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Measurements of g and sin(2 b+g ) in BaBar. Gianluca Cavoto Princeton University Universit à di Roma ‘La Sapienza’ On behalf of the BaBar Collaboration ICHEP'04 32 nd International Conference on High Energy Physics. Angle g of the Unitarity Triangle.
Measurements of g and sin(2b+g ) in BaBar Gianluca Cavoto Princeton University Università di Roma ‘La Sapienza’ On behalf of the BaBar Collaboration ICHEP'04 32nd International Conference on High Energy Physics Gianluca Cavoto
Angle g of the Unitarity Triangle Measure relative phase between Vub and Vcb • Process mediated by both b c and b u amplitudes • Results (all preliminary) g from direct CP asymmetry sin(2b+g) time dependent CP asymmetry Updated and newresults Gianluca Cavoto
Interference when D final state common to both D0and D0 g from direct CP violation Relative size (rB) of B decay amplitudes Not well constrained by theory. Larger rB, larger interference, betterg experimental precision BaBar hep-ex/0402024 Belle hep-ex/0406067 Relative strong phase (dB) unknown Different incarnations… Gianluca Cavoto
Theoretically clean, but with 8-fold ambiguity Gronau London Wyler method D decays into CP eigenstate • CP modes:small D0branching ratio Select CP-even and CP-odd final states 3 observables, 3 unknowns • Normalize to D0decay into flavour state (K-p+) Experimentally Gianluca Cavoto
High reconstruction efficiency Analysis techniques Cerenkov angle • No charge confusion. • Clear separationDp/DK Reject events topological variables in Neural Network or Fisher discriminant data MC BF(B DK) ~ 10 -4, BF(D f) ~ 10 -2reconstruct as many f final states as possible Gianluca Cavoto
B- CP+ B+ CP- B- CP- B+ CP+ Combine several final states B-D0CPK(*)- yields CP+ (p+p-,K+K-) NBB=214 106 D0CP K - CP- (KSp0) D0p background D0CP K* - (K* - KSp -) Adding KSf, KSw NBB=227 106 Gianluca Cavoto
From DCPK* Loose bound on rB GLW B-D(*)0CPK(*)- results D0CP K - D0CP K* - (K*- KSp -) NBB=227 106 NBB=214 106 Additional systematic error on ACP- ( CP even background) D*0 (D0CPp0)K - NBB=123 106 More CP eigenstate final states still to be added… More statistics needed to constrain g Gianluca Cavoto
Atwood Dunietz Soni method D decay into flavor state dB dD Count B candidates with opposite sign kaons Input: Phys.Rev.Lett.91:171801,2003 D decay strong phase dDunknown Gianluca Cavoto
ADS results D*0(D0g)K D0K D*0(D0p0)K NBB=227 106 No signal in current dataset Gianluca Cavoto
Sensitive to rB (RADS~r2B) rB from ADS method D*0(D0p0)K D*0(D0g)K D0K RADS R*ADS No AADS measurement Not easy to determine g Gianluca Cavoto
If we knew the charm phase shift dD? B-D(*)0K- D0(KSpp) Dalitz analysis Amplitude for B-/B+ “D0”K-/K+ g=75,d=180,rB=0.125 Sensitivity to g Isobar model for f(m2+ ,m2- ) can fix phase variationdD across Dalitz plot. Only two-fold ambiguity in g extraction r(770) DCS K*(892) Gianluca Cavoto
Determined on D* D0p sample D0(KSp+p-) Dalitz model CA K*(892) Plot of mpipi r(770) DCS K*(892) No D-mixing, No CP violation in D decays Gianluca Cavoto
40 8 83 11 B+ B+ B- B- NBB=211 106 B-D0K-, B-D*0K- DCS K*(892) 261 19 D0K D*0(D0p0)K DCS K*(892) D*0(D0g)K Dalitz projection for mES >5.272 GeV/c2 Signal plus background PDF superimposed Gianluca Cavoto
g from B-D(*)0[KSp+p-]K- With current statistics, no rB sensitivity for rB<0.10 180 A posteriori rB(rB*) with uniform a priori g D0K- 0 -180 rB D0K- D*0K- 0.3 180 68% g D*0K- 0 95% 0. 0. 0.3 0.3 -180 r*B 0.3 Bayesian confidence regions Dalitz model syst Gianluca Cavoto
GLW ADS Critical rB… g sensitivity projection for 500 fb-1 D0 Dalitz rB =0.1 s(g) rB =0.2 GLW only ADS only (dD and dB unknown) GLW+ADS rB =0.3 g = 62o rB g measurement from combination of many modes (multiple constraints on rB) g 0 90 180 From ADS Gianluca Cavoto
The final state is accessible from both B0 and B0 Time dependent CP analysis sin(2b+g) with B0D(*)-p+/r+ ~l2 ~l4 favored bc amplitude suppressed bu amplitude time-dependent CP violation arises from interference of mixing and decay: Asymmetry parameters Lepton tag Exclusive reconstruction of D-p+, D*-p+,D-r+ D*r Combinatoric BB Peaking BB Continuum Partial reconstruction of D*-p+ Gianluca Cavoto
NBB=124 106 B0 D(*)0K(*)0 Sensitivity given by Search for b u transition (self tagging mode) Eventually TD analysis… No signal… Gianluca Cavoto
Unitarity triangle constraints Confidence regions in r-hplane http://www.utfit.org hep-ph/0408079 . Combination of BaBar a and c results with uniform prior in r 68% C.L. 95% C.L. Improve bound using SU(3) r from Search for B0 Dsr B0D+sp - NBB=90 106 Not encouraging for Dr… Phys.Rev.Lett.90:181803,2003 Gianluca Cavoto
Conclusion • More modes and techniques added to measureg • GLW, ADS, D0K Dalitz, time-dep. sin(2b+g) • No single golden technique • Constraints on b u amplitude in B DK • Evidence for small rB • Sensitivity to g relies heavily on rB • g from combination of many modes Combination of BaBar GLW+ADS+D0K Dalitz 68 %C.L. 95 % C.L. Gianluca Cavoto
Backup slides Gianluca Cavoto
sin(2b+g): results NBB=110 106 Exclusive reconstruction of D-p+, D*-p+,D-r+ - higher signal purity, lower efficiency Higher pp resonance Included in syst.error Partial reconstruction of D*-p+ - highefficiency, more background NBB=178 106 Gianluca Cavoto