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تنبيه هام. السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته تم إعداد هذا الاختبار بناءاَ على عدة خطوات: تم حصر المعايير التي تم تدريسها خلال الفترة الزمنية للاختبار. تم وزن كل معيار بناءاَ على الزمن المخصص للمعيار في مخططات العمل.
تنبيه هام • السلام عليكم ورحمة الله تعالى وبركاته • تم إعداد هذا الاختبار بناءاَ على عدة خطوات: • تم حصر المعايير التي تم تدريسها خلال الفترة الزمنية للاختبار. • تم وزن كل معيار بناءاَ على الزمن المخصص للمعيار في مخططات العمل. • تم تحديد النسبة المئوية لكل معيار وترجمتها لدرجة محددة لكل سؤال بالاختبار. • والله ولي التوفيق • فريق معايير مناهج العلوم
School Name School Logo Science Chapter Test - 1 1st Semester 2011- 2012 Grade 6 Name : _____________________ Grade : 6/______ Date: ___________________
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS Science Chapter Test - 1 1stSemester School Name School Logo Q 1 St. 5.1 • Mark the correct answer with an x. • 1.All living things are made up of • Particle • Cells • Germs • 2. The British scientist who discovered the cell is • Issac Newton • Robert Hook • Marie Curi • 3. Bacteria is made up of • millions of cells • single cell • hundreds of cells • 4 .We can see cells only with • thermometer • Microscope • Hand lenses 2 Part 1
Q 2 St. 5.5 Write down the steps of cell division. 1-____________________________________ 2- ____________________________________ 3- ____________________________________ 4- ____________________________________ 1.5 2 Q 3 St. 5.3 Identify following special cells. 2
Q 4 St. 10.1 (a) Name three most common microbes. 1- ______________________ 2-_______________________ 3-_______________________ 1.5 3 St. 10.1,10.2 • (b) Decide if the statement is true or false. 3
Q 4 St. 10.2 (c) Write three symptoms of Food Poisoning. 1-_______________________________ 2-_______________________________ 3-______________________________ 2 1.5 Q 5 St. 10.3 List two ways to protect yourself from microorganism. 1-________________________________________ 2-________________________________________ 4
Q 6 St. 5.4 2 (a) Define the following terms. (b) Sort these list into the correct sequence of cell, tissue, organs, organism. 1 1 Muscle cell, heart, human, muscle tissue Q 7 St. 4.2 What are the two main groups of plant classification. 1-______________________ 2-______________________ 5
Q 8 St 4.1 Some vertebrate groups are: fish, mammals, reptiles and birds, amphibians (a) Which two groups lay eggs in water? _________________________ _________________________ (b) Which two groups can control (Cold blooded) their body temperature? ________________________ ________________________ 2 2 (c) Who am I? I live in water, I have slippery scale on my body and I lay eggs in water. _________________________ I have spines on my body and I look like a star. ___________________________ 6
Q 8 St. 4.1 (d) Write the names of four kingdoms. ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 2 1.5 Q 9 St. 5.2 Fill the gaps with suitable words. 1-A ___________which controls what happens in the cell. 2- ________ is made mostly of water that fills the spaces in the cell. 3- A ________ that covers the cell and controls what goes in and out of the cell. 7
School Name School Logo THINKING SKILLS Science Chapter Test - 1 1st Semester Part Q 10 St. 5.2 Using Venn diagram compare between the parts of animal and plant cell. 2 8
Q 11 St. 4.1 (a) A graph of the body temperature of a lizard and a parrot is given, as the room temperature increases. 2 A 50 40 Body temperature 30 20 B 10 10 20 30 40 50 Room Temperature (1) Which line represents the lizard , line A or B? __________________________ (2) Give a reason for your answer. _________________________________________ 9
Q 11 St. 4.1 (b) Choose the correct name for each invertebrate 2 ______________ ______________ _______________ _______________ (c) These animals belong to different vertebrate groups, under each animal write its class. ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ 10
Q 12 St. 5.3 1.5 What type of cell is this? ___________________________ What is the function of the part indicated by arrow? _____________________________________________ The type of cell shown is found in the brain. Explain why the brain is classified as an organ and not a tissue. ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 11
St. 5.1 Q 13 1.5 Label any three parts of microscope. 12
Q 14 2 St. 4.2 (a) Match the picture with the name of the group. 13
Q 14 St. 4.2 2 (b) Compare monocot and dicotyledon. Q 15 St. 4.3 2 Choose the correct use of each plant. 14