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Integrated core+edge+MHD modelling of ELM mitigation at JET. F Koechl, R Albanese, R Ambrosino, E Militello-Asp, P Belo, G Corrigan, L Garzotti,
Integrated core+edge+MHD modelling of ELM mitigation at JET F Koechl, R Albanese, R Ambrosino, E Militello-Asp, P Belo, G Corrigan, L Garzotti, D Harting, G Huijsmans, T Koskela, P T Lang, J Lönnroth, E de la Luna, M Mattei, F Maviglia, V Parail, F Rimini, M Romanelli, G Saibene, E R Solano, M Valovič, I Voitsekhovitch, A Webster, JET EFDA contributors, EU-ITM ISM group ISM meeting, June 26 2013
Motivation Objectives / Motivation: • Technique of ELM triggering by plasma kicks induced by a variation of PF coil currents / pellet injection is an interesting option for ELM mitigation in ITER and requires detailed analysis to assess its viability and effectiveness. – Integrated simulations with direct coupling to HELENA+MISHKA for MHD analysis could help to identify possible cause and type of instabilities responsible for ELMs triggered by kick / pellet events. Task: • Implementation of HELENA+MISHKA coupling in JINTRAC. • Application of new coupling scheme to modelling of natural ELMs. • Application to modelling of ELM mitigation by kicks (strong vs. weak kick, dependence on nped/Tped, …) and pellets (LFS vs. VHFS injection, dependence on rp).
JINTRAC+MISHKA coupling JINTRAC HELENA ~3 min. ELM trigger MISHKA n=2 MISHKA n=4 MISHKA n=26 ~10-15 min. check eigenfunctions for unstable modes
#73247, natural ELMs Te,ax JETTO+MISHKA: <Te> Increase in fELM with PAUX Te,ped ne,ax <ne> PNB = 7 MW PNB = 10 MW PNB = 13 MW ne,ped
Strong vs. weak kicks JETTO+CREATE+MISHKA: Reduced ELM trigger probability with weak kick: #73247, strong kick #73244, weak kick
High vs. low Te,ped/ne,ped JETTO+CREATE+MISHKA: Reduced ELM trigger probability with increased gas puff: #73247, high Te/ne #73247, low Te/ne (-~30%)
#82806, pellets at t = 58.4s JETTO+EDGE2D+MISHKA: <Te> LFS VHFS LFS Te,ped Te,sep rp = 1.2 mm rp = 1.2 mm rp = 1.025 mm <ne> ne,ped ne,sep No ELM triggered by smaller pellet(rp = 1.025 mm)
Summary andConclusion Summary: • HELENA+MISHKA successfully coupled to MISHKA. • Plasma clearly MHD unstable during kick in case of strong kick amplitude, fewer instabilities found for weak kick case / increased gas puff. – Smaller LFS pellet does not seem to trigger ELM even with time-resolved deposition profile (including ExB drift), but pellet was injected early after previous natural ELM. To do: • Check MISHKA sensitivity to plasma edge profile smoothness. • Simulations of JET ILW kick experiments (kick shape variation). • Larger scan in pellet mass / time after previous ELM for pellet ELM trigger experiment. • Simulations of JET ILW LFS pellet ELM pacing experiment #82885 that is also analysed with JOREK.