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Evolution of World Statistics Pocketbooks: Embracing the Digital Age

Explore the transition of World Statistics Pocketbooks to the digital era and learn about the UN CountryStats APP, lessons learned, and upcoming challenges. Discover valuable insights and resources for statistical communication.

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Evolution of World Statistics Pocketbooks: Embracing the Digital Age

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  1. United Nations World Statistics PocketbookHeather PageUnited Nations Statistics DivisionWork Session on the Communication of StatisticsSession 4: Good practices in electronic publicationsGeneva, Switzerland, 18-20 June 2014 United Nations Statistics Division

  2. Outline • Introduction: Pocketbook content & Global market niche • Evolution to the digital age • UN CountryStats APP • Lessons learned & challenges

  3. Pocketbook content & Global market niche WORLD STATISTICS POCKETBOOKS (1976-2013)

  4. Pocketbook content & Global market niche CURRENT GLOBAL POCKETBOOK MARKET Source: Author compilation based on each Pocketbook’s website as listed above, May 2014.

  5. Evolution to the digital age UNIWORLD DATABASE HANDBOOK, DISKETTE AND POCKETBOOK (1996)

  6. Evolution to the digital age POCKETBOOK WEBSITE & FREE PDF LINK Website: http://unstats.un.org/unsd/pocketbook/

  7. Evolution to the digital age UNDATA Website: http://data.un.org Country Profiles Website: http://data.un.org/CountryProfile.aspx?crName

  8. Evolution to the digital age UNSD TWITTER SITE Website: https://twitter.com/UNStats

  9. UN CountryStats APP APPLE WEBSITE TO DOWNLOAD THE UN COUNTRYSTATS APP Website: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/un-countrystats/id505192468?mt=8

  10. UN CountryStats APP

  11. UN CountryStats APP

  12. UN CountryStats APP


  14. UN CountryStats APP POCKETBOOK APP MARKETPLACE Sources: UN CountryStats app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/un-countrystats/id505192468?mt=8, May 2014; WDI DataFinder app: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/world-bank-datafinder/id349081196?mt=8, May 2014; The Economist: https://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/the-economist-world-in-figures/id438709514?mt=8, May 2014.

  15. UN CountryStats APP • Next Steps: version 2.0 due July/Aug 2014 • Communication strategy for launch: revised website, Twitter campaign, DESA News, linking to other social media • Where to next: web-based APP

  16. Lessons learned • PDF as “e-book” • App is king • Analytics, users & target audiences Icon made by Dave Gandy from www.flaticon.com

  17. Challenges & Next Steps • Targeting correctly: using a dissemination plan and survey • Linking our products • Visuals

  18. Heather PageUnited Nations Statistics DivisionStatistical Dissemination Sectionpageh@un.org United Nations Statistics Division

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