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Pt ShriRam Sharma Acharya (1911-1990). A Visionary A Father A Soldier A Fighter A Revolutionist A Writer A Leader An Orator A Practitioner A sage An elevated soul & above all A Guru. Mission and Vision. Mission & Vision
Pt ShriRam Sharma Acharya (1911-1990)
A Visionary A Father A Soldier A Fighter A Revolutionist A Writer A Leader An Orator A Practitioner A sage An elevated soul & above all A Guru
Mission & Vision The spiritual acumen and enlightened wisdom of seer-sage Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya had a reach into the deepest depth of human mind and emotional core. He could feel the agony of the masses through heart. He could therefore identify the root cause of the ailing state of the world today as – the crisis of faith, people’s ignorance of the powers of the inner self, and the lack of righteous attitude that have evaporated the oceans of joy from people’s life and polluted it with ever increasing insecurities, infirmities and complexities. Realizing the hidden power of thoughts, quite relevant in the present era of intellectual evolution, he pioneered the Mission of Thought Transformation, Dissemination of Scientific Spirituality and Social and Cultural Reformation and Elevation with collective participation of awakened souls. “All World Gayatri Pariwar” was propounded by him to accomplish this noble goal with collective participation of altruistic talents and duty-bound people from all walks of life and all parts of the world.
The basic tenets of the Mission include: • Rise of divinity in human beings and heavenly atmosphere on earth • Individual, familial and societal refinement • Healthy body, pure mind and civilized society • Atmavat sarvabhooteshu (all living beings are soulkins), • Vashudhaiv kutumbkam (Entire earth is our family) • One nation, one language, one religion, one government • Everyone should get equal opportunity for self-growth irrespective of caste, creed, color, religion, region, language or sex
To achieve the above goals, PanditShriram Sharma Acharya (Gurudev) started the Global Movement for Transformation of Thoughts. Some of the tools and techniques of this movement include: • Three Means of Spiritual Awakening: • Upasana (Contemplating on divine virtues); • adhana (Practicing self-control for acquiring divine virtues); • Aradhana (Using acquired resources for the welfare of the society) • Propagation of Gayatri (collective wisdom) and Yagna (cooperative virtuous demeanor) • Yoga, Meditation and Alternate Healing • Huge volume of constructive thoughts on every aspect of human life written by Gurudev (equivalent to 100,000 pages of encyclopedia Britannica size books) • Create addiction free society • Promote Vegetarianism • Work towards establishing a well balanced, pollution free ecosystem • Harmony, friendship, brotherhood, peace and prosperity of the whole universe • Promote Scientific Spirituality • Inculcate family and cultural values in younger generation via Multimedia and other state-of the art technology • Women awareness
Commonalities of GayatriPariwar& HInduSwayamsevakSangh
Both the organizations aspire to… • To face the challenges and protect the freedom and diversity of Indian civilization • Revival of Hindu tradition • A burning devotion to the Motherland (India), • A feeling of fraternity among all citizens, • Intense awareness of a common national life derived from a common culture and Shared history and heritage • Ekam Sat Viprah Bahudha Vadanti Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam • Nationalistic ideology and sacrifices of selfless karyakartas from all sections, caste, level and creed of the society • A voluntary, non-profit, social welfare & cultural organization • Shakhas are the core building blocks of RSS structure. Gayatri Pariwar call them Sanskar Shaalas • The activities consist of yoga, games, discussions on broad range of social topics, prayer to Bharat Mata and an inspirational session
The need of the age is… Bharatiya Samskriti Punarutthan
This can be done only by reviving Maa Gayatri who is the origin of The Vedas- the foundation of our Samskriti
Veda means Supreme Knowledge. Rig, Yaju, Sam and Atharva are four branches of knowledge.
Rigved. Spiritual wellbeing & fulfilment, self realization, peace of mind, Brahma-Nirvana, dutifulness, love, Tapas, compassion, beneficence, generosity, service etc.
Yajurved. Generosity, valour, courage, gallantry, self defence, leadership, fame, victory, power, dignity etc.
Samved deals with Games, Sports, Amusement, Recreation, Music, Arts, Literature, Sensual enjoyment , Beauty, Harmony, Poetic imagery dynamism, Refined taste, etc.
Atharva Veda…. Wealth & prosperity, Accumulation of money and resources, Medicines, Food grains, Materials, metals, Buildings, Vehicles, Animals and similar other materials of worldly wellbeing
If the subtle and material, internal and external activities and imaginations of any living being are seriously and scientifically examined, it will appear that its entire consciousness moves within these four spheres. • The current of knowledge of all living-beings flows only in the four directions of • Rik-spiritual wellbeing and fulfilment , • Yaju- valour, (Moksha) • (3) Sam- enjoyment, (Kam) & • (4) Atharva- prosperity.
These are four faces of Brahma. Brahma has been described four- faced, because although having only one face, there is outflow of four currents of knowledge from his mouth. Although supreme Knowledge or law which is called Veda is one, it manifests in four different aspects. This is the secret behind the four arms of Vishnu. For the spontaneous development of these four aspects, four stages of human life (Ashrams) and four social divisions (Varnas) have been formed. Childhood is the stage of playfulness and self development; Youth of raising a family and earning money, Vanprastha of virility, and Sanyas of doing welfare activities.
These four kinds of knowledge are off-shoots of that creative consciousness of Brahma which has been described in the ancient scriptures by the name of Gayatri. Thus, Gayatri is mother of four Vedas and it is, therefore, called Vedmata.
Now let us consider its gross form. Before creating the four Vedas, Brahma created Gayatri Mantra consisting of twenty-four letters. Every letter of this Mantra is instinct with a superbly refined subtle conscious energy field from which have emanated the four Vedas and their branches and sub branches.
Lack Infirmity
These three kinds of suffering can be removed by invoking the triple currents of the occult powers of Gayatri. Hreem – Saraswati removes ignorance,
Shreem Lakshmi removes lack
Kleem Kali removes infirmity.
The masters of Mantra-Vidya know that words are uttered by different parts of the mouth such as, throat (larynx), tongue, teeth, lips and the root of the tongue. During speech, the nerve-fibres of the particular parts of the mouth from which sound emits stretch upto different parts of the body and put pressure on the corresponding glands. If particular glands of the person concerned are diseased or dysfunctional he starts stammering while uttering the specific words.
Yogis know that some specific energies lie hidden in these glands, Shat- Chakras (six energy centre) related to the Sushumana are quite wellknown but there are several other such glands in the body. The utterance of different words has its impact on different glands and by such impact the energy of these glands gets stimulated. Mantras have been composed on this basis. There are twenty-four letters in Gayatri- Mantra which are related to twenty-four such glands located in the body which, on getting stimulated, activate and awaken the powers of righteous wisdom.
Singing of Deepak-rag lights up extinguished lamps. It starts raining when megh-malhar tune is sung. The melody created by playing flute makes the snakes wave their hoods in synchronicity, deer gets swooned and cows start yielding more milk. The warbling of cuckoo incites passion. Even strong iron bridges may collapse by the sound created by the in-step, coordinated and rhythmic marching of a troop soldiers. The army is, therefore, forbidden to march rhythmically, in-step, while crossing a bridge. Dr. Hutchinson of America has achieved success and fame in curing several patients suffering from incurable and painful diseases by different musical sounds. The vibrations of a specific sound spread in the ether and attract atoms of similar type and return to their origin within few moments, duly charged with appropriate energy which exercises curative impact in the appropriate area. This is how Mantras accomplish miraculous effects.
The chanting of Gayatri Mantra activates the network of nerves in the mouth and stimulates specific glands. No sooner do they get stimulated, a Vedic symphony is created which spreads in the ether, takes a round of the entire universe, coming back to the source with its energy augmented manifold, capable of fulfilling the desired purpose. Gayatri Sadhana, thus, becomes a spiritual as well as a material boon for the Sadhak.
The factor which makes Gayatri Mantra extremely potent is the sadhak’s confidence coupled with faith When the Sadhak takes up Sadhana with faith and confidence Gayatri Mantra becomes much more effective and proves to be extra-ordinarily powerful due to the combined effect of faith and the Mantra’s own instrinsic spiritual energy
Gayatri is Kamdhenu Gayatri is Kalpa Vraksha According to Maharshi Vyas “just as honey is the essence of flower, ghrit of milk, in the same way Gayatri is the essence of all the Vedas.
No other mantra has been worshipped and chanted as much as Gayatri Mantra. Since ages highly elevated souls have been practising Gayatri Sadhana. Thus, a huge mass of highly elevated spiritual energy has been accumulated in subtle celestial spheres (loks) enveloping the earth. No other Ved-Mantra possesses so much radiant and puissant energy as Gayatri Mantra.
Om - Brahma or Almighty God Bhuh - embodiment of vital spiritual energy (Pran) Bhuvah - destroyer of sufferings Svah - embodiment of happiness Tat - that Savituh - bright, luminous like the Sun Varenyam - best, most exalted Bhargo- destroyer of sins Devasya- divine Dhimahi- may imbibe Dhiyo- intellect Yo- who Nah- our Prachodayat - may inspire In short it is a prayer to the Almighty Supreme God, the Creator of entire cosmos, the essence of our life existence, who removes all our pains and sufferings and grants happiness beseeching His divine grace to imbibe within us His Divinity and Brilliance which may purify us and guide our righteous wisdom on the right path.
The existence of the material world is said to have originated from the cosmic impulse, the infinite bang of Ïabda. [The big-bang theory of the modern science agrees with this conclusion of the –iÌis -scientists of yore]. The vaidika scriptures on the origin of the universe mention that the absolute existence of the Brah® is expressed and realized in the sublime vibrations of Ïabda and N³da. The knowledge of Ïabda Brah® – N³da Brah® is an important branch of the Indian school of spirituality. The science and philosophy of Ïabda Brah® encompasses the methodology and effects of mantra-japa, prayers, collective chanting and s³dhan³s of the veda-mantras and that of the N³da Brah® deals with the genesis, expansion and influence of music.
Linguistically, the word mantra in Sanskrit implies a specific structure of sonic patterns – coded in syllables and vowels, that works as an spiriutal tool to liberate the mind from ignorance, illusion and evil instincts. The specific configurations of syllables and the corresponding combinations of phonemes in the mantras make the latter powerful ‘carriers’ of the cosmic energy of sound.
In our day-to-day life, we generally come across with two types of sound – vyakta (audible) and avyakta (non-audible). The spoken words fall under the first category and those expressed silently (e.g. while thinking....) or through the language of mind are examples of the latter. The ultra and supersonic forms are avyakta to our ears, which can normally sense a sound only in the frequency-range of 20 to 20000 vibrations per sec. Similarly, the loud noise of a busy road would be non-audible to a person who is sitting in a closed house away from the road.... These examples clearly illustrate that the avyakta sound also exists in the same ‘reality’ as the vyakta one.
The sonic vibrations of each spoken or mentally thought syllable exist in the universe forever. Mantra Vijó³na is the science of the subliminal as well as the cosmic powers of sound. The specific configuration of the syllables compiled in the mantras makes them important in terms of associated sonic effect. The enunciation of a vedic mantra in a specific composition of accent, pitch, intensity, amplitude and rhythm results in its expansion (at a pace faster than the laser beams) in the endless domain of physical energy waves and consciousness. Because of the unique property of sound to traverse (via the electro-magnetic waves) anywhere in the space, the collective chanting of vaidika mantras can induce cosmic impact.
The treasure of knowledge in the Vedas is encoded in the form of mantras and chandas (hymns). Every mantra and chanda has its significant importance. The G³yatrº Mantra is honored as preeminent in the science of spirituality and the mantra vijó³na. This ³di (absolute origin) mantra is a compilation of nine special words (in ancient Sanskrit) formed by twenty four syllables. The japa of this mantra creates rhythmic pressure on the nerves and also titillates the extrasensory energy center (the six cakras) and subtle nerve-bundles (upatyik³s) that generate soothing effects in the s³dhaka’s body and mind and also affect his deep inner self.