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Cisco 300-465 Exam Designing the Cisco Cloud Questions & Answers (Demo Version) https://examslead.com/300-465-practice-exam-dumps/ Buy Full Product Here:
Version: 8.0 Question 1 Which three hypervisors are able to support High Availability for virtual Machines? (Choose three.) A. Microsof Virtual PC B. Citrix C. Parallels Desktop D. HyperV E. RedHat F. VMWare Aoswern BCF Question 2 Which two optons need to be considered to build a context aware infrastructure? (Choose two.) A. VIAN segmentaton (or every applicaton type. B. The design of data formats and network protocols for the platorm. C. Creatng zero connectvity environments for sensitve data. D. The building of basic services in the infrastructure, including automatc path creaton and proximity- based discovery. Aoswern BD Question 3 Which opton does not relate to the zero trust model? A. secure access B. orchestraton C. intrusion protecton system D. segmentaton Aoswern B Question 4 A cloud administrator is migratng a VM to the Intercloud Fabric Cloud. What opton lists the steps that are needed to achieve this task?
A. B. C. D. Aoswern D Question 5 A cloud administrator must deploy a private Cloud. The design is focused on the need to accelerate applicatons delivered from private and virtual private cloud infrastructure, using policy-based on- demand orchestraton. Which two products are the most benefcial to these eforts. (Choose two.) A. VSG B. Cisco Nexus 1000v C. ASAv D. vNAM E. Cisco vWAAS Aoswern BE
Question 6 A cloud administrator is considering the appropriate soluton to automate a hybrid cloud deployment. The soluton requires a single pane of glass infrastructure management, monitoring, health dashboard, orchestraton and a self-service portal. Which soluton is most appropriate for this environment? A. PSC B. Cisco UCS Director C. Cisco WC D. Cisco Enablement Platorm Aoswern A