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ANNUAL FUND 101. Lili Rossi, Senior Associate. START WITH PASSION!. WHAT IS THE ANNUAL FUND. -an annual ask by an organization -creates a donor pipeline -creates expectation of cyclic giving -identifies potential leadership -identifies potential CAPITAL gifts.

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  1. ANNUAL FUND 101 Lili Rossi, Senior Associate


  3. WHAT IS THE ANNUAL FUND -an annual ask by an organization -creates a donor pipeline -creates expectation of cyclic giving -identifies potential leadership -identifies potential CAPITAL gifts

  4. WHAT’S YOUR ELEVATOR PITCH? AKA • What’s the point? • Why do you show up? • Why should they show up? • Why should they give?

  5. If you don’t know where you are going, you might end up someplace else. - Yogi Berra

  6. HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR CASE FOR SUPPORT • What is needed? • Why is it needed? • Are the financials strong? • How far will my dollars go? • WHAT IS THE IMPACT OF MY GIFT?

  7. MAKING THE CASE: • Who is the organization and what does it do for • the community? • What is distinctive about the organization? • What must be accomplished? • How can the donor become involved? • What’s in it for the donor?


  9. WHO ARE YOUR DONORS? • About 7 in 10 adults in the U.S. give away money. • Women give MORE than men. • Most people who DO give to nonprofits give to at least 5 and as • many as 15 groups. • About 20% of people on welfare give away money and about • 97% of millionaires give away money. • Volunteers are more likely to be donors than people who don’t • volunteer. • More people give away money than vote. • PEOPLE GIVE WHEN THEY ARE ASKED!!!

  10. WHAT IS YOUR GOAL • Increase gifts • Increase sponsorships • Increase membership • Increase staffing • Increase visibility

  11. WHERE? • Where is your organization right now? • Know your constituency • Develop an annual action plan • Create realistic goals • Define roles of staff & volunteers • Set expectations and check-ins • Communicate

  12. DEVELOP YOUR MISSION • Once you define your mission, you can make strategic annual plans • This will drive your operating budget • Which impacts how much you need • Donors are reassured by clear demonstration of need

  13. THE FOUR P’S OF FUNDRAISING • PROCESS:“Fundraising is not an event; it is a process”. - Edgar D. Powell • PARTICIPATION: Who is involved in identifying and engaging potential supporters in your mission? • PEOPLE: Fundraising is all about people and building relationships. • PLAN: Your organization needs a good fundraising plan in place in order to succeed.

  14. FUNDRAISING BASICS • In all written communication: • ATTENTION • INTEREST • DESIRE • ASK

  15. Stewardship • Personal connections • How do you communicate • How often do you communicate • Other methods of communication • Maintaining and utilizing your database

  16. COMMUNICATIONS-OLD STYLE • Personal connection • Annual fund letter • Phonathon • Thank you on stationery

  17. COMMUNICATIONS - NEW STYLE • Email • Website • Facebook • Twitter • Snapchat/Instagram • Text


  19. QUICK NOTE - DOUBLE CHECK THE WEBSITE • Your website or social profile is your “face” to the community-whether it be a first look or a longtime donor • Can you click to give easily? On the home page? • Is the case for support no less than one click from the home page, and does the messaging match your ask letter? • Do you have impact stories?


  21. ANNUAL CALENDAR/TIMELINE • Direct Mail • Phonathon • Push Page/Video • Postcard • Personal Request • Thankathon

  22. EXAMPLE-SCHOOL • Direct Mail (September) • Phonathon (October) • Push Page/Video (Thanks for Giving) • Postcard (December-reminder for tax purposes) • Personal Request (January) • Thankathon (April)

  23. MARKETING STRATEGIES • Track how donations arrive • What’s trending? • Always be flexible • Fund raising is not one size fits all.

  24. ANNUAL FUND VIDEOS • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=490fwzvH04A ** • https://www.bu.edu/campaign/ways-of-giving/annual-fund/ • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DdLmpQMJieQ • These are some great examples. Jump into Google and find more. And • don’t forget about a thank-you at the end of the year to tie it together! • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OIshddqA-wc

  25. THANKING STRATEGIES • No gift is too small. • Who does the thanking-good opportunity for board engagement? • Celebrate the impact. Share the story.

  26. WHAT IS YOUR FUNDRAISING APPROACH? • Data-driven or Donor-Centered? • Friendraising versus fundraising? YES

  27. TRENDING • We all know Black Friday. And then there was Small Business Saturday. Cyber Monday. • And a few years ago, GIVING TUESDAY popped up to get folks in the spirit of the season to not only shop, but to INVEST in giving campaigns. • USE THIS! • http://www.givingtuesday.org/

  28. GO FORTH AND GOOD LUCK! • Respect for volunteer’s time and energy • Unique ways to show appreciation • Engagement of ALL

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