exam Ordering and Fees
40. Exam Ordering and Fees VASS requests detailed teacher rosters in advance student name, gender, grade level, ethnicity, meal status; info used in data tracking but also to predict exam fee costs
VASS reimburses schools for ˝ the cost after schools have paid College Board invoices
See specific instructions for exam ordering provided by VASS
41. College Board Reports Reports available from CB for free in 2010:
AP score reports for all students (available online)
A cumulative roster of all students and rosters for all students by subject (available online)
AP Instructional Planning Reports (available online)
Principals must contact the College Board to get an access code for VASS to be able to view and download scores (more instructions from VASS to come soon)
42. AP Instructional Planning Reports The AP Instructional Planning Report (available online beginning in 2010) compares students' performance on specific topics in each AP Exam to the performance of students worldwide on those same topics, helping teachers target areas for increased attention and focus in the curriculum.
VASS will request online access to or electronic copies of these reports to use in planning training and working with individual teachers
Student answer sheets MUST be coded for each teacher in order for these reports to be specific to each teacher
43. Pre-Administration Assemble ALL students at least 2 weeks prior to exam date; students who are absent should be identified and brought together on another date before the exam
Use instructions provided in Pre-Administration materials and those provided by VASS
Have seniors complete self-addressed envelopes for mailing incentive checks in the fall
Have all students complete a w-9 form for VASS tax purposes
44. College Board Contacts Download or purchase helpful materials at:
Contact for questions about AP Program
AP ServicesP.O. Box 6671Princeton, New Jersey 08541-6671 Phone: (609) 771-7300 or (888) 225-5427 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) Email: apexams@info.collegeboard.org
AP Course Audit
Phone: (877) APHELP-0 (toll-free in the United States and Canada) or (541) 346-6654 Email: apcourseaudit@epiconline.org