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Numeracy. Creative Development. Personal and Social development.
Numeracy Creative Development Personal and Social development Counting and comparing sets of objects. Reciting numbers in order forwards and backwards to ten. Find one more or less than a random single digit number. Identify, continue and recreate a simple pattern. Sort objects using self chosen criteria. Name shapes in pictures and the environment. Demonstrate the ability to make colour choices when painting Be able to print a simple pattern Explore art resources and choose which medium they will use Enjoy singing and know the lyrics to some songs and rhymes Begin to talk about music heard Recognise familiar tunes Begin to discriminate between loud/quiet and fast/slow Learning the rules and routines of our class. Who are you? What is your name?Becoming a member of a group, being special, Emotions slideshow, how do we feel?Being kind and helping others, problem solving, what to do? Who to ask? What makes us feel happy, excited, frightened, sad, what can we do about it? Theme: Animal Magic Year : Reception Term: Autumn 2013 Be able to start and stop on a command Be able to use all the available space Be able to adapt movements to available space Have an awareness of others in the available space and be able to avoid bumping into them Be able to pick up and put down equipment safely Be able to carry equipment when travelling Begin to develop a sense of balance Have increasing control over wheeled toys Physical Development Communication/Literacy Talking to each other and sharing experiences and ideas. Negotiating play scenarios with peers and adults. Recounting events in everyday life. Recognising our own names and labels around the classroom. Reading/ listening to stories and rhymes about animals. Retelling stories using picture clues. Acting out stories in the role-play area. Matching letters and their sounds Knowledge and Understanding of the World Talk about themselves and their families with some indication of past and present events in their lives Be able to talk about different ways of fastening card together and explain which way was the most effective Explore natural objects such as pebbles, leaves, cones etc and begin to describe their features Be able to explain how to care for a pet, saying why they chose what they did Know how to operate the listening station, log on to the computer and explore the ipad and digital camera with minimum assistance Forest School Learning the rules and routines of Forest School. Exploring the environment using all of our senses. Hunting for natural treasures and comparing sizes and colours.