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Chapter 13 . Section Two Feudalism and Manorial System. Charlemagne Review. For the following areas list one great thing he did for each Politically Religiously Intellectually Militarily Socially Clovis- Merovingian, Charlemagne- Carolingian. Viking Review.
Chapter 13 Section Two Feudalism and Manorial System
Charlemagne Review • For the following areas list one great thing he did for each • Politically • Religiously • Intellectually • Militarily • Socially • Clovis- Merovingian, Charlemagne- Carolingian
Viking Review • Name one of the places they settled
Example of an Oath • The vassal would then place his hands on a Bible, or a saint's relic, and swear he would never injure the lord in any way and to remain faithful. • An example of an oath of fealty: "I promise on my faith that I will in the future be faithful to the lord, never cause him harm and will observe my homage to him completely against all persons in good faith and without deceit."
Difference between a Vassal and a noble lord? • One grants the land, the other is responsible for using the land (called a vassal) • A vassal could then grant some of that land to a Knight (now he is a vassal and a lord) • In return for the land you have to support the lord in battle and anything else the Lord wanted • Land than is given- is called a fief • Primogeniture- giving of land to father’s firstborn son
Power • Very limited for Women • She could have land in a dowry • She only kept land if her husband died • Social mobility- what is it? • Being able to improve one’s status • Centralized power or decentralized • One big man in charge calling all the shots • Many different manors and Lords wielding the power from the system top to bottom
Chivalry • What does this word mean to you? • Who did the Knights protect? • Remember the social ladder • Feudalism Class Quiz
IN groups three, 1 paper per group Be able to present your findings today. I will give you one of these profiles Describe what level they are: Who they are between? Who is above them who below (2 sentences) Describe what you do? (as a job) About a half a page should describe: where you live, how you got there, who your family members are and were, and what roles in society did they play? 5. Who do you pay your loyalties to? 6. What was the oath you had to take? • The Clergy/Church • Monarch • Nobles • Knights • Vassals • Merchants • Farmers • Craftsman • Peasants/Serfs • Due Monday during Class For 6, I want you to make up an oath, word for word, be creative
Define: Chain mail • Knights: • Percherons/Clydesdale
Wars- we know they are bad, what is the good side of war in the Middle Ages? • Would one want to ever kill a Knight? • Why not? • Church- prevented violence around church buildings • What could they do to enforce this? • Tried to stop war on animals and farm equip. • Certain days of the week- no fighting- not so easy to enforce • What eventually stopped local wars? • Remember Lord’s promised their troops to the king during war Trial Battle compurgation- trial by ordeal, swear to tell truth/witnesses/burn hand- heals- innocent, doesn’t= guilty Oath taking Trial by the accused
What are manors? • Do they represent centralized power or decentralized power?
Chivalry • Oaths knight took to each other to defend the masses • But only had to be courteous within their class • Began at 7 yrs old Attendant or Paige for a Knight • Squire • Then had to prove in battle his courage • Then knighted at big ceremony • Also swore to protect the manor
Medieval Crop Rotation • Why rotate at all? • What order should one plant their crops? • What might be a danger with divided land and leaving one field unplanted?
What to plant? • Legumes, wheat, barley, grain, oats • If legumes one year then something that takes more out of the soil the next year • Why not Corn and Potatoes? • Because they were grown only in the Americas at the time
Universally Consistent • Who is the first and lowest in authority in the Catholic order? • Parish Priest • Next one above him? • Bishop- oversees a diocese (fuedal lords) King choses • Archdiocese would be ruled by a • Archbishop • Curia- most powerful group • The Cardinals- who select the Pope • Could normal class people rise in the church?
IN your own groups of 2, NO MORE THAN 3 • You must illustrate a manor in which the Lord owns ½ of all the farmland, and the 10 peasants divide the rest • Half of the farmable land splits up 10 ways to the peasants • There are Spring and Fall planting that your field must be divided (1/2 & 1/2), and of the halves you split up into the 10 fields for the peasants, you plant both seasons, your choice, just no maiz or papas • Split your field in thirds so that you can rotate crops- leave 1 unplanted every year so that you farm more than ½ every year • Include a key labeling what you plant and when or label the map itself, the key is just to save space • Include the manor- moat, drawbridge, keep, parish (church), manor buildings, peasant homes, necessary roads • Sketch out your plan before drawing it on the big paper • Due today or 1st thing tomorrow, no more class time, if in soccer, you can turn it in Wed beginning of class-finish for homework,
Read Section 3 –Ch13 individually due 1st thing Wednesday • The Church Hierarchy: what made the church so powerful? • Parish Priest: What sacraments couldn’t he administer? • The Bishop: Group of churches is called a what? • Church leadership: who advised the Pope? Name both. • Monasticism: What type of clergy were monks? • Lifestyles: Where did they (monks) live? • Benedictine rule: Who created most of the rules for monks? • Where was his monastery? • Male leaders in the monastery? What is the term • Female leaders in the monastery? • Spread of influence: How did they become wealthy? • Who brought Christianity to England and Ireland?
ON YOUR OWN come up with answers for the following: • You must read and understand this section to reply. • These answers should total a page in length, bulleted points, numbered questions, but do it well. • Suppose you had an interdict set on you by the church. • 1. Imagine you were a noble of the time, what would you do in response? • Remember this means that the church has shut down all the churches in your area. • 2. Why might they have done this? (you make it up) • 3. If the church also excommunicated you what would you be shut out from? Remember church is the center of power and society.
Sect 4 • From where did the word Sherriff come? • Norman Conquest 1066 • Why did William feel he should have the throne? • Who lost the battle? • Anglo Saxon language still prevailed • This is why English is Germanic and not French- what William the Conqueror’s people- The Normans of France would eventually speak • Magna Carta- Limits King’s rights • Institutes trialsby jury, Parliament power, King is bound by law
Chapter Tutorial • Identifying Terms 1-5 • Understanding Main Ideas, 2, 3, 4 • Reviewing Themes 1-3 • Thinking Critically: 2 • Writing about History • Point of View: Write the Paragraph -4 sentences
Church Review • What is canon law? • Interdict? • Excommunication? • Simony? • Who brought Christianity to Ireland? • To England? • People who went against the church doctrine were called______? • Parish priests collected 1/10 from its people called a what? • Who was William the conqueror? • What did he conquer?
Edward I • Longshanks, Hammer of the Scotts • Court of the Exchequer • Court of the Common Pleas • Court of the King’s bench
In what court does it belong? • Building a new castle • Citizens not paying taxes • Johnny farmer wants to get his innocent father out of jail • The king wants to establish a new office • A favorite noble doesn’t want to pay his taxes
Heretic • Fief • Vassal • Magna Carta • MissiDominici • Clovis • Vikings- who they are, why they left Scandinavia (2 reasons) • Primogeniture • Feudalism • Chivalry • Feudal Lord • Treaty of Verdun • Chivalry • Difference between secular and regular clergy • Parts of the castle and manor • Interdict • Simony • Curia • Monasticism • Edward 1 • William the Conqueror • Government centralized or decentralized? • Excommunication • Primogeniture • Crop rotation – Purpose? • 2 reasons that the Vikings left Scandinavia • Church Hierarchy – who was on top and the levels to the bottom • Who advised the pope? • Feudalism Hierarchy and the all of its levels • Charlemagne- Who he conquered, what he was known for, his title from the pope, how his sons ruled, views on education • Knights- Their job, who do they protect, why would the enemy not want to kill them?