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Media Processing 101: Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Approaches

Learn media processing logistics, top-down and bottom-up approaches, code extraction, design decisions, and more for CS414 Spring '09. Dive into ffmpeg, APIs, examples, and design considerations.

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Media Processing 101: Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Approaches

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  1. CS 414, MP1 Help Session, Spring 09 Presented by Hoang Nguyen

  2. Overview • Some logistics • Top-down approach • Start with a well-known tool (ffmpeg) • Identify relevant APIs and examples • Extract and modify code for the project • More examples to get started, but less control • Bottom-up approach • Start with basic building block(s) • Create your own custom code almost from scratch • Fewer examples, but more control • Big picture (design decisions) • Reminders

  3. Logistics • Group Setup • Group Number (1-7) • Group Directory • MP hints updated (walkthrough) • http://www.cs.uiuc.edu/class/sp09/cs414/help/cs414Hints.htm • Java Media Framework is NOT available due to 64-bit incompatibility • Install ffmpeg on your home/group directory + common errors • ALSA configuration on csil-0216 machines http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php?title=FAQ026 • TA OH: 3-4pm Thu/Fri, SC 0207

  4. Top-down • ffmpeg/SDL • Read libavcodec and libavformat docs • Follow tutorial “How to write Video Player in Less than 1000 lines’ http://dranger.com/ffmpeg/ • Need to use video formats and data structures defined by tools • Need to figure out relevant APIs and examples!!!

  5. Top-down (cont.) • Tutorial01.c: Basic • Tutorial02.c: output to the screen as fast as possible • Need to figure out how to display at the correct frame rate • Tutorial05.c: Rate control • packet->dts is always available for MJPEG (I-frames only) • “ffmpeg –i input.X” also gives frame rate information • SDL_Delay() • Keep in mind: Processing delay needs to be taken into account for a correct frame rate display • Tutorial07.c: av_seek_frame() • av_seek_frame() may be useful for fast forward/rewind • Tutorial03.c: Playing audio

  6. Bottom-up MPEG/AVI Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 … Convert JPEG 1 JPEG 2 JPEG 3 JPEG 4 … Image sequence Store Size of JPEG 1 For (I) Buf = Read_JPEG(I) Display_JPEG(Buf) Delay(…) Pos. of JPEG 1 JPEG 1 Pos. of JPEG 2 Size of JPEG 2 …. JPEG 2 JPEG 1 …. JPEG 2

  7. Bottom-up (cont.) • Design and implement your own simple motion JPEG format • Video header (e.g., number of frames) followed by sequence of JPEGs with JPEG headers (e.g., frame size) • Create JPEGs from video format X ffmpeg -i $1 -t 10 -f image2 -vcodec mjpeg img%d.jpg • Combine all the JPEGs into your own motion JPEG with appropriate headers for overall video and individual frames

  8. Bottom-up (cont.) • Start with basic building blocks • E.g. assume function display_jpeg() that can display single JPEG image from buffer • Create thread that reads video data from disk to a buffer • Later MPs will require thread to read video data from the network • Create thread that displays video from the buffer • E.g.: http://www.csee.umbc.edu/~pmundur/courses/CMSC691C/Client.html • Producer/Consumer

  9. Producer-Consumer Thread Thread Producer Consumer produce()/put() consume()/get() frames Buffer Disk/Net Display/Net Tutorial05.c: PacketQueue, packet_queue_put(), packet_queue_get() Java: http://www.java2s.com/Code/Java/Threads/ProducerConsumerTest.htm C/pthread: http://procrastinationrising.com/pthread-producer-consumer-example-in-c/

  10. Big picture • Fast forward & rewind • Access individual frames • Create index file for video • Media streaming over network (MP3) • Players should read from buffers and another thread should write to the buffer (either from disk or network) • Synchronization (MP4) • Timestamp audio and video frames

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