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Sustainable Estuarine Management Plans: Implementing the Protocol

Develop, coordinate, and implement Estuarine Management Plans in line with National Protocol for effective and sustainable South African estuary management. Framework details three phases: Scoping, Objective Setting, and Implementation, ensuring ecological integrity, biodiversity protection, and climate change adaptation. Specific actions for Western Cape and Eastern Cape provinces are outlined, emphasizing water quality monitoring, invasive species management, and regulatory compliance.

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Sustainable Estuarine Management Plans: Implementing the Protocol

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  2. MANDATE • Effective & co-ordinated management of South African estuaries - ICM Act & NEMP • Ensure that estuarine management plans are developed in line with a National Estuarine Management Protocol “the Protocol” & CMPs • Submit an annual report to the Minister on the implementation of the EMPs, etc.

  3. “The estuaries of South Africa are managed in a sustainable way that benefits the current and future generations” • To conserve, manage & enhance sustainable economic & social use without compromising the ecological integrity & functioning of estuarine ecosystems; • To maintain or restore ecological integrity of SA estuaries through ecological interactions between estuaries/estuaries & catchments/estuaries & other ecosystems; • To manage estuaries co-operatively through all spheres of government; and to engage the private sector/ entities and civil society; • To protect a representative sample of estuaries meet biodiversity targets; • To promote awareness, education & training; • To minimise the potential detrimental impacts of predicted climate change

  4. Procedure for developing EMP • Minimum requirements for EMP • Approval and adoption of EMP • Guidelines developed to supplement the Protocol; • Provides clear procedures & guidance to the responsible management authorities who develop & coordinate the implementation of EMPs; • Estuarine management framework • Scoping phase; • Objective setting phase; & • Implementation phase

  5. Framework for Estuarine Management Plans in South Africa (aligned with Protocol): Every 5 years… Scoping phase Situation Assessment Objective setting phase Implementation phase Vision and Objectives 5-yearly review of EMP Geographical boundaries (based on Estuary Functional Zone) Continuous monitoring/ performance evaluation Spatial zonation of activities Performance indicators Management objectives/activities Implementation strategy and project plans Integrated monitoring Institutional capacity and arrangements


  7. WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE WEST COAST DM: the EMPs for the following estuaries are implemented Olifants, Berg and Verlorenvlei Actions: Berg and Olifants Water quality monitoring is done by DWS through DWS/WCDM MoU Bird Count protocol (indicator species) developed through CapeNature The water quality of the inflowing freshwater as well as the estuarine water needs are monitored on a monthly basis. Environmental Education programme with specific estuary conservation and management items implemented- WCDM/DEADP/CapeNature Actions: Verlorenvlei VEMF was informed that at present there is no mandated management authority for Verlorenvlei. Cape Nature is in the process of making submission for the transfer of RSA 282 from the State to Western Cape so that Provincial Nature Reserve Status can be facilitated. Cape Nature has been carrying out bird counts. Water Quality Monitoring Task team comprised of DWA surface and groundwater specialists and WCDM.

  8. WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE EDEN DM: the EMPs for the following estuaries are implemented- Grootbrak, Kleinbrak, Keurbooms, Gouritz Actions: Water quality and; Management of invasive and alien species SANParks: Knysna estuary- implemented in line with Garden Route Nature Reserve Park Plan Cape Nature: Goukou (Stillbaai MPA) and Heuningnes (De Mond NR) Heuningnes- process of including the estuary as part of the nature reserve for effective management; updating CN regulations in line with DAFF policies Goukou- implemented in line with Park Plan action CoCT: Diep (Table Bay NR) and Zandvlei (False Bay NR)- water quality monitoring (storm water), Water Hyacinth removal

  9. WESTERN CAPE PROVINCE OVERBERG: Bot/Kleinmond, Klein river and Uilkraals Actions: Water quality and management of invasive and alien species DEADP: Breede (between Overberg and Eden DM) EMP was reviewed in 2014 and handed-over to the responsible management authority for finalisation and approval processed It has been updated and gazette for public comments by DETEA

  10. EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE There are 9 EMPs developed- in different stages and are not implemented. ECPTA: Mtentu, Msikaba, Ntafufu These EMPs were reviewed in 2014 and handed-over to the responsible management authority for finalisation and approval processed in 2015 PSJ LM: Mngazi and Mngaza Draft EMP Is in place, Port St John LM needs to take EMPs forward BCM: Nahoon Draft EMP Is in place, recently published for public comments. DEDEAT supported the Metro financially in the process. NMBM: Swartkops EMP was reviewed in 2014 and handed-over to the responsible management authority for finalisation and approval processed Koukamma: Gamtoos EMP was reviewed in 2014 and handed-over to the responsible management authority for finalisation and approval processed

  11. EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE SANParks: Sundays These EMPs were reviewed in 2014 and handed-over to the responsible management authority for finalisation and approval processed- No progress Minimum implementation of the -plan Recently, the estuary was included in the Addo Elephant Park – as part of the MPA Issues of concerns were around zonation plan, stakeholder engagement DEA: Buffalo EMP (Port of East London) The SAR was completed in April 2016 The draft EMP has been presented in various stakeholder meetings- incorporate comments from stakeholders- Intend to gazette in January 2017 for public comments

  12. KWAZULU NATAL PROVINCE EKZNW: Mpenjati EMP was reviewed in 2014 and handed-over to the responsible management authority for finalisation and approval processed It has been updated and ready for gazette by DETEA eThekwini: iSiphingo These EMPs were reviewed in 2014 and handed-over to the responsible management authority for finalisation and approval processed- No progress DEA: Durban Bay EMP was reviewed in 2014 and handed-over to the responsible management authority for finalisation and approval processed- Gazetted for public comments in October 2015 Updated EMP submitted to DEA: Legal Services for vetting No implementation, except TNPA water quality monitoring

  13. NORTHEN CAPE PROVINCE DEA: Orange River Mouth EMP was reviewed in 2014 and handed-over to the responsible management authority for finalisation and approval processed- Gazetted for public comments in October 2015 Updated EMP submitted to DEA: Legal Services for vetting Actions: Review and update the Ramsar boundary- done (reported to Ramsar Secretariat) Monitoring: DWS conducts water quality; IUCN/EWT- bird count Alexkor- in a process to conduct rehabilitation based on the EMP as required by DMR

  14. CHALLENGES • Approval and adoption of draft EMPs & implementation • Assumption of estuaries within PA are formally protected- exclusion of estuaries • Limited of ownership and leadership from Local Municipalities- interpretation of SALGA report • Development of EMPs

  15. FUTURE NEEDS • Formalize all EMPs and provide support to the responsible management authorities • Engage with DWS to conduct reserve determination for estuaries with EMPs- Berg, Gouritz & Mzimvubu WMA studies underway • Involve academic and research institutions to improve health status of the estuaries • Promote a representation of estuaries protection. • Promote collaborations with research institution for basic and long-term monitoring on estuaries

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