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PORN. Husband gives wife porn DVD for Xmas . They asked for comments. Anon My boyfriend and I have downloaded at least 10 porn movies together…I fail to see the problem. Joanne

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PORN

  2. Husband gives wife porn DVD for Xmas. They asked for comments...

  3. Anon My boyfriend and I have downloaded at least 10 porn movies together…I fail to see the problem.

  4. Joanne You kidding me?? I'd be delighted to get a present like that. My hubby only knows one position and foreplay is non-existent!

  5. Sigh I wish my husband would do something like this. I married the most boring, sexually inhibited guy in the universe.

  6. “Porn can be dehumanising and exploitative, but it can also be educative, liberating, egalitarian, health promoting, and emotionally fulfilling.” Peter Thatchell

  7. Maria Mayline Grant Once porn is downloaded into our mental hard drive it works like a computer virus, corrupting our thoughts about sexuality.

  8. DH Lawrence "Pornography is the attempt to insult sex, to do dirt on it."

  9. Porn is rather like trying to find out about a Beethoven symphony by listening to someone hum a few bars. Robertson Davies

  10. Spreads Spoils Sin?

  11. Donovan-on-line It started small. The first time porn disgusted me. Then I began to enjoy it…

  12. Serial rapist/killer Ted Bundy. “Porn is addictive and progressive.”

  13. Spreads Spoils Sin?

  14. I've met a lot of men who were motivated to commit violence just like me.

  15. And without exception, every one of them was deeply involved in pornography. Ted Bundy

  16. Spreads Spoils You. Sex. Marriage.

  17. Spreads Spoils You Relationships Sex Marriage

  18. Gail Dines “The earlier men use porn the more likely they are to have trouble developing relationships with real women.”

  19. John Mayer “When I watch porn I make up back-stories in my mind. This is my problem now: rather than meet somebody

  20. new I would rather go home and watch porn. I’m more comfortable in my imagination than I am in actual human discovery.”

  21. Spreads Spoils You Relationships Sex Marriage

  22. Spreads Spoils You Relationships Sex Marriage

  23. Spreads Spoils Sin?

  24. Mt 5:27 Anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

  25. Masturbation

  26. “Don’t knock masturbation, it’s sex with somebody I love” Woody Allen

  27. “If God had intended us not to masturbate, He would have made our arms shorter.” George Carlin

  28. Will it result in sin? Will it master me? Will it benefit me?

  29. Will it result in sin? Will it master me? Will it benefit me?

  30. Will it result in sin? Will it master me? Will it benefit me?

  31. Resistwith your eyes/mind Resist with others Resist radically Resist with God’s presence

  32. Resistwith your eyes/mind Resistwith others Resist radically Resist with God’s presence

  33. Resistwith your eyes/mind Resistwith others Resistradically Resist with God’s presence

  34. Resistwith your eyes/mind Resistwith others Resistradically Resistwith God’s presence

  35. Receive a high view of M&S Receive a higher affection Receive the Spirit Receive a new heart

  36. Receive a high view of M&S Receive a higher affection Receive the Spirit Receive a new heart

  37. Receive a high view of M&S Receive a higher affection Receive the Spirit Receive a new heart

  38. Receive a high view of M&S Receive a higher affection Receive the Spirit Receive a new heart

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