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Media | Telecom | Smart transfer | Satellite

Media | Telecom | Smart transfer | Satellite. Introduction 1/2. ARCHIVE | PRODUCTION POST PRODUCTION |PLAYOUT MONITORING. Introduction 2/2. PLAYOUT |MONITORING. ARCHIVE | PRODUCTION . POST PRODUCTION . Description. Why Playsatcom ?

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Media | Telecom | Smart transfer | Satellite

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  1. Media | Telecom | Smart transfer | Satellite



  4. Description WhyPlaysatcom ? Luxembourg is the european centre formedia, technology, IT and connectivity. This initiative putsourstrengthstogether in order to offer a complete set of solutions for media players in Luxembourg, Europe and the rest of the world. The finestanswer to the marketrequirements The media marketis in constant evolution, and media companies are splittingtheiroperation, production and administration sites in different locations and even in different countries. Playsatcomoffers a complete set of solutions in media technology, services, connectivity and exchange.

  5. Strongpartners BCE is a European leader in technical services in the areas of television, radio, production and postproduction, telecommunication and IT. With its long experience on the media market, BCE’s team provides high-quality services and will always find the solution that matches yourproject and budget. P&TLuxembourgis the incumbent Telecom operator of Luxembourg. It offers a wide range of telecommunications services, including satellite uplink & downlink services and cloud & hosting services. It also owns and operates a world-class IP-network, called TERALINK, which provides connections to Europe’s foremost telecommunication and carrier hotels. Vicus-Luxlink offers satellite operators and service providers a complete solution to their uplinking, downlinking and telehousing requirements. With dedicated satellite platforms at Vicus-Luxlink teleport, customers have a direct access to a strong Internet backbone and fiber network.

  6. Media experts For media solutions, BCE has more than30 years of experiencegained in launching, upgrading and broadcastingtelevisionchannels and radio stations throughout Europe.

  7. Media experts • TV-related services from P&TLuxembourg : more than 25 years experience in operation and teleport services, expertise in IP TV Services ‘Tele vun der Post, Media Cloud Services,International Connectivity through TERALINK

  8. Satellite experts Vicus-Luxlink brings a comprehensive and flexible set of connectivity and satellite uplinks as well as full serviced and innovative DTH services around the globe to the Media World.

  9. Telecom

  10. Smart and fast file transfer

  11. Satellite

  12. Think global

  13. Complete offer Whatcanwe do ? On top of «à la carte» services fromeachpartner. Playsatcomfocuses on six main products. SEAMLESS RECOVERY EASY PLAYOUT DATA SAVER Playout, high speed connectivity and satellite Playoutdisasterrecoveryfromanywhere in the world Archive mirroring, real-time automatic updates ERASING BORDERS BREAK THE NEWS DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER Access to satellite bandwidthfromanywhere in the world Digitisation services and integration. Content exchange Best of connectivity, fiber, internet, telecom, satellite

  14. Thankyou www. .com Downloadthispresentation

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