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Lesson 2: RNGs and Choosing from distributions

Lesson 2: RNGs and Choosing from distributions. Random number generators (RNG) General need for random numbers Pseudo-random vs. random Linear congruential generators Extension of period of generator by combining several generators Choosing from distributions Discrete Continuous: Direct

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Lesson 2: RNGs and Choosing from distributions

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  1. Lesson 2: RNGs and Choosing from distributions • Random number generators (RNG) • General need for random numbers • Pseudo-random vs. random • Linear congruential generators • Extension of period of generator by combining several generators • Choosing from distributions • Discrete • Continuous: Direct • Continuous: Rejection • Probability mixing • Multidimensional distributions • Coding event problems: FORTRAN code MCBASE.FOR

  2. Basic view of MC process • We begin with the same black box drawing: • Lesson 1 was concerned with the outputs. • Lesson 2 is concerned with the inputs. • The quality of outputs depends on quality of inputs. • The rest of the course is about the black box

  3. The quest for randomness • In the early days (1950s) of computer-based Monte Carlo, there was work done on MECHANICAL or ELECTRONIC random number generators to give us “true” binary randomness (0 or 1)=digits of fraction • Relay flops • Decay rates (odd or even) in • Etc. • Many of them “filtered” the answer to correct for non-50/50 defects • Two successive identical bits = 1 OR two successive different bits = 0 • Closer to 50/50 but (at least) twice as slow • Abandoned as too slow, too unwieldy, and—ultimately—undesirable

  4. Pseudorandom generators (RNG) • We cannot have (nor do we really want) truly random variables. • Any random number generator from a computer is not truly random (since it is repeatable). • Referred to as “pseudorandom” • This repeatability is actually very important to us for validation reasons. Also, this repeatability is the basis of some Monte Carlo perturbation methods. • The most common form is that of "linear congruential generators" which generate a series of bounded integers, with each one using the one before it with the formula:

  5. Possible difficulties • Periodicity: Each number depends uniquely on the one before it. So once a number repeats, the rest of the series will be the same as it was before. How many unique numbers you get is the PERIOD. • It can be shown that a "full" period of m can be assured by choosing: • a(mod 4)=1 • m as a power of 2 • b odd. • The finiteness of the string also means that certain domains of the problem may be unreachable. (That is, there will be “gaps” of width 1/m.) [STARS] • We have to be careful not to depend on the later digits of a uniform deviate: they may be less random than the early digits. (They may be the “remnants” of repeating digits of fractions.)

  6. Example: m=8, a=5, b=3, i0=1

  7. Extending the period • Even with “full period” L.C.G. random number generators, we still have the related problems: • The period can be no longer than m • m must be a number that can be represented as an integer: where N is the number of bits used to store integers (usu. 16. 32, or 64) • Fortunately, we can solve this problem by combining the output of several uncorrelated L.C.G.’s: • The resulting period is the PRODUCT of the individual periods • The following slide shows how KENO and MCNP implement this


  9. MCNP5 RNG (FORTRAN 95) integer, private, parameter :: R8 = selected_real_kind( 15, 307 ) integer, private, parameter :: I8 = selected_int_kind( 18 ) ... integer(I8), private, SAVE :: & & RN_MULT = 5_I8**19, & & RN_ADD = 0_I8, & & RN_STRIDE = 152917, & & RN_SEED0 = 5_I8**19, & & RN_MOD = 2_I8**48, & & RN_MASK = 2_I8**48 - 1_I8, & & RN_PERIOD = 2_I8**46 real(R8), private, SAVE :: & & RN_NORM = 1.0_R8/2._R8**48 ... function rang() implicit none real(R8) :: rang RN_SEED = iand( iand( RN_MULT*RN_SEED, RN_MASK) + RN_ADD, RN_MASK) rang = RN_SEED * RN_NORM RN_COUNT = RN_COUNT + 1 return end function rang

  10. “Dimensionality” • Monte Carlo theory uses the word “dimension” in a way that is a little foreign to normal usage, so be ready • The dimension of a Monte Carlo algorithm is how many random numbers have to be drawn to generate one estimate • Examples: • Coin toss problem: 1 dimension • Our pi problem: 2 dimension • Homework #1 problem of x1+x2>1.4: 2 dimension • Neutron transport problem simulation: ? • Related to the “unit hypercube” point of view

  11. “Discrepancy” • Monte Carlo theory also has the special word “discrepancy” which is important • The discrepancy of a RNG is a measure of the biggest “hole” in a ordered series of random numbers • Usually defined (the so-called “star discrepancy”) as the biggest difference between what fraction SHOULD have been chosen in a space from the origin (0,0,…,0) to any point (x,y,z,…) and the actual number that was ACTUALLY chosen [blackboard example] • The fraction that should have fallen in is x*y*z… • You only have to check at actual chosen points (with and without the point) • To my surprise, the size of the discrepancy is proportional to • It is the reason for the slow convergence of Monte Carlo

  12. “Discrepancy”

  13. Quasi-random numbers • The logical extension of the idea of stratified sampling is to try to make N=M • Each of the i=1,2,…,N random numbers is located in its own subdomain ((i-1)/N,i/N) • This looks (and acts) in 1D like a simple Riemann choice • The trick is to make them jump around “randomly” • Result: Quasi-random numbers (also called “Low discrepancy sequences”) • They are not really random, so they have to be used very carefully. • They are not used very much for Monte Carlo methods in radiation transport. • But, because they are of such importance to the general field of Monte Carlo (i.e., beyond transport methods), you should have a taste of what they are, how to get and use them.

  14. Quasi-random numbers (2) • "Quasi"-random numbers are not random at all; they are a deterministic, equal-division, sequence that are "ordered" in such a way that they can be used by Monte Carlo methods. • The easiest to generate are “van der Corput” sequences, which are found by "reflecting" the digits of the base counting integers about their radix point. • You pick a base. • Count in that base. • Reflect the number • Interpret as base 10.

  15. Quasi-random numbers (3) • After M=BaseN-1 numbers in the sequence, the sequence consists of the equally spaced fractions (i/(M+1), i=1,2,3,...M). • Therefore, the sequence is actually deterministic, not stochastic. (Like a numerical method.) • The beauty of the sequence is that the re-ordering results in the an (almost) even coverage of the domain (0,1) even if you stop in the middle. • Because you need ALL of the numbers in the sequence to cover the (0,1) range (which is not true of the pseudo-random sequence), it is important that all of the numbers of the sequence be used on the SAME decision. • So, if your problem has more than one decision (e.g., the pi problem had 2—x and y coordinates) you have to let each decision have its own RNG

  16. Quasi-random numbers (4) • For a Monte Carlo process that has more than one decision, a different sequence must be used for each decision. (This is why we don’t use them.) • The most common way this situation is handled is to use prime numbers in order—2,3,5,7,11,etc.—for decisions. (“Halton” sequence, after UNC professor) • Asymptotic estimate of error is which means closer to ~ 1/N • but deteriorates very quickly with dimensionality • A Java subroutine is given in the public area. • The resulting standard deviations calculated and printed by standard MC codes are NOT accurate

  17. Overview of pdf and cdf • Basic definition of probability distribution function (p.d.f.): • And its integral, the cumulative distribution function (c.d.f.):

  18. Overview of pdf and cdf (2) • Corollaries of these definitions:

  19. Mapping x->x using p(x) • Our basic technique is to use a unique y->x • y=x from (0,1) and x from (a,b) • We are going to use the mapping backwards

  20. Mapping (2) Note that: • x(a)=0 • x(b)=1 • Function is non-decreasing over domain (a,b) Our problem reduces to: • Finding x(x) • Inverting to get x(x), a formula for turning pseudo-random numbers into numbers distributed according to desired p(x)

  21. Mapping (3) • We must have:

  22. Resulting general procedure • Form CDF: • Set equal to pseudo-random number: • Invert to get formula that translates from x to x:

  23. Uniform distribution • For our first distribution, pick x uniformly in range (a,b): • Step 1: Form CDF.

  24. Uniform distribution (2) • Step 2: Set pseudo-random number to CDF: • Step 3: Invert to get x(x): • Example: Choose m uniformly in (-1,1):

  25. Discrete distribution • For a discrete distribution, we have N choices of state i, each with probability , so: • Step 1: Form CDF:

  26. Discrete distribution (2) • Step 2: Set pseudo-random number to CDF: • Step 3: Invert to get x(x):

  27. Discrete distribution (3) • Example: Choose among 3 states with relative probabilities of 4, 5, and 6.

  28. Continuous distribution: Direct • This fits the “pure” form developed before. • Form CDF: • Set equal to pseudo-random number: • Invert to get formula that translates from x to x:

  29. Continuous: Direct (2) • Example: Pick x from:

  30. Homework from text

  31. Homework from text

  32. Homework from text

  33. Homework from text • Verify your answers for problems 1-1 through 1-5 by running Monte Carlo estimates of the average (and standard deviation of the population).

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