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Overview . This presentation will explain how locally generated program data are used in Florida's adult education funding
1. Connecting the Data to the Dollars Mark Baird, Ph.D.
Division of Career and Adult Education
Summer Symposium
June 2009
2. Overview This presentation will explain how locally generated program data are used in Florida’s adult education funding & accountability systems
3. The Funding Streams Three funding streams with distinct accountability and quality assurance systems
State funding for school districts
State funding for colleges
Federal funding (both school districts and state college system)
4. State Funding - Workload Both districts and the state college system have workload and performance-based formulas, but the workload formulas distribute the lion’s share (98%+) of the money
The workload models estimate the amount of funds required for districts and institutions to provide services based on enrollment and program cost factors
5. State Funding - Performance Performance dollars are generated by adult education programs based on
Literacy Completion Points (LCPs) earned
Special populations served
Placement and continuing education
Found through the Florida Education Training Placement Information Program (FETPIP)
6. Federal Funding New RFP process ties dollars requested to NRS reported completions
Applicants determine
Amount requested up to maximum county allocation
Target number of students enrolled and EFL completers by level
These numbers determine dollars per completer and completion rate
Low cost per completer and high completion rate rewarded in grant proposal scoring
7. Actual aggregated completion rate of 40%+ and cost per completer less than or equal to $233 makes grantee eligible to apply for incentive funds in 2010-11 continuation year
End of year performance reconciliation– not meeting proposed targets may result in program improvement plan or changes to continuation year
8. How We Get the Numbers Data are collected locally, then transmitted at regular intervals linked to academic calendar to
Districts - Workforce Development Information System (WDIS)
State Colleges – Community College Student Database (CCSDB)
9. The bureau that manages the data at FDOE is Community College & Technical Center MIS (CCTCMIS)
There are advisory committees comprising local MIS staff that meet regularly to discuss state workforce data issues
Districts – WEDDAC
State Colleges – MISATFOR
You should know who your representatives to these committees are!
10. EFLs: Where the Rubber Meets the Road The core outcome measure of instructional performance in the NRS are Educational Functioning Level (EFL) gains
EFL gains can be realized different ways depending on a student’s initial functioning level and program area
Determinations are made through programming logic that uses key data elements from WDIS/CCSDB to select and aggregate EFLs
11. Selection Criteria Programmers at FDOE create rules that select and calculate EFLs
Example selection criteria to calculate an EFL
Low-level ABE student based on program enrollment and lowest functioning level
12+ instructional hours
LCP earned in the skill area with the lowest functioning level
12. More rules are applied to produce the NRS report
The key performance indicator is Column H in Table 4 “Percent Completing Level”
This is the number of students who earned an EFL (Column D) over the total number of students (Column B)
Column H measures breadth of performance, not depth– each student can generate only one EFL
13. Post-Tests Table 4B is a subset of Table 4, so more selection rules are applied to the data
Only students who have been both pre- and post-tested
Post-testing by definition requires a pre-test using the same instrument – TABE, CASAS, BEST, BEST Plus
GED may not be reported as a post-test
Begun discussion about new data elements to capture pre- and post-test type, date, & outcome
14. Goals & Follow-up Outcomes Starting in 2009-10, WDIS and CCSDB will allow for reporting of multiple goals with default academic/literacy goals set by program
Students may generate more than one outcome on Table 5
Each additional goal is an opportunity for another gain in the numerator, but it also increases the denominator by one
All goals should be attainable by the student in the program year, otherwise your denominator will grow faster than your numerator
15. Resources NRS Implementation Guidelines: http://www.nrsonline.org/reference/index.html
WDIS Data Handbooks: http://www.fldoe.org/arm/cctcmis/pubs/techs/handbk_main.asp
CCSDB Data Dictionaries: http://www.fldoe.org/arm/cctcmis/pubs/ccdictionary/dictionary_main.asp
Adult Ed & Family Literacy federal grant page inc. Q & As: http://www.fldoe.org/workforce/dwdgrants/adulted.asp
Florida NRS reports archive: http://www.fldoe.org/arm/cctcmis/pubs/nrs/nrs.asp
Florida Adult Ed & GED: http://www.fldoe.org/arm/cctcmis/pubs/nrs/nrs.asp
16. Contacts Accountability & Reporting
Craig.Winger@fldoe.org , 850-245-9059
Mark.Baird@fldoe.org , 850-245-9060
State Budget
Districts – Tara.Goodman@fldoe.org ,
State Colleges – John.Holdnak@fldoe.org ,
Federal Grants
Your regional program specialist