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PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES: Greece & Norway. Lifelong Learning Program/ Comenius regio partnerships TITLE: “School Management And Resource Training S.M.A.R.T.”. School units in municipality of Kordelio-Evosmos. Vasiliadou Polymnia , MSc in Lifelong Learning
PARTICIPATING COUNTRIES:Greece & Norway Lifelong Learning Program/ Comenius regiopartnerships TITLE:“School Management And Resource Training S.M.A.R.T.”
School units in municipality of Kordelio-Evosmos VasiliadouPolymnia, MSc in Lifelong Learning Head of the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning (Municipality of Kordelio-Evosmos, Directorate of Education and Social Services)
Municipality of Kordelio-Evosmos: panoramic photo of the church and the town hall
⋇After the census of 2011, Kordelio - Evosmos has become the second largest Municipality of Thessaloniki and Central Macedonia, with a population of over 100,000 inhabitants while its actual population number amounts to approximately 150,000 people. ⋇Its geographical position in the urban area of Thessaloniki, the intercultural identity of its population, a student community of over 17,000 young people and the low rate of ageing population are among the advantages of Kordelio - Evosmos.
There are 108 school units within the municipality of Kordelio-Evosmos Education & Lifelong Learning in Kordelio-Evosmos
PRIMARY EDUCATION 9th Pre-Primary School of Eleftherio-Kordelio 7th Primary School of Evosmos
46 Νipiagogeia (Pre-Primary Schools) • Pre-primary education in Greece begins at the age of 4years of age when children are allowed to enroll in pre-primary schools (Nipiagogeia ), while attendance in them is compulsory for all 5 year old children. Their operation falls under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs, Culture and Sports. • Within the framework of primary education, there are in operation the all-day Nipiagogeia which provide an extended daily programme compared to that of the regular Nipiagogeio. Attendance in public Nipiagogeiais free of charge. There are also privateNipiagogeia with monthly fees (2).in our mu • I Nipiagogeia can be 'one teacher' schools (single classroom) or 'two teacher' schools (two classrooms). Within our municipality some Nipiagogeia operate as classical (28) while others as all-day (18) thereby addressing the needs of the parents.
35 Dimotika (Primary Schools) (1) ► Primary Education is provided for children aged from 6 up to 12 years old. ► Primary Schools (PS) are divided into one-teacher, two-teacher schools etc. up to six-teacher schools or twelve teacher schools, depending on the number of pupils attending. ► 3 of the 35 Primary Schools (dimotika) of our municipality have implemented the Restated Unified Educational Programme (emphasis in new technologies, theatre and dances).
35 Dimotika (Primary Schools) (2) ► In Primary Education apart from the typical Primary School there are also other types of schools: ⋇all-day Primary Schools (31 in our municipality), ⋇ the PeiramatikaSchools -(experimental schools) which they operate under the auspices of the Pedagogical Departments of Universities and their goal is the implementation on an experimental basis of programs and methods of teaching as well as educational material (books, audiovisual material etc.).There is currently only one such experimental school in our municipality.► There are also the Intercultural Education Schools where there is a significant density of repatriated, other nationalities or Roma pupils (2 in our municipality).► The School Units of Special Education and Training attended by students with disabilities and/or have special educational needs, whose nature seriously impedes their attendance at a general school (2 such units in our municipality).
35 Dimotika (Primary Schools) (3) ► Overall in Primary Education there are 828 teachers, the average number of pupils per school is 120 students/school and the ratio of pupils to teachers is 12.
Our municipality has got 9,674 pupils in Primary Schools (Nipiagogeia & Dimotika)
● 10 Gymnasia (High Schools)● 1 ScholioDefterisEfkerias (Second Chance School) ● 7 Lykeia (Lyceums)● 3 EpaggelmatikaLykeia (Technical Lyceums) ● 1 EpaggelmatikiScholi (Vocational Lyceum)● 2 ScholikaErgastiriakaKentra(Educational Workshop Centers)● 1 EidikoErgastirioEpaggelmatikisEkpaidefsiskaiKatartisis(Special Technical Workshop & Training)
Secondary Education (1) • Secondary education is divided into two cycles: compulsory lower secondary {Gymnasio/9 (nine) in our municipality} and non-compulsory upper secondary education {GenikoLykeio/ 6 (six) in our municipality) and EpaggelmatikoLykeio (Technical Lyceum)/3 (three) in our municipality}. • Compulsory vocational education in Greece does not exist. In public schools of secondary education attendance is free of charge. • Attendance in High Schools (Gymnasia) is compulsory and lasts for 3 years and concerns students of 12 to 15 years of age. As a general rule, in daytime Lyceumsthe age of pupils is 15-18 while at evening-time Lyceums (EsperinoLykeio)-1 (one) in our municipality-generallypupils are over 15 years of age.
Secondary Education (2) • There are also Epaggelmatikes Scholes (Vocational Lyceums)-1 (one) in our municipality- operating during the day only which together with Vocational Lyceumsmake up secondary Vocational Education. • The two Educational Workshop Centres (ScholikaErgastiriakaKentra) in our municipality are school units which have autonomous administrative structure in their operation and collaborate with the Technical Lyceums (epaggelmatikalykeia) and the Vocational Training Institutes in their region. • In addition there are in operation: • 1 (one) Intercultural High School (Gymnasio) & 1 (one) Intercultural lyceum (lykeio), • 1 (one) Special Technical Workshop & Training (eidikoergastirioepaggelmatikisekpaidefsiskaikatartisis), and
Secondary Education (3) • 1 (one) Second Chance School (SDE) for persons over 18 years of age who have not accomplished compulsory education. The degree given by the SDE is equivalent to the lower secondary education Certificate. • In the Secondary Education there are 7776 Students attending, the average number of pupils per school is 335, there are 791 teachers hence the ratio of pupils to teachers is approximately 10.
POST-SECONDARY NON TERTIARY EDUCATION InstitoutoEpaggelmatikisKatartisis(I.E.K.) (Institute of Vocational Training)
InstitoutoEpaggelmatikisKatartisis (I.E.K.)(Institute of Vocational Training) ♦ Post-secondary non-tertiary education in Greece is mainly organised around, and implemented through, the operation of Vocational Training Institutes (I.E.K.) which are post-secondary educational institutions providing formal initial and further vocational education and training. ♦ Along with the public IEKs, there are also private IEKs operating in the country. ♦ IEK graduates can receive a Certificate or a Diploma of Vocational Training equivalent to that of the Vocational Lyceum (EPAL) with professional rights enabling access to the labour market in both the public and the private sectors. ♦ In our municipality there is in operation 1 (one)such Vocational Training Institute (I.E.K.) with 145 students and 51 teachers.
ScholikesEpitropes (School Committees) ♦ In accordance with the Greek Kallikratis Law 3852/2010, article 103 (Official Journal 87/A΄/7-06-2010) the former school committees merged in two public entities, one for the school units of the primary education and one for the school units of the secondary education. ♦ Prior to this Law, each school was a legal entity of public law and the school director was responsible for the revenues and expenses of his/her school. ♦ Currently for each public entity consists a Board with fifteen members (president, vice-president, directors of schools etc) which decides for the general operation of the schools. ♦ By Law the School Committees cannot intervene in the educational operation of the school units but they can assist in taking care of all other issues.
Participation Of Our Schools In European Programmes Comenius Comenius Regio Grundtvig Erasmus Leonardo Da Vinci
SECONDARY EDUCATION (1st Gymnasium/High School of Evosmos) Comenius “Different Voices of Europe” (2006-2009) Comenius “Youth and ICT” (2009-2011)
1st Geniko Lykeio/General Lyceum of Evosmos Comenius Project Participating countries Poland, Spain, Germany, Cyprus, Italy, Bulgaria and Sweden
PRIMARY EDUCATION (6th Intercultural All Day School of Eleftherio-Kordelio) European Lifelong Learning Programmes Our participation from 2003 to 2013 • Comenius-Multilateral Partnership of Schools: 2003-2006 & 2009-2011 • Leonardo da Vinci: 2005-06 • Comenius Assistantship: 2006-2011 • Grundtvig(Adults’ Education): 2011-2013 • Erasmus-foreign students visit our school: 2007-20102007-10
Lifelong Learning Centers ◊ The Lifelong Learning Centers to the municipalities are called to undertake and to support the General Adult Education. This will be achieved via 110 thematic units (70 of them are national and the 40 are regional). The operation of the Lifelong Learning Centers will start on April (this month) and will end on the May of 2015. ◊ Our municipality is from the first municipalities that is going to implement so many thematic units (the main interest is on the foreign languages). The subjects/ thematic units people are called to attend this year will last 2 educational periods (the duration of each is of 25 or 50 hours). This moment, our municipality is waiting from the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning the application forms.
Lifelong Learning Centers ◊ Finishing the programme, participants will take a certification on the thematic unit they have attended. There is not limit to the number of the thematic units sb may attend (the only condition is not to coincide the attendance hours). It is noticeable that parents register their children and vice versa. The attendance is free, the lessons are afternoon and the school units (but not only) have been already chosen. ◊ The regional programme will be about the youth entrepreneurship and will concern unemployed young people.
Thank you Σας ευχαριστώ Takk skal du 12.4.2013