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UK LC-ABD Project: Status and Plans

UK LC-ABD Project: Status and Plans. Linear Collider Accelerator + Beam Delivery Collaboration (LC-ABD) www.astec.ac.uk/lc-abd/. Philip Burrows John Adams Institute Oxford University. LC-ABD Collaboration. Birmingham Bristol Cambridge Dundee Durham Lancaster

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UK LC-ABD Project: Status and Plans

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  1. UK LC-ABD Project: Status and Plans • Linear Collider • Accelerator + Beam Delivery Collaboration • (LC-ABD) • www.astec.ac.uk/lc-abd/ Philip Burrows John Adams Institute Oxford University Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  2. LC-ABD Collaboration • Birmingham Bristol • Cambridge Dundee • Durham Lancaster • Liverpool Manchester • Oxford Oxford • Royal Holloway University College London • Daresbury Lab. Rutherford-Appleton Lab. Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  3. LC-ABD1 Project Overview • Lattice design and beam simulations (Angal-Kalinin) • Advanced beam diagnostics (Blair) • Alignment and survey (Reichold) • Final focus luminosity stabilisation and spectrometry (Burrows) • e+ undulator, crab cavity system, wakefields/collimators, beam dumps(Poole) Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  4. Project Management Structure PPARC OSC Advisory Comm. G. Blair (Principal Investigator) P. Burrows (Project Manager) WP1 D. Angal Kalinin WP2 G. Blair WP3 A. Reichold WP4 P. Burrows WP5 M. Poole Task 1.1 D. Angal Kalinin Task 2.1 G. Blair Task 3.1 A. Reichold Task 4.1 P. Burrows Task 5.1 J. Clarke Task 5.2 A. Dexter Task 4.2 S. Boogert Task 1.2 J.Jones/G.White Task 2.2 G.Doucas/A.Gillespie Task 5.3 N. Watson Task 2.3 I.Bailey Task 5.4 R.Appleby, C.Densham Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  5. Overview since last LCUK meeting (Sept 06) • Enormous progress in all work packages • Major participation at GDE meetings: • Valencia, Beijing • Contributed to ILC costing exercise + RDR • Successful beam runs at KEK/ATF (Oct, Dec, Jan, Feb) • Beam runs at SLAC/ESA (March) next July • Peer review of LC-ABD2 proposal • Mapping LC-ABD1 --> LC-ABD2 under difficult funding Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  6. Highlights of project status • Beam instrumentation: • transverse and longitudinal diagnostics, BPMs • Alignment and beam tuning • Beam steering, control and feedback • Machine protection and collimation • Machine-related backgrounds • Positron production system, spin transport • Beam dumps Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  7. ATF2 LW; aiming initially at f2; eventually f1? Laser-wire M. Price et al. • PETRA – 2d scans, multi-shot. • ATF – micron, single shot • Laser R&D • Fast Scanning R&D • Simulation Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  8. Lens Design + Tests • f-2 lens has been built and is currently under test. • Installation at ATF planned for this year M. Newman et al. Designs for f-1 optics are currently being studied, including: Aspheric doublet Vacuum window Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  9. Longitudinal bunch profile: EO technique J. Phillips et al. Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  10. 110fs ACC1 phase, 3° overcompression Shortest ever bunch at FLASH altering buncher parameters on-line Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  11. Smith Purcell chamber at SLAC Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  12. BPM development M. Slater et al. • NanoBPM project (KEK) • SLAC/ESA cavity BPM prototypes completed and tested: • Excellent monopole (position insensitive signal) rejection • Sensitivity as expected • To be tested at ESA • Calibration mover system • RF tone calibration system • RF mixdown electronics Dipole Monopole? Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  13. Energy spectrometer simulation tools • Complete set of spectrometer and BPM simulations • Geant 4 for physics and tracking • Non-uniform field maps (needed for next phase of ESA tests, with magnets) • Simulation of BPM, processing electronics, analysis algorithms. • Interfaced to readout systems, eg EPICS • Complete spectrometer simulation under way • Essential design tool (ESA and ATF1/2) S. Boogert, B. Maiheu, M. Slater Magnets BPMs Beam Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  14. Development of ILC tuning knobs • Have several generic options for tuning of final-focus beam at IP – Traditional, Rotation Matrix, ‘Dumb’. • Understanding how the different options work in ‘real’ life is important – • Simulation is too arbitrary for the more complex algorithms • Need to understand interplay between different systems • All algorithms are ~generic, want to study how they work, and not necessarily the finer points of specific implementations. • Rotation Matrix algorithm tuning knobs can only be created in simulation. Is this too good enough? J. Jones et al Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07 J. Jones

  15. Alignment: LiCAS systemRTRS Installation at DESY J. Dale, G. Moss, M. Warden et al end Aug 2006 end Aug 2006 Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07 end June 2006

  16. The stretched wire fixture allows cavity modes to be excited with an adjustable offset wire and their R/Q values measured. This data is essential for validation of the calculated wakefield analysis that has already been performed. Preliminary stretched wire data is now available. Crab cavity system Stretched-wire wakefield Characterisation A. Dexter et al. Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  17. Phase Synchronisation Tests Local reference and controller Local reference and controller Line to synchronise the local references must have its length continuously measured to with an accuracy of a few microns Phase measurement STATUS The cryostat has been delivered, the lid assembly is under construction, the superconducting crab cavities will be delivered in April, a pair of 10W 3.9 GHz amplifiers have been ordered. Tests commence May 07. Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  18. Beam control: intra-train feedback system FONT4 prototype Kicker BPM 1 BPM 2 BPM 3 e- Drive amplifier Analogue BPM processor Digital feedback Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  19. Beam control: intra-train feedback system FONT4 prototype Kicker BPM 1 BPM 2 BPM 3 e- Drive amplifier Analogue BPM processor Delivered 1 December Digital feedback Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  20. FONT4: beamline at KEK ATF (Feb 07) Amplifier FEATHER Kicker BPM processor board Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  21. Kick on beam with loop closed FB on Beam Position 154ns FB off 1 2 3 Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  22. Kick on beam with loop closed Latency ~ 135ns meets goal < 140ns FB on Beam Position G. Christian et al 154ns FB off 1 2 3 Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  23. Collimation System Optimisation Original 2006e Performance Optimised Performance • Continuing optics optimisation work • Full restoration of phases advances in betatron and energy collimation optics • Bandwidth optimisation • Significant halo tracking performance improvement • Collimation depths for ILC-RDR A. Toader et al. F.Jackson Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  24. beam T480 (prelim.) Jul. ’06 run Deflection (mrad) Collimator y (mm) Collimator design + testing Made most detailed Simulations of spoiler jaw damage to date. Designed, modelled and tested collimators at SLAC ESA facility E.M. predictions GdfidL vs. ECHO (ESA collims. 1- 8) Kick factor (V/pC/mm) J. Smith et al Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  25. Simulation of pair-induced EM backgrounds Low Z mask BPM Energy deposition on mask e+e- pairs produced by beam-beam T. Hartin et al Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  26. Simulation of pair-induced EM backgrounds Low Z mask BPM Energy deposition on mask e+e- pairs produced by beam-beam SLAC 30 GeV beam Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  27. FONT Test Module for ESA Material model of ILC outgoing beamline QFEX1 BPM beamcal low Z mask Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  28. FONT Test Module for ESA Material model of ILC outgoing beamline QFEX1 BPM beamcal low Z mask Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  29. Beam scan across module 10**7 beam Noticeable degradation of signals Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  30. Simulated signal + noise results data simulation Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  31. Positron source undulator 1st results from prototype 5 at RAL J. Clarke et al Measured field at 200A 0.822 T +/- 0.7 % (spec is +/- 1%) Quench current 316A Equates to a field of 1.1 T in bore RDR value is 0.86 T 80% of critical current (proposed operating point) would be 0.95 T Prototype 5 details Period : 11.5 mm Magnetic bore: 6.35 mm Configuration: Iron poles and yoke Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07 Jim Rochford

  32. 4m Prototype Module 50K Al Alloy Thermal shield. Supported from He bath U beam Support rod • Stainless steel vacuum vessel with Central turret Stainless Steel He bath filled with liquid Helium. Magnet support provided by a stiff U Beam Beam Tube Construction has started, will be complete by Autumn 07 Superconducting Magnet cooled to 4.2K Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  33. Spin Polarisation Transport (DL, Durham, Liverpool, RAL, CERN, DESY) L. Jenner et al. • Summary of major milestones achieved to date: • Updated SLICKTRACK software package to include full non-commuting spin rotations • Simulated spin dynamics in ILC damping rings • Simulated spin dynamics in ILC beam delivery system • Beginning simulation of spin dynamics through main linac • Evaluated theoretical uncertainties in beam-beam interactions at the ILC • Instigated first polarised pair-production processes into CAIN (breaking news!) • Developing reliable software tools that allow the machine to be optimised for spin polarisation as well as luminosity. Aiming to carry out full cradle-to-grave simulations. • Currently carrying out simulations of depolarisation effects in damping rings, beam delivery system, main linac and during bunch-bunch interactions. • Developing simulations of spin transport through the positron source. • Collaborating with • T. Hartin (Oxford) • P. Bambade, C. Rimbault (LAL) • J. Smith (Cornell) • S. Riemann, A. Ushakov (DESY)

  34. Shock wave generation in 18 MW water dumps: baseline technology choice T. Davenne et al • Pressure wave in water vessel 22 µs after a 20°C rise in temperature over 10µs beam pulse • Similar to ILC beam dump parameters at shower maximum with rastered beam • Maximum pressure = 120 bar Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  35. LC-ABD1 summary • Passed end of 3 years for LC-ABD1 • Due to late hires some posts/tasks run on into 07/08 • We have made major contributions to ILC BCD + RDR • Our contributions are recognised and appreciated internationally Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  36. Costing organisation Area Systems e- e+ damping RTML main BDS source source rings linac Wolski Clarke Angal- Kalinin GDE Europe Director: Foster CCB: Blair RDB: Wolski (Damerell) Burrows Densham Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  37. LC-ABD1 summary • Nearing end of 3 years for LC-ABD1 • Due to late hires some posts/tasks run on into 07/08 • We have made major contributions to ILC BCD + RDR • Our contributions are recognised and appreciated internationally • We are looking forward to LC-ABD2 … Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  38. 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Global Design Effort Project Baseline configuration Reference Design LCABD1 International Linear Collider Timeline Technical Design LCABD2 ILC R&D Program Expression of Interest to Host International Mgmt

  39. Beamline design • Crab cavity • Main Linac cavity wakefields • Beam Dumps • Instrumentation • + Diagnostics • Fast Feedback • Survey, alignment • stabilisation • Polarised • positron source LC-ABD1  LC-ABD2 • Damping ring • Energy Spectrometer • Beam Quality and Stability: • Luminosity Production Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  40. Beamline design • Crab cavity • Main Linac cavity wakefields • Beam Dumps • Instrumentation • + Diagnostics • Fast Feedback • Survey, alignment • stabilisation • Polarised • positron source LC-ABD1  LC-ABD2 • Damping ring Build on current investment • Energy Spectrometer • Beam Quality and Stability: • Luminosity Production Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  41. Beamline design • Crab cavity • Main Linac cavity wakefields • Beam Dumps • Instrumentation • + Diagnostics • Fast Feedback • Survey, alignment • stabilisation • Polarised • positron source LC-ABD1  LC-ABD2 Build on current investment, expand strategically • Damping ring • Energy Spectrometer • Beam Quality and Stability: • Luminosity Production Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  42. LC-ABD2 Structure GDE Principal Investigator: Blair Project Manager: Burrows Project Coordinator: TBD Industry Liaison: TBD PPARC OSC Advisory Comm. WP1 Clarke WP2 Wolski WP3 Jones WP4 Angal Kalinin WP5 McIntosh WP6 Reichold WP7 Burrows WP8 Blair WP9 Boogert WP10 Densham Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Tasks Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  43. LC-ABD2 Bid 2007-10 • Staff Effort (Inc. Indirects) FY07-10 (£M) • New Project Posts 14.0 • University RG 3.7 • Accelerator Institute 1.5 • Total staff 19.2 • Equipment + consumables 4.1 • Travel (on CCLRC SLA) 1.7 • Working allowance 1.9 • Total non-staff (inc. WA) 7.7 Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  44. PPRP Scenarios Visiting Panel • Optimal: • ‘represents the best use of resources to maximise return, ~ 70% of original cost’ • Cut A: • ‘represents potential loss of leadership, • ~50% of original cost’ • Cut B: • ‘a strategic retreat from the current successful position ~40% of original proposed costs – aim to continue to do some areas properly and pull out of others completely’ I am still waiting for a detailed agenda from PPARC Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  45. Science Committee Outcome (Feb 07) • We were asked to define a 3-year programme at • approximately £3M p.a., that is in line with • the PPRP priorities at the Cut B level • We were given one year ‘bridging funds’ of £3M Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  46. SUMMARY The situation is made harder by: • The revised agreement between PPARC and CCLRC whereby there will be no explicit contribution from CCLRC to the ILC. Currently the CCLRC contribution is approximately £0.5M p.a. • Erosion of the cash value by Full Economic Costing. For example, the cost of a university RA has increased in some cases from around £50k p.a. to £70k p.a. (both in 2006 £). • Erosion of the cash value by inflation. • The cessation of the accelerator studentships programme; any project studentships will now have to be supported from the project award. • The completion of the EuroTeV programme. EuroTeV funds had been used to bolster the PPARC/CCLRC resource for LC-ABD phase 1. Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

  47. Current Status SUMMARY • A detailed programme has been worked out by WP managers/task leaders under two scenarios: • £3M p.a. (respects PPRP Cut B) • £3M p.a. in year 1, growing in years 2,3 to PPRP Cut A level (c. £4.6M p.a.) • Negotiations ongoing w.r.t. detailed funding profile (new posts, key hardware etc.) with STFC, and with JAI/CI • Phase 2 should have started April 1st 2007… • We will do our best to maintain UK strategic interests in ILC during the EDR phase Philip Burrows LCUK Meeting, RHUL 13/04/07

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