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敬畏耶和華 ( 粵 ) 我要專心仰賴耶和華 I need to concentrate and rely on the Lord 不可倚靠自己 But not relying on myself 在我一切所行的事上 In everything I do, 都必認定主 I must seek for the Lord 在我一切所行的事上 In everything I do, 您必指引我路向 He will guide my path. 敬畏耶和華 ( 粵 ) 遠離惡事,我敬畏耶和華
敬畏耶和華(粵) 我要專心仰賴耶和華 I need to concentrate and rely on the Lord 不可倚靠自己 But not relying on myself 在我一切所行的事上 In everything I do, 都必認定主 I must seek for the Lord 在我一切所行的事上 In everything I do, 您必指引我路向 He will guide my path
敬畏耶和華(粵) 遠離惡事,我敬畏耶和華 Away from evil things, because I awe the Lord遠離惡行,我信靠主 Away from evil acts, because I trust in the Lord遠離惡事,我敬畏耶和華 Away from evil things, because I awe the Lord您必指引我路向 And He will guide my path
誠心敬拜(粵) 全心歡欣,屈膝敬拜, Worshiping on knees and with whole hearted joy 頌讚你永活神, Praising You are the forever living God 誠心歡欣,屈膝敬拜, Worshiping on knees and with sincere joy 讚美你萬世君, Praising Your are the eternal King
誠心敬拜(粵) 無所不知真理運行, You know all things and your truth is hovering over all things 智慧遍佈穹蒼, And Your wisdom is throughout the earth難料蹤跡,不可測透, You are untraceable and unpredictable 卻捨身救贖我。 However, You sacrificed your life for me
誠心敬拜(粵) 頌讚祂,永生神, Praise Him, the Eternal God 傾出一生捨己為救恩, Poured out Himself for the life of salvation 頌讚祂,至高神, Praise Him, the Highest God 基督恩典一生永護蔭。 The grace of Christ will protect us forever
誠心敬拜(粵) 全心歡欣,屈膝敬拜, Worshiping on knees and with whole hearted joy 頌讚你永活神, Praising You are the forever living God 誠心歡欣,屈膝敬拜, Worshiping on knees and with sincere joy 讚美你萬世君, Praising Your are the eternal King
誠心敬拜(粵) 全為犧牲遮蓋罪尤, Your sacrifice was all because to cover our sins 永遠看顧憐憫, And You always look after and have mercy神恩滔滔,施恩拯救, The mercy of God rescues me 我一生靠著你。 My whole will depend on You
誠心敬拜(粵) 頌讚祂,永生神, Praise Him, the Eternal God 傾出一生捨己為救恩, Poured out Himself for the life of salvation 頌讚祂,至高神, Praise Him, the Highest God 基督恩典一生永護蔭。 The grace of Christ will protect us forever
現我要讚美(粵 / English) 尋求主心中盡是敬畏, I stand, I stand in awe of You,同舉雙手站著敬拜, I stand, I stand in awe of You.全能主可畏配得稱讚, Holy God to whom all praise is due,令我心盡敬畏。 I stand in awe of You.
現我要讚美(粵 / English) 現我要讚美細說主優美, You are beautiful beyond description,我心傾出讚賞, Too marvelous for words,神是盡善盡美且善良, Too wonderful for comprehension,全地上難尋別對比。 Like nothing ever seen or heard.
現我要讚美(粵 / English) 測不透上帝高深的愛, Who can grasp Your in finite wisdom?怎可探索上帝的心意, Who can fathom the depth of Your love?沒有再細緻更美的詩句, You are beautiful beyond description,可足夠讚美上帝。 Majesty enthroned the above.
現我要讚美(粵 / English) 尋求主心中盡是敬畏, I stand, I stand in awe of You,同舉雙手站著敬拜, I stand, I stand in awe of You.全能主可畏配得稱讚, Holy God to whom all praise is due,令我心盡敬畏。 I stand in awe of You.
更新我心意(國 / English) 更新我心意, Change my heart, O God,使我能像你, Make it ever true.更新我心意, Change my heart, O God,使我能像你, May I be like You.
更新我心意(國 / English) 主,你是陶匠, You are the Potter; 我是泥土, I am the clay.模我,塑造我, Mold me and make me;是我的懇求。 this is what I pray.
願我們的敬拜、歌聲、 禱告能成為馨香的祭。 May our worship, songs, and prayers become an offering to God 願一切榮耀、頌讚歸給我們的神‧ May all the glories and praises to our Almighty God 奉主耶穌基督的聖名,阿門 In Jesus Christ name, Amen