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The Official thing to do when your bored!. Hey, Hey, if ya boredzz , go to my wiki and download this thing. Oh, you followed it already? Ok, prepare yourself for a journey of a lifetime of boredom…. One. Speak hokkien . Le gong simi ! Wa tiao liao bo ! Ah Haut ah Haut ah! Pe sai Gua Bo?
The Official thing to do when your bored! Hey, Hey, if yaboredzz, go to my wiki and download this thing. Oh, you followed it already? Ok, prepare yourself for a journey of a lifetime of boredom…
One. Speak hokkien. • Le gong simi! • Watiaoliaobo! • Ah Haut ah Haut ah! • PesaiGua Bo? • Simi Tai Zhi? Ok, that didn’t go that well.
Two. Write In Random Fonts and Colours! • dfgtgrdg • sfwfwfwd • sf • dsf • ewf • dfefffwfefe See! Its that fun! If you note that all the fonts and colors are similar, please consult a doctor.
Tree. Make a wiki! How to make a wiki as good as wikileaks • Go gather good info like Obama likes teddy bears. • Make a website and post that good info onto it. • Get chased by an angry mob of people…
4. Make fun of PAP. • PEE AND POOP • PENNY ANTS PANTS • PEE AND PANTIES • PAY AND PAY • POLL AND PAY • PAY ALL DAY No, wait. That one wasn’t right.
5. Stand on a creeper on Minecraft. I shoot my arrows in the sky sometimes, saying aeeeohhh, creepers go home! Extracted from TNT- Parody of Dynamite I came to dig digdigdig, I build a city it’s so big bigbigbig, just wait a second I’ll kill this pig pigpigpig, go bake a bacon take some swig swigswigswig.
6. Insult Hitler. Gulp… Nevermind
7. Crack some Chuck Norris jokes on YouTube. e.g. Chuck Norris doesn’t get wet, the water will get him! Or maybe some Soviet Russia jokes. e.g. In America you post videos, in SR videos post you! Although soon everyone hates you.
8. Find out that Coke + Mentos ≠ A Explosion. Or come to the fact that your facebook account got thrashed and your Backyard Monsters Yard got thrashed so badly you got banned from facebook. Yup, that got to leave some depression behind.
9. Not be depressed when I tell you this is OVAR! Yeah well, I gotta go! It was fun typing stupid stuff on this. Note, I did not want to offend anyone in this presentation. Note, it is likely that there will be a sequel to this. BYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!