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SFitter. Adrien Renaud on behalf of the SFitter team : R. Lafaye, M. Rauch, T. Plehn, D. Zerwas, with M. Dührssen, C. Adam-Bourdarios and J.L. Kneur. Introduction Supersymmetry Higgs sector Conclusion. SFitter papers : “ Measuring supersymmetry ” Eur. Phys. J. C 54, 617–644 (2008)
SFitter Adrien Renaud on behalf of the SFitter team : R. Lafaye, M. Rauch, T. Plehn, D. Zerwas, with M. Dührssen, C. Adam-Bourdarios and J.L. Kneur. Introduction Supersymmetry Higgs sector Conclusion SFitter papers : “ Measuring supersymmetry ” Eur. Phys. J. C 54, 617–644 (2008) “ Measuring the Higgs Sector “ arXiv:0904.3866v2 (2009)
From collider data to model parameters • If new physics is found at Collider, and that we have a model for it, we will need • to extract the model parameters from data. • crucial but difficult… • … because : • High dimensional parameter space (with unconstrained parameters) • on both theory and experimental side, errors are correlated. • Sfitter task is to map a set of measurement into a high-dimensional parameter • space with correct treatment of errors. • Using SFitter for most common EWSB and new Physics : • Higgs : reconstruct Yukawa couplings from LHC data. • Supersymmetry : reconstruct MSSM parameters from LHC (ILC) data.
SFitter framework Error treatment : Statistical Gaussian or Poisson, uncorrelated. Experimental systematics (luminosity, efficency) Gaussian, correlated. Theoritical CKMfitter prescription No information within theory errors : flat chi2 Likelihood map and analysis : using MCMC to identify primary and secondary minima and refine identified minima with Minuit. Produce lower dimensional plots with both frequentist AND bayesian approaches. Error estimate : Sets of smeared (according to error and correlation) toys-measurements.
Supersymmetry mSUGRA : Reconstruction of SPS1a with LHC data Is it possible to identify the correct parameters from a set of observables and their errors ? • Need detailed experimental simulations of measurements and errors
Supersymmetry mSUGRA : Reconstruction of SPS1a with LHC data derived from « G. Weiglein et al. [LHC/LC Study Group] arXiv:hep-ph/0410364 »
Supersymmetry mSUGRA : Reconstruction of SPS1a with LHC data ATLAS-CSC 2008 Pythia6 + ATLAS full simulation + flavor substraction SU3 (bulk region)
Input data file lha: Mh = /BLOCK MASS/25 lha: ~e_L = /BLOCK MASS/1000011 … lha: ~b_1 = /BLOCK MASS/1000005 lha: ~b_2 = /BLOCK MASS/2000005 // Function definition: // - up to 4 arguments named x, y, z and t // - any parameter (number or lha: line defined above) func: sqx = x*x func: edge3 = sqrt((sqx-sqy)*(sqy-sqz)/sqy) // Data input definition (may be any lha: or func: with arguments) // Uncertainty on the top mass is LHC expectation; today it is 2.1 GeV data: Mt = 171.4 +/- 0.01 stat 0.0 syst 1.0 syst 0.0 hat [GMW] data: Mh = 109.0 +/- 0.01 stat 0.25 syst 0.0 syst 0.0 hat [GMW] data: edge3(~chi_20,~e_R,~chi_10) = 80.9441 +/- 0.042 stat 0.08 syst 0 syst 3.54 hat [GMW] data: edge3(~chi_20,~mu_R,~chi_10) = 80.9441 +/- 0.042 stat 0.08 syst 0 syst 3.54 hat [GMW] … data: thres(~b_1,~chi_20,~e_R,~chi_10) = 198.606 +/- 5.1 stat 0 syst 1.8 syst 11.2 hat [GMW] data: thres(~b_1,~chi_20,~mu_R,~chi_10) = 198.606 +/- 5.1 stat 0 syst 1.8 syst 11.2 hat [GMW] // Correlation example corr: edge2(~g,~b_1,1):edge2(~g,~b_2,1) = 0.8 corr: Mh:Mt = 0.2 // TLatex root alias alias: edge3(~chi_20,~e_R,~chi_10) = edge(#tilde{#chi}_2^0,#tilde{#e}_R,#tilde{#chi}_1^0)
Supersymmetry mSUGRA : Reconstruction of SPS1a with LHC data. MCMC + MINUIT :
Supersymmetry mSUGRA : Reconstruction of SPS1a with LHC data. MCMC + MINUIT : Profile Likelihood Bayesian pdf
Supersymmetry mSUGRA : Reconstruction of SPS1a with LHC data. mu<0 Profile Likelihood Bayesian pdf
+ Claire Adam, Jean-Loic Kneur MSSM : probing unification at GUT scale at the LHC the MSSM determination leads to an at least 8 fold degeneracy M1 < M2 < |mu|, M2<M1 < |mu|,... (plus sign of mu inversion) some info from the relic density (ok for DS1,DS3,DS7,DS9, not ok for the others) DS2 DS3 DS10
+ Claire Adam, Jean-Loic Kneur MSSM : probing unification at GUT scale DS7 DS1 can categorize the degeneracies via gauginos: 6 clearly not compatible with unification 1 difficult to exclude unification (parameters identical to true solution with the exception of the sign of mu) true solution unifies scalars precision not good enough for additional information (coupled RGEs lead to an increase of the RMS as function of the scale)
For that SFitter needs tools : • Spectrum generators : SoftSUSY, SuSPECT or ISASUSY • NLO cross sections for LHC : Prospino2 • Branching Ratio : SUSY-HIT • Dark Matter : micrOMEGAs (yesterday talk by G. Belanger) • Flavor Physics : SuperIso (yesterday talk by N. Mahmoudi) • The communication of parameters and results between the different programs is performed by the SUSY-Les-Houches-Accord data format using the implementation of SLHAio (Sven Kreiss). • In the two following slides I show, as an example, the implementation of SuperIso in SFitter (and the result of the fit). • SuperIso : N. Mahmoudi publicly available • flavor physics in SM, MSSM, 2HDM, NMSSM. • susy contribution to isospin asymmetry at NLO .
Add in the input File for Sfitter : lha: delta0m = /BLOCK INDIRECT CONSTRAINTS/6 data: delta0m = 0.0375 +/- 0.0289 stat 0 syst 0 syst 0 hat [ICRM] Create a ToolSuperIso class : extern "C" float delta0_calculator(char name[]); ToolSuperiso::ToolSuperiso() { name = "SUPERISO"; title = "Superiso 2.4"; authors = “N.Mahmoudi"; SLHAio::Path slhaio_path_io; slhaio_path_io.set("/SLHA/BLOCK INDIRECT CONSTRAINTS/6",-999.,"Isospin Asymmetry"); delta0m = &(slhaio_path_io.getDouble("/SLHA/BLOCK INDIRECT CONSTRAINTS/6")); } int ToolSuperiso::Compute() { slhaio_writefile("/SLHA/",“slha_file_for_SuperIso.out"); *delta0m = double(delta0_calculator(" slha_file_for_SuperIso.out ")); return 0; } And SFitter do the rest in a WorkFlow fashion.
B Physics : • BaBar Bell 2009 • Tool : SuperIso • Heavy Flavor Averaging Group 2006 • Tool : Suspect • PDG 2008 • Tool : SuperIso • W boson mass : • Tevatron Electroweak WG 2008 • Tool : Suspect • Muon Magnetic Moment : • Tevatron Electroweak WG 2008 • Tool : Suspect • DM Relic density • WMAP • Tool : Micromegas mSUGRA MINUIT fit
The Higgs sector +Michael Duehrssen JHEP 0908:009,2009 A difficult scenario: only the lightest Higgs boson (120GeV) seen: several measurements possible LHC: Gluon fusion and VBF in well defined final states (many authors and papers) Duehrssen et al.: Phys.Rev.D70:113009,2004. hep-ph/0406323 ttHbb: 50% signal reduction Hbb: J. M. Butterworth, A. R. Davison , M. Rubin, G. P. Salam Phys.Rev.Lett.100:242001,2008. Theory Errors Experimental Errors Correlated measurements and parameters: apply SUSY search techniques for parameter extraction Difficulty to be mastered: convolution of Gaussian+Poisson+Flat errors
The Higgs sector: likelihood maps Using Hdecay anf HIGLU. No new particles in the loops : frequentist bayesian Definition: ΔHjj deviation of Hjj coupling from SM value : Loop induced coupling : • frequentist approach better adapted (no real secondary minima) • general positive correlation among non-Hbb couplings due to total width ≈ Hbb Add ΔHgg and ΔHγγ:sign preference power of Hγγdisappears : Measurements at LHC: σ · BR·L· ~ g2·g2/Γ blind to simultaneous coupling/√width changes:
The Higgs sector: precision Coupling ratios Hbb: J. M. Butterworth, A. R. Davison , M. Rubin, G. P. Salam Phys.Rev.Lett.100:242001,2008. 30fb-1 theory errors (10000 toy MC) • subjet analysis essential for Hbb! • 30fb-1 precision 30% to 50% (absolute) • slightly higher precision for ratios (cancellation of errors, but dominated by stat errors)
Conclusions • SFitter is a tool to extract the fundamental parameters from experimental measurements • particularly powerful for cases where the parameters and observables depend on each other in a non-trivial way • full propagation of errors • uses SLHA standard • extendable to new tools • has been applied to: • extract parameters of mSUGRA and the MSSM • extrapolate the MSSM parameters to the high scale (pub foreseen this summer) • extract the Higgs coupling parameters • futur work: interface to NMSSM ( Cyril/Ulrich)