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Harvest control rules in the Common Fisheries Policy

Harvest control rules in the Common Fisheries Policy. THE COMMON FISHERIES POLICY. Objectives The CFP shall ensure exploitation of living aquatic resources that provides sustainable economic, environmental and social conditions. Objectives. Precautionary approach Principles

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Harvest control rules in the Common Fisheries Policy

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  1. Harvest control rules in the Common Fisheries Policy

  2. THE COMMON FISHERIES POLICY Objectives The CFP shall ensure exploitation of living aquatic resources that provides sustainable economic, environmental and social conditions

  3. Objectives Precautionary approach Principles • clear definition of responsibility • based on sound scientific advice • broad involvement of stakeholders • consistence with other Community policies

  4. The CFP covers • Conservation • Fishing fleet • Access to water • Control • International fisheries • Aquaculture • Social dimension • Economic management • Good governance

  5. Conservation Access to waters and resources and the sustainable pursuit of fishing activities

  6. Conservation • Long-term approach • recovery plans • management plans • Targets for sustainable exploitation

  7. Conservation Measures • Limiting catches • Fixing numbers of vessels • Limiting fishing effort • Technical measures

  8. Harvest control rules are until now only implemented in Community law as part of recovery plans.

  9. Existing recovery plans • Kattegat cod, • Skagerrak, North Sea and the eastern Channel cod, • Cod west of Scotland, • Cod in the Irish Sea, and • Northern hake • North Sea herring

  10. Proposed or planned recovery plans • Baltic cod • Hake in VIIIc and IXa • Nephrops in VIIIc and IXa • Bay of Biscay sole • Western Channel sole • North Sea plaice • North Sea haddock, whiting and saithe • Celtic Sea cod • Celtic Sea plaice • Celtic Sea whiting

  11. The objective is to ensure recovery of the stocks within 5 to 10 years Recovery plans

  12. Recovery plans • Recovery targets (Bpa) • HCR • Procedures for setting TACs and fishing effort • Technical measures • Monitoring, inspection and surveillance

  13. HCR based on annual increase in SSBCod F below Fpa SSB above Bpa Constraints on annual variation in TAC Bpa F below Fpa XX% increase in SSB Constraints on annual variation in TAC SSB Blim F below Fpa Increase in SSB to above Blim in one year and minimum increase in SSB of XX%

  14. HCR based on constant F Northern hake ? Bpa Constant F Constraints on annual variation in TAC No decrease in SSB SSB Blim Constant F if SSB increase to above Blim If constant F does not result in SSB being above Blim no clear rules.

  15. HCR based on annual reduction in FSouthern hake ? Bpa XX% reduction in effort Constraints on annual variation in TAC SSB Blim XX% reduction in F Constraints on annual variation in TAC

  16. Key issues raised by Member States • Recovery period • Types of measures (input and/or output control) • Limitations on effort and/or catches in the first year • Allocation of effort reduction between Member States • Reference points • Control measures

  17. Implementation of HCR • Scientific input • Control and enforcement • HCR relates to stocks not fisheries

  18. Conclusions • HCR’s should be established as integrated part of management plans • Management plans should be developed in dialogue with all stakeholders

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