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Mid Term Deets and dates!

Join us over two lessons on Nov 1st (P3) and Nov 2nd (P1) for detailed guidance on Paper 1 skills and essay planning. It will be challenging but worth it! Check the blog for updates and resources!

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Mid Term Deets and dates!

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  1. Mid Term Deets and dates! Will sit over 2 lessons Wed 1st Nov P3 and Thurs 2nd Nov P1 (unless we all have a free after one of these and then we can do it properly ) You will sit a whole paper 1. We will spend the next 4 lessons going over the skills required to answer the questions and a detailed, fail proof essay plan! This will be tough, but totally worth it – trust me!

  2. Keep checking the Blog! • I will be updating with useful Power Points and Revision Tools  https://misswrightgeniusguide.wordpress.com/

  3. PAPER 1 What is the layout of the paper? Three questions Question 1: Analysis of how language creates representations and meanings in Text A Question 2: Analysis of how language creates representations and meanings in Text A Question 3: Comparison on how Text A and Text B use language to create representations and meanings

  4. Five things: AO1 – Ability to write an essay; apply layers of analysis; use terminology AO3 – Ability to pick the interesting bits of context; link language and context; analysis and evaluate the effect of contextual factors AO4 – Ability to compare aspects of language and context Ability to pick out what is being represented! What is it tested for?

  5. WHERE ARE WE GOING? WHERE IS THE STEER? WHAT DO WE LINK OUR ANALYSIS TO? To Begin with…. It’s great we always know what the exam will look like. However, why might this style of question be problematic?

  6. All excellent analysis begins with…. MGASP ++ M– Mode G– Genre A– Audience S– Subject P - Purpose + - Attitudes + - Context Why are these aspects so important?

  7. Genre • What is genre? • A way of grouping texts based on expected shared conventions Let’s think of some genres and expected conventions. I’ll go first…. Advertising….

  8. Genre Intertextuality A process by which texts borrow from or refer to conventions of other texts for a specific purpose and effect.

  9. Audience • Useful to distinguish between an idealised version of an audience that a producer has in mind and the readers or listeners who will encounter/engage with a text in specific situations. • KEY TERMS: • Implied Reader – A constructed image of an idealised reader. Usually a reader who fits the central message the text is presenting. • Actual Reader – Any person or groups of people who interpret the text. The number varies depending on how public or private the text is • Implied Writer – The constructed image of an idealised writer. • Actual Writer – The real writer e.g advertising would be the copywriter • Discourse Community – a group of people with shared interests and beliefs. Likely to respond to texts in a similar way.

  10. Subject • What is the text about? • What are the attitudes of the writer/speaker/producer? • Themes?

  11. Purpose and Function What a text gets used for Don’t forget TRIPE for transcripts 

  12. Key Terms: • Primary Purpose – The main and most easily recognisable purpose • Secondary Purpose – an additional and perhaps more subtle purpose • Multi Purpose – A text that clearly has more than one purpose

  13. Around the room are several “paper 1” style texts. • Visit each one and MGASP them….

  14. ATTITUDES AND CONTEXT!We also need to consider what is being represented and how…. • This isn’t always a big, juicy concepts like gender, ethnicity or class. • It can be any attitudes or ideas expressed in the text. • For example the representation of recipes, food, vegetarianism, beauty…... MGASP ++ MGASP ++


  16. Around the room are several “paper 1” style texts. Add this detail in • Visit each one and MGASP them….

  17. Once we have identified the big, juicy stuff we need to find the small stuff to back it all up! • This is where your glossaries will come in handy! You’ve got to start being very specific in your identification! • We now need to find interesting, sophisticated examples of language use to begin fleshing out our analsysis. • You must use the framework to develop linguistic comment on HOW meanings and representations are created.

  18. TYPICAL FEATURES TO SPOT - Clause types - Clause order - Clause linking - Parallel clauses - Cohesion - Antithesis - Visual design, structure and webpage navigation - Tenses: present, past - Superlative adjectives - Ellipsis - Noun phrases - Noun types - Adverb types -Sentence types: simple, compound-complex -Dysphemism - Word classes: verbs, adjectives, nouns pronouns - Interrogatives/questions imperatives declaratives connotations - Hyperlinks, tabs - Colloquialisms -Initialisms • -Metaphor • - Address • -Listing – asyndetic; polysyndeton • -Discourse markers • -Comparative adjectives • -Euphemism • -Graphological features: emoticons, bold font • -Semantic fields

  19. You will now work closely with one of texts.Using the framework, you need to annotate your text. • Use different colours • LEXIS/LEXICALchoices – word types, specific techniques, patterns • GRAMMAR/SYNTAX– sentence types, clause and phrase patterns • PHONETICS/PHONOLOGY– Letter and word sounds • GRAPHOLOGY –Form and visual appearance. Layout. What are your most perceptive findings? How do these link to MGASP++? What is being represented? How?

  20. Writing up – The Challenge There is no expectation to write the response in a certain way You have to come up with your own steer / concept / line of argument You need to find the right things to say Spot the ‘thing’ Why have they chosen this extract to discuss? How has it been crafted?

  21. POINT EXPLORE QUOTE ANALYSE QUOTE ANALYSE QUOTE ANALYSE LINK Topic sentence which answers the steer GASP+++ and has representation in 1 Explore this in more depth and explain what you mean by this. Justify. Offer differing interpretations. Synthesise. 3 or 4 Embed a relevant and precise quotes Analyse the quote in detail that proves the above Evaluate. Terminology Milk 5 or 6 This serves to highlight… This accentuates… This suggests / implies / connotes… This emphasises… Something which surely reflects… A tone that defines… In crafting this… Further, In addition, Indeed, Finally… Link back to topic sentence 1

  22. Paragraph 1 Topic sentence from GASPS ++ - find the fluff, the perceptive / interesting comment Analyse how that is show in the text Quote and milk Word and syntax Terminology Paragraph 2 Topic sentence from a different GASPS ++ - find the fluff, the perceptive / interesting comment Analyse how that is show in the text Quote and milk Word and syntax Terminology Paragraph 3 Final topic sentence from a third GASPS ++ - find the fluff, the perceptive / interesting comment Analyse how that is show in the text Quote and milk Word and syntax Terminology


  24. WHAT IS THE FLUFF LIKELY TO BE? Level 5 fluff Context and schema - Scheme – expected / unusual / opted out / flouted? Attitude – Attitude of the speakers / writers. Shift in attitude? Relationships of the speakers. Influenced by anything? Gender? Occupation? Class? Purpose – Why did they write / speak like this? How does the form / mode / genre aid this? Anything usual about how they are represented?

  25. IDENTIFYING REPRESENTATION: SENTENCE STEMS The article represents the issue of ____ as being something_____ The writer represents himself as someone who is informed and knowledgeable, this adds authenticity… PERSON_____ is presented as someone who_____ which encourages readers to______ The general public are here represented as ______ The attitudes of the writer are represented as______

  26. Writing up! • Be really specific • ”Lexically/grammatically speaking” • The representation of….. Is created by…..

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