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We used the original Smart PIM hardware of Scientific Systems to calibrate the readings from the sensor. On the factory a similar procedure has already been done for the original PIM hardware. So we expected that the two results would match each other. FFT. 0.2% fund. 60% harm.
We used the original Smart PIM hardware of Scientific Systems to calibrate the readings from the sensor. On the factory a similar procedure has already been done for the original PIM hardware. So we expected that the two results would match each other. FFT. 0.2% fund. 60% harm. Suiting a voltage and current sensor for a nanoparticle detection in an Ar-Silane capacitively coupled plasma. M. Sorokine, H. Hemmen, W.W. Stoffels, G.M.W. Kroesen Department of Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Plasma discharges are widely used in many specialized commercial production environments. One of these is the production of solar cells. The key process in that production is the plasma enhanced silicon layers deposition. Solar cells are known to have a high cost and a poor efficiency. By incorporating nano-scale particles into the layers, a considerable improvement in product quality is achieved. This project is devoted to a study of the process of nano-particle formation. In this work we present difficulties one encounters analyzing the RF power characteristics using a voltage and current probe. We report on the problems associated with the data acquisition itself, as well as on the complications in the data processing and analysis.Measurements in the air discharge plasma are presented to illustrate the given examples. Power monitoring IV sensor IV sensor Afund A1 A2 Signal from the sensor PIM readings Measured harmonics Calibration principle 4096 points 8 mks FFT spectrum PIM. 1.9% and 1.6% max. Reasonable agreement for voltage and non forcurrent Our measurements do not confirm factory offset values Phase shift. FFT 270. PIM 850 Representation of discrete higher harmonic measurement While using a commercially made Voltage/Current probe one may encounter a problem of not being able to use the factory calibration data. Reasons for that may be a possible change of the impedance of the measuring circuit while using a different measuring device, in our case it was a digital oscilloscope, a different method or technique used in the factory calibration, or simply because such information is not available. Calibration experiments have been performed in air discharge. Experiments in other gases may eliminate the problems of low amplitude harmonics. A higher bit Analog-Digital Converter will increase the detection limits and signal to noise ratio. Analysis of the standard deviation in our measurements allows us to say that the big deviation in the results for the low amplitude higher harmonics of voltage is a result of a not sufficiently high 8 bit resolution capability of the scope. You can see on the graph that the standard deviation for most experiments remains constant. Relative errors Standard deviation 29th EPS Conference, June 17-21, 2002, Montreux, Switzerland