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Washington State Teacher and Principal Evaluation Project. Providing High-Quality Feedback for Continuous Professional Growth and Development. Entry Task.
Washington State Teacher and Principal Evaluation Project Providing High-Quality Feedback for Continuous Professional Growth and Development
Entry Task • Complete the 5-question school self-assessment about creating a culture of feedback and professional growth that is rooted in standards and criteria of effective practice. • The self-assessments are located at your table. • Keep it when you are done.
Welcome! • Agenda • Connecting • Learning • Implementing • Reflecting • Wrap-Up • Introductions • Logistics • Agenda
Modules • Introduction to Educator Evaluation in Washington • Using Instructional and Leadership Frameworks in Educator Evaluation • Preparing and Applying Formative Multiple Measures of Performance: An Introduction to Self-Assessment, Goal Setting, and Criterion Scoring • Including Student Growth in Educator Evaluation • Conducting High-Quality Observations and Maximizing Rater Agreement • Providing High-Quality Feedback for Continuous Professional Growth and Development • Combining Multiple Measures Into a Summative Rating
Session Norms • Pausing • Paraphrasing • Posing Questions • Putting Ideas on the Table • Providing Data • Paying Attention to Self and Others • Presuming Positive Intentions • What Else?
Module Overview • This module provides • An overview of the role of professional growth as a key component of the educator evaluation system in Washington • An overview of how to provide feedback to teachers so that they continue to grow and improve in their practice • Ideas on how to engage faculty in rich and meaningful conversations about teaching practice • Strategies for connecting professional development planning with evaluation outcomes
Intended Participant Outcomes for This Module Participants will know and be able to • Understand how the Instructional or Leadership Framework functions as a professional growth and evaluation tool • Know the WA TPEP evaluation and professional growth cycle • Determine the best ways for your district and your educators to integrate the TPEP core principles • Practice the types of conversation and feedback that promote educator growth and development • Engage in two kinds of conversation about teaching—one outside the evaluative context and one inside the evaluative context
Connecting Builds community, prepares the team for learning, and links to prior knowledge, other modules, and current work
Connecting: Magnetic Statements • Statements are posted around the room to prompt conversation. • Decide which statement attracts you the most and go stand under that statement. • Have a 7-minute stand-up conversation with others there about the statement and its meaning to you.
Connecting Debrief • One person from the group reads aloud their statement and describes the gist of the group conversation. • What are the common themes across these conversations?
Learning I: A Shared Understanding of Promoting Professional Growth Understand how the Instructional or Leadership Framework functions as a professional growth and evaluation tool Know the WA TPEP evaluation and professional growth cycle
In Washington… G! RCW 28A.405.100 G! RCW 28A.405.100 G! RCW 28A.405.100 G! RCW 28A.405.100 G! RCW 28A.405.100 g A capital “G!” indicates that the guidance represents Washington state law (RCW) or rules (WAC). G! RCW 28A.405.100 A lower-case “g” indicates that the guidance represents research-based best practice but is not mandated by law or rules.
Teacher and Principal Evaluation in Washington • Core Principles • 8 Criteria • Professional Growth Cycle • Instructional and Leadership Frameworks G! RCW 28A.405.100 g G! RCW 28A.405.100
g Using the Frameworks for Promoting Professional Growth
A Culture Shift “Principals are culture-makers, intentionally or not. ” – McLaughlin and Talbert 2006
Culture Shift Discussion • Turn to an elbow partner at your table and discuss: • Of these different shifts, which one may be the easiest? Which one may be the most challenging? • What are some of the tools needed to support these shifts? • What can both teachers and leaders do to engage in these culture shifts and make them positive experiences?
Let’s Watch: A Conversation About Instructional Practice • Observing Instruction to Build Capacity Coaching Video http://tpep-wa.org/2013/10/22/example-observation-conversations-with-the-framework-for-teaching/
g Shift From Teaching-Focused Conversation to Learning-Focused Conversation From Learning-Focused Supervision: Navigating Difficult Conversations. Lipton and Wellman, 2009. Used with permission.
Learning I Activity: Sudden Literature • Divide your table or team into 3s. • Each person receives a different excerpt to read. • Mark your text as you read: • Discuss the key idea(s) from each reading. What is common across all of them? • Leading for Instructional Improvement (CEL) pages 125–131 • Talking About Teaching (Danielson) pages 45–49, 54–56 • Coaching Classroom Instruction (Marzano) pages 3–11 ! = the key idea(s) ? = a question to pose to the group * = a point of confusion
Learning Activity I: Debrief • What do all of the framework authors have to say about the kinds of conversation that need to take place to really advance teaching practice? • How do the four roles/stances apply to what the evaluator needs to do before, during, and after these kinds of conversations? • What skills and knowledge do evaluators need to have?
Learning II: The Power of Conversation and Feedback Practice the types of conversation and feedback that promote educator growth and development
The Power of Deep Conversation and Targeted Feedback Allows Us to… • Create a culture of inquiry and reflection • Dig below the surface and examine underlying assumptions • See patterns and examine results • Determine the need for/consequences of different approaches • Plan appropriate actions “Learning to see, unlearning to judge” – City, Elmore, and Colleagues Instructional Rounds in Education (2009)
Austin’s Butterfly: Transformed by Models, Critique, and Descriptive Feedback • http://vimeo.com/38247060
Video Discussion • How can we shift the way we have been conducting conversations about teaching practice to a new way of conducting conversations? • What are the lessons we can learn from this video? • What parallels can we draw between the lessons learned in Austin’s Butterfly and conversations about professional growth and development?
g Impact in the Classroom • Coached teachers and principals generally practiced new strategies more frequently and developed greater skill in the actual moves of a new teaching strategy than did uncoached educators who had experienced identical initial training… • Coached teachers used their newly learned strategies more appropriately than uncoached teachers in terms of their own instructional objectives and the theories of specific models of teaching… • Coached teachers exhibited greater long-term retention of knowledge about and skill with strategies in which they had been coached and, as a group, increased the appropriateness of use of new teaching models over time… Joyce and Showers, Student Achievement through Staff Development. 2002. (pages 86–87)
g Impact in the Classroom, continued • Coached teachers were much more likely than uncoached teachers to explain new models of teaching to their students, ensuring that students understood the purpose of the strategy and the behaviors expected of them when using that strategy… • Coached teachers…exhibited clearer cognitions with regard to the purposes and uses of the new strategies as revealed through interviews, lesson plans, and classroom performance… Joyce and Showers, Student Achievement through Staff Development. 2002. (pages 86–87)
Roles in Feedback and Professional Growth Conversations All have the same goal: developing the capacity of teachers to provide best-practices instruction against standards of practice • Principal/Evaluator • Instructional Coach • Teacher • Peer Observer/Evaluator
Coaching With Probing Questions • Tool: Probing Questions Versus Clarifying Questions • How can a tool like this set of questions create better conversations between evaluators and teachers (and among everyone discussing enhancing teaching practice)? • No matter what the role, everyone in a conversation about instructional practice needs tools to support their skills.
Learning II Activity: Practice With Scenarios and Role Play • Evaluator’s task: • Ask probing questions • Provide targeted feedback • Teacher’s task: • Reflect on practice • Critical friend’s task: • Observe/note the phrases and words used by the evaluator • In a trio, choose 1 of the 5 scenarios from your handout packet. • 1 partner plays the role of the teacher • 1 partner plays the role of the evaluator • 1 partner plays the critical friend • Use an Instructional Framework to ground the conversation between the evaluator and teacher.
Learning II Activity: Debrief • How did the conversations evolve with the probing questions? Was it a challenge to stay in a probing stance instead of a clarifying or recommending stance? • What if the conversations you just had were like the example we saw in Austin’s Butterfly—where the feedback about practice was ongoing and constant until the outcome was closer to the target?
Learning III: Conducting Rigorous Conversations Practice the types of conversation and feedback that promote educator growth and development
g Promoting Rigorous Conversation • Rigorous Discourse Is Evidence Based • Rigorous Discourse Is Dialogic • Rigorous Discourse Is Culturally Proficient • Rigorous Discourse Is Reflective • Rigorous Discourse Is Actionable Macdonald, E. The Skillful Team Leader: A Resource for Overcoming Hurdles to Professional Learning for Student Achievement. 2013.
Learning Activity III: Rigorous Discourse Dilemmas • Each table group will read and discuss 1 of the 4 dilemmas. • Overview • Identify the Hurdle • Explore Possible Causes • Respond • Create a table on chart paper to present to the other groups:
Learning Activity III: Debrief • Gallery Walk • Go around to each cluster and review the posted chart paper sheets. • How can you use the information about rigorous discourse and apply it to the conversations about teaching practice as part of the evaluation process? What steps might be necessary to make sure everyone understands that this kind of conversation is essential?
Implementing I: Rigorous Conversations About Effective Teaching Practice Conversations outside the evaluative context and inside the evaluative context
g Professional Growth Conversations Inside and Outside the Evaluation Context Professional Growth: 8 Criteria
High-Leverage Teaching Practices (observable) 1. Making content explicit through explanation, modeling, representations, and examples 2. Leading a whole-class discussion 3. Eliciting and interpreting individual students’ thinking 4. Establishing norms and routines for classroom discourse central to the subject-matter domain 6. Identifying and implementing an instructional response to common patterns of student thinking 7. Teaching a lesson or segment of instruction 8. Implementing organizational routines, procedures, and strategies to support a learning environment 9. Setting up and managing small group work 10. Engaging in strategic relationship-building conversations with students 14. Selecting and using particular methods to check understanding and monitor student learning 16. Providing oral and written feedback to students on their work http://www.teachingworks.org/work-of-teaching/high-leverage-practices
Protocols to Discuss Teaching • Current research on professional learning shows us that embedded professional development is essential (Jaquith, Mindich, Wei, & Darling-Hammond, 2010). • The protocols will empower teachers and principals to embed best practice regarding teacher and principal standards into daily evaluation practices that ultimately lead to increased student learning.
Example: Conversation Protocol • Review the example protocol
Implementing Activity I: Using Conversation Protocols and Videos About Effective Teaching Practice • Camas video http://tpep-wa.org/trainingpd/camas-plc-video
Using the Protocols for Success • Customize each protocol to your district’s Instructional Framework. • Look for extension activities in the protocols if you have more professional development time. • If you don’t have time, consider splitting up a protocol and running it in two sessions. • Make connections, where possible, between Common Core and TPEP.
Reflecting Engages participants in providing feedback, reflecting on learning, and closing the session
Debrief • Take a few minutes and create at least three sticky notes for the Stop/Start/Continue chart on your way out. • Stop: What didn’t work in this session? What should not be included in the future? • Start: What didn’t happen that should have in this session? What should be planned for future sessions? • Continue: What worked well and should be continued in future sessions like this?
What’s Next? • Combining Multiple Measures Into a Summative Rating module • Homework options • District: Plan for additional training of evaluators and teachers on these types of conversations and how to focus feedback on supporting professional growth and learning—both in and out of the evaluation conversation—and the types of culture shifts necessary. • School or teams: Use the protocols in the eVAL system or other types of protocols to engage staff in reflective and rigorous discourse about instructional practice and how to support the types of culture shifts necessary. • Individual: Consider your role in shifting the culture of your school or district to have the kinds of conversations practiced today. Share the tools and strategies learned today. • The next module: Combining multiple measures into a summative rating module.
References Jaquith, A., Mindich, D., Wei, R. C., & Darling-Hammond, L. (2010). Teacher professional learning in the United States: State policies and strategies technical report: Case studies of state policies and strategies. Oxford, OH: Learning Forward.
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