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S í labas y acentos. Abrigos Escuela Pantuflas Zapato Trabajan. Espagueti Verde Jalapeño Guacamole Guitarra. Divide en sílabas (syllables). Subraya (underline) el estrés. A bri gos E scue la Pan tu flas Za pa to Tra ba jan. E spa gue ti
Abrigos Escuela Pantuflas Zapato Trabajan Espagueti Verde Jalapeño Guacamole Guitarra Divide en sílabas (syllables). Subraya (underline) el estrés.
A bri gos E scue la Pan tu flas Za pa to Tra ba jan E spa gue ti Ver de Ja la pe ño Gua ca mo le Gui ta rra Divide en sílabas (syllables). Subraya (underline) el estrés.
Stress Rule #1 • If a word ends with A E I O U S or N • The stress is naturally on the next to last syllable.
Divide en sílabas (syllables). Subraya (underline) el estrés. • Trabajador • Ferrocarril • Reloj • Feroz • Comer • Ciudad
Divide en sílabas (syllables). Subraya (underline) el estrés. • Tra ba ja dor • Fe rro ca rril • Re loj • Fe roz • Co mer • Ciu dad
Stress Rule #2 • If a word ends in any other consonant, • The natural stress is on the last syllable.
Stress Rule #3 • If the stress of a word breaks the rules, • There is a written accent. *When there are 2 words spelled the same with different meanings, one has an accent. (si, que, …)
17-18 Write your name and the name of the person next to you • Divide in syllables • Underline the place that is naturally stressed. • Add an accent if the real stress is not where the rule says it should be.
19 Quimica Quími ca
20 Jovenes Jó ve nes
21 Pantalon Pan ta lón
22 Mexico Méxi co
23 Maria Ma ria Ma rí a
24 Mario Ma rio
25 Electrico E léc tri co
26 Caliente Ca lien te
27 Republica Re públi ca