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Random Packet-CDMA: Reducing Delay and Increasing Throughput of WLAN Systems

Random Packet-CDMA: Reducing Delay and Increasing Throughput of WLAN Systems. Roland Kempter and Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny kempter@ece.utah.edu farhang@ece.utah.edu. Organization. Introduction: Scheduled vs. Random Channel Access Random Packet-CDMA (RP-CDMA) RP-CDMA: Header Detection

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Random Packet-CDMA: Reducing Delay and Increasing Throughput of WLAN Systems

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  1. Random Packet-CDMA: Reducing Delay and IncreasingThroughput of WLAN Systems Roland Kempter and Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny kempter@ece.utah.edu farhang@ece.utah.edu

  2. Organization • Introduction: Scheduled vs. Random Channel Access • Random Packet-CDMA (RP-CDMA) • RP-CDMA: Header Detection • RP-CDMA: Payload Detection • Conclusions

  3. Handshakew/ TX Transmitter (TX) Handshake w/ Base Base Tell about resources Packet in queue Ask for resources Thinking about it! TX Data (IP) traffic is bursty! Introduction:scheduling-based access • Advantages • Base knows everything: • packet collisions can be avoided • service can be guaranteed (great for voice) • Disadvantages • Resources need to be negotiated: • OK in circuit switched systems • large overhead (or low efficiency) with packetized traffic

  4. TX Base TX Transmitter (TX) Send Acknowledgement Check medium (sometimes) Packet in queue Introduction:random channel access • Advantages • self regulating (good for bursty traffic) • load adaptive • simplifies infrastructure • Disadvantages • Collisions, low stable throughput • degrades heavily as load increases • delay variations

  5. Advances in (Random) Channel Access No collisions Know SS for detection handshaking Not Random Protocol Max. throughput of Spread Aloha (18% of a fully coordinated system) S = G RP-CDMA: combination of Spread Aloha with CDMA technology 1970 1980 1990 1997 2000+ 1976 CDMA:Concurrent Transmissions Aloha Ethernet IEEE 802.3 CSMA Spread Aloha IEEE 802.11 Introduction:background on random channel access

  6. System Characteristics Header Channel: low-traffic SpreadALOHA channel Data Channel: CDMA, possibly large number of TX RP-CDMA packet structure [KemAmiFar06, SchKemKot06] [KemAmiFar06] R. Kempter, P. Amini and B. Farhang-Boroujeny, “Throughput and Stability of RP-CDMA and Spread Aloha in Multipacket Capture Channels", submitted to IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, October 2006 [SchKemKot06] C. Schlegel, R. Kempter and P. Kota, “A Novel Random Wireless Packet Multiple Access Method Using CDMA”,IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, p. 1362-1370, Vol. 5, No. 6, June 2006

  7. Lh<Ld and concurrent TX:feature of RP-CDMA header detection likely (h/d)interference limited Note If header detection limited by (h/d)interference:  CSMA/CA on the header unlikely to improve performance RP-CDMA Performance: interference in the header channel System Effect Packet format separates TX into a virtual header and virtual data channel

  8. Collisions: notnecessarily As long as no overlap at chip level: still separated by Spreading Gain N. RP-CDMA Performance: collisions in the header channel

  9. Assume • Header detected successfully iff after receiver, SNIR > header detection threshold • No chip-level collisions happened • Equal power scenario Packet timingestablished during header recovery: Matched Filter for header detection • Solve: Matched Filter [TseHan99] • Check for chip-level collisions RP-CDMA Header Detection: results

  10. RP-CDMA: header detection, spread aloha, equal powers (a) SNRh/SNRd=5 dB (b) Nh=Nd=20 (c) Ld / Lh=25

  11. Interference limitation Small systems Interference can be suppressed Large systems Interference can only be suppressed up to a certain load Collision limitation Point f (Nh, Nd, K, Ph/Pd, pathloss, , header technology, data technology) RP-CDMA: performance • Conclusions from the header process • After a certain point which is f(N,SNR),increasing Ld / Lh • does not improve performance

  12. Assume Data frame is detected successfullyiff after receiver, SNIR  >threshold . SNIR  is multi-user receiver specific RP-CDMA: data channel performance

  13. [KemSch05] R. Kempter and C. Schlegel, “Packet Random Access in CDMA Radio Networks”,in Proceedings of Allerton Conference 2005. [ShiSchKem06] Z. Shi, C. Schlegel and R. Kempter, “On the Performance of Partitioned-Spreading CDMA”,Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, CISS 2006, Princeton, 2006 RP-CDMA Data Detection • Matched Filter [TseHan99] • Decorrelator [TseHan99] • MMSE [TseHan99] • Partitioned Spreading [KemSch05, ShiSchKem06]: iterative demodulation, resolves (virtually) allmultiuser interference

  14. RP-CDMA: network simulations • IP packet sizes are trimodally distributed [Inet2]: • Pr(L=50 bytes) = 0.5 • Pr(L=500 bytes) = 0.4 • Pr(L=1500 bytes) = 0.1 • Also • RP-CDMA header size: Lh= 50 bits  E[Ld / Lh] = 60 • Payload and header spreading gains: N=32 • Header/Payload SNR: 5 dB • Header and data detection thresholds: 3 dB • Power control • Nodes transmit to a central base station

  15. RP-CDMA: equal power, central base station

  16. Software processes, payload decoding technology can be adopted f(load) Laid out for max. # users RP-CDMA receiver: SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO

  17. Conclusions 1/2 • We demonstrated the performance in the RP-CDMA • header channel by modeling it as a Spread Aloha packet. • After a point, RP-CDMA becomes interferencerather than collision limited: • f (Nh, Nd, K, Ph/Pd, pathloss, , h. technology, d. technology) • For the data channel, we compared: • - Matched Filter - Decorrelator - MMSE • - Partitioned Spreading • in base station centric networksw/ power control

  18. Conclusions 2/2 • RP-CDMA is determined by header process: • improvingheaderdirectly is hard (non-linear in parameters): • BUT: with Partitioned Spreading, for a targeted data rate, Pd can be low, increasingPh / Pd •  pushing the interference limit • We presented the general block-diagram of an RP-CDMA • software defined receiver • RP-CDMA allows to adopt to different load situationsvia software changes • low load:power save w/ matched filter • high load: partitioned spreading

  19. [TseHan99] Tse, David N. C. and Hanly, S. V.,”Linear Multiuser Receivers: Effective Interference, Effective bandwidth and User Capacity”,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 45, No. 2, pp. 641-657, March 1999 [Loy62] Loynes, R. M, “The Stability of a Queue with Non-independent Inter-arrivals and Service Times”,Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., Vol 58, pp. 497-520, 1962 [LuoEph06] Jie Luo and Ephremides, A., “On the throughput, capacity, and stability regions of random multiple access”, IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp. 2593-2607, July 2006 [XuBae02]Xu, K. and Sang Bae, M., “How Effective is the IEEE 802.11 RTS/CTS Handshake in Ad Hoc Networks?”, GLOBECOM 2002, Vol. 1, pp. 72-76, Nov. 17-21 [RayCarStar03] Ray, S. and Carruthers, J. B and Starobinski, D., “RTS/CTS-Induced Congestion in Ad hoc Wireless LANs”,Wireless Communications and Networking, WCNC 2003, Vol. 3, pp. 1516-1521, March 16-20 [HaaDen02] Haas, Z. J. and Deng, J., “Dual busy tone multiple access (DBTMA)-a multiple access control scheme for ad hoc networks”, IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 975-985, 2002 [Inet2] Statistics for the Abilene backbone network of Internet2, 2005, http://netflow.internet2.edu/ [Bia00]Bianchi, G., “Performance Analysis of the IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function”,IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 535-547, March 2000 [NiTschSh99]Ni, S. Y. and Tseng, Y. C. and Chen, Y. S. and Sheu, J. P., “The Broadcast Storm Problem in a Mobile Ad Hoc Network”,ACM MOBICOMM ’99, August 1999 [GupKum01]P. Gupta and R. Gray and P. Kumar, “An Experimental Scaling Law for Ad hoc Networks”,Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Tech. Report, May 2001 [FLUX] David Johnson, Tim Stack, Russ Fish, Dan Flickinger, Rob Ricci, Jay Lepreau, “TrueMobile: A Mobile Robotic Wireless and Sensor Network Testbed,”University of Utah Flux Group Technical Note 2005-02, April 2005. Revised version to appear in INFOCOMM 2006 [HaePuc05] Martin Haenggi, Daniele Puccinelli, “Routing in Ad Hoc Networks: A Case for Long Hops,” IEEE Communications Magazine, October 2005 The End Additional References

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