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This report provides an analysis of key financial indicators and trends in the global financial markets in 2007. It covers government bond rates, stock markets, corporate bonds, bankruptcies, household mortgages, and more.
Financial stability report2007:1 24 May 2007
Ten-year government bond ratesPer cent Chart 1:1 Source: Reuters EcoWin
Stock marketsIndex, 2 January 2002 = 100 Chart 1:2 Source: Reuters EcoWin
P/E ratios Chart 1:3 Source: Reuters EcoWin
Implied stock-market volatilityPer cent Chart 1:4 Source: Bloomberg
Global level of bankruptciesPercentage of all companies rated Ba/BBB or lower Chart 1:5 Source: Reuters EcoWin
High-yield corporate bond spreads in Europe and the United StatesPercentage points Chart 1:6 Source: Reuters EcoWin
Premia in CDS indicesBasis points Chart 1:7 Source: Bloomberg
Households with payment problems in the US house mortgage marketPer cent, seasonally adjusted Chart B1 Source: Mortgage Bankers Association
Premia for credit derivatives on US house mortgage loansBasis points Note. Loans classified as BBB−. Chart B2 Source: JP Morgan
Credit spreads for bonds issued by emerging-market economiesPercentage points Chart 1:8 Source: Bloomberg
Oil price and commodity price indexUSD per barrel and index, January 2002=100 Chart 1:9 Sources: Reuters EcoWin och The Economist
GDP growthPercentage annual rate Chart B3 Source: Reuters EcoWin
Balance on current accountPer cent of GDP Chart B4 Source: Reuters EcoWin
HICP inflationPercentage 12-month rate Chart B5 Source: Eurostat
Real interbank interest ratesPer cent Chart B6 Source: Reuters EcoWin
Corporate loan stocks in the Baltic states and SwedenPer cent Chart B7 Sources: National central banks and Reuters EcoWin
Household sector loan stocks in the Baltic states and SwedenPer cent Chart B8 Sources: National central banks and Reuters EcoWin
Household borrowingPercentage 12-month change Chart 2:1 Source: The Riksbank
Duration of fixed interest periods for new house mortgage loansPer cent Chart 2:2 Source: The Riksbank
Household debt and post-tax interest expenditure in relation to disposable incomePer cent Chart 2:3 Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
House prices and mortgage debtPercentage annual change Chart 2:4 Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
10 8 6 4 2 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 (forecast) Households below the margin Impaired loans Potential loan losses Households below the margin, impaired loans and potential loan lossesPer cent Chart 2:5 Source: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
Proportions of debt, financial wealth and real wealth held by the indebted households in each income groupPer cent Chart 2:6 Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
Household sector loan stocks in the Baltic states and SwedenPer cent Chart 2:7 Sources: National central banks and Reuters EcoWin
Nominal and real house price increases 2000 – 2006 in Nordic countries and the Baltic statesPer cent Chart 2:8 Sources: National central banks and Reuters EcoWin
Nominal and real house price increases 2000 – 2006 in Nordic countries and the Baltic statesPer cent Chart B9 Sources: Statistics Sweden and the Riksbank
Corporate borrowing from credit institutionsPercentage twelve-month change, moving three month average Chart 2:9 Source: The Riksbank
Corporate loans from securities markets and credit institutionsSEK billion Chart 2:10 Source: The Riksbank
Ratio of debt to total assets in listed companiesPer cent of all listed companies Chart 2:11 Sources: Bloomberg and the Riksbank
Number of corporate defaults by company sizeTwelve-month moving average Chart 2:12 Source: Statistics Sweden
Expected default frequency (EDF) by industry for listed non-financial companiesPer cent Chart 2:13 Source: Moody’s KMV
Expected default frequency (EDF) for listed non-financial companiesPer cent Chart 2:14 Source: Moody’s KMV
Listed companies with a default probability of 1 per cent or morePer cent of all listed companies Sources:Moody´s KMV and the Riksbank Chart 2:15
Expected default frequency (EDF), outcomes and forecast with the Riksbank’s main scenarioPer cent Chart 2:16 Sources: National central banks
Corporate borrowing from credit institutions in the Baltic statesPercentage 12-month change Chart 2:17 Sources: National central banks
Expected default frequency (EDF) for listed property companiesPer cent Chart 2:18 Source: Moody´s KMV
Real prices for office premises in central locationsIndex 1981 = 100 Chart 2:19 Sources: Newsec AB and the Riksbank
Vacancy rates for office premises in central locationsPer cent Chart 2:20 Sources: Newsec AB and the Riksbank
Average direct yield required for office premises in central locationsPer cent Chart 2:21 Sources: Newsec AB and EcoWin
Composition of pre-tax return on equityPercentage points Chart 3:1 Sources: Banks reports and the Riksbank
Profit before loan losses and net loan losses in the major banksFour-quarter totals, SEK billion, 2007 prices Chart 3:2 Sources: Banks reports and the Riksbank
Implied volatility of bank equityPer cent, moving 10-day average Chart 3:3 Sources: Bloomberg and the Riksbank
The major banks’ securities-related commission income and Stockholm Stock Exchange turnoverSEK million and index: 1997=100 Chart 3:4 Sources: Banks reports, Reuters EcoWin and the Riksbank
Cost efficiency of the major Swedish banksPer cent Chart 3:5 Sources: Banks reports and the Riksbank
Net interest margin and spreads for the major bankson deposits, bank loans and mortgage loansPer cent, moving 4-quarter average Chart B10 Sources: Banks reports and the Riksbank
Lending by credit institutions to the corporate sector in SwedenPer cent, moving 4-quarter average Source: The Riksbank Chart 3:6