CAF Champions What is a CAF champion? CAF champions are practitioners who are positive advocates for the CAF. They have experience of using the CAF and are able to support colleagues in the same profession. CAF champions undertake a variety of roles and responsibilities depending on their own role within their organisation. Advice and support CAF Champions are committed and enthusiastic about using the CAF and implementing it within their own agency. They understand how it can work in practice and how it can improve outcomes for children, young people and families. They are available to provide support and advice to their colleagues in their own area of practice by telephone advice or face to face support. They also advise about the practicalities of being a Lead Professional (LP) and setting up a Team Around the Child (TAC) meeting. Being a CAF advocate CAF Champions are professionals who are advocates for the CAF in their agency and work in collaboration with the Integrated Team. They meet as a group to help embed the CAF in their own agencies practice. Supporting the CAF and lead professional training CAF champions would have the opportunity to assist the Integrated Team in co-facilitating the CAF Multi-agency Training, Lead Professional Training and Refresher Training. They receive support with being a co-facilitator and are part of developing and delivering the training courses across Suffolk. How can I become a CAF champion? All CAF champions have support from the Integrated Team and get together at least once a year. They need to be committed, have a desire to improve outcomes for children and young people and approval from their manager. The time commitment for our CAF Champions is flexible and can easily be integrated into your professional role. If you are interested in being a CAF champion and you have the support of your manager/head teacher please visit http://www.suffolk.gov.uk/caf or contact CAF Admin Team on 01472 263210, Monday - Friday, 9am - 4pm or e-mail caf.admin@suffolk.gov.uk to receive assistance or be directed to your locality CAF/TAC Coordinator (i.e. West, Ipswich N&E, Ipswich S&W, Central, Coastal, South, Lowestoft and Waveney) How can I find the contact details of my CAF champion? If you would like to be put in touch with a CAF champion in your area please contact the CAF/TAC Coordinator of your locality. Remember you can contact the Suffolk CAF Admin Team for help and advice at any stage of using the CAF. You can also visit the Suffolk County Council CAF homepage http://www.suffolk.gov.uk/caf to access a range of information including details about our CAF and Lead Professional training courses.