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No Establishing Needed. SUPERVISION Security & Automation System. Motorola Design Contest 2003. For Houses & Offices and Other Closed Areas. Onur TARAKÇIOĞLU SAKARYA UNIVERSITY Elect.and Electr.Eng. Onur_ta@hotmail.com. No Establishing Needed. SUPERVISION Security & Automation System.
No Establishing Needed SUPERVISIONSecurity &AutomationSystem Motorola Design Contest 2003 For Houses & Offices and Other Closed Areas Onur TARAKÇIOĞLU SAKARYA UNIVERSITY Elect.and Electr.Eng. Onur_ta@hotmail.com
No Establishing Needed SUPERVISION Security & Automation System SUPERVISION Security & Automation System is projected for having a professional security and automation system economical and in maximum 45 minutes. In this case the system uses a patrol robot at the working area. While the robot patrolling, stops at each watching points for 35 seconds and detects motion during this time. The system installer selects these strategic watching points at installation once by mounting there micro signal transmitters given. Here detection is done by any economical wireless camera mounted on the robot and connected to operator computer. At the system (host) Operator computer: - Communicates the robot and user by tcp/ip. - Makes detection at the vision send by the robot’s camera. Let’s say that you want to have a security and automation system for your house.While going from work to home you bought a SUPERVISION Security & Automation System this means after 45 minutes you arrive home you will have a professional security and automation system. First of all; the installer selects the watching points of his house. From these points all the entrances of the house must be able to seen easily.(Windows, doors, stairs etc.) After this, the installer locates given micro transmitters to these points. By these transmitter’s following signals the “Watchdog Robot” patrol between these points one by one. As third step “Automation Control Device” is must be connected to the operator computer.(This is a 20x20cm boxed devicemust be connected to LPT and Joy Port of the computer.) And at the last (4.th) step the devices wanted to be controlled are connected to power network by given RF receivered power switches.And installation of the system ends by these 4 steps in maximum 45 MINUTES by user!
SUPERVISION Security & Automation System No Establishing Needed The Parts of Supervision System Watchdog Robot : A wireless camera mounted tank robot which patrols between the following watching points.Watchdog Robot is the control center of the system and carries Motorola 68HC08GP32 microcontroller.The whole orders of the system are prosseses and run by the CPU of the robot.So we can say that the director of the whole system is the ‘Watchdog Robot’ which equipped with Motorola GP32 CPU. System Control Center : The communication center of the system.The orders sent by tcp/ip or by host program converted to RF signals here.Watchdog Robot communicates RF with the PC by this interfence.Also contains the panic alarm siren. Micro Transmitters : These are RF transmitters which can be mounted on the floor or walls.And signs this points as watching points. RF-Receiver Mounted Power Switches : These are RF receivers controlled power switches.When the robot send signal the code of the device the switch turn on/off the device.
SUPERVISION Security & Automation System No Establishing Needed Watchdog Robot: Watchdog Robot is the control center of the system and carries Motorola 68HC08GP32 microcontroller.The whole orders of the system are prosseses and run by the CPU of the robot.So we can say that the director of the whole system is the ‘Watchdog Robot’ which equipped with Motorola GP32. This is a kind of palleted robot. It is also equipped with RF receivers & transmitters for communication and powered DC motors. A wireless camera mounted on it which communicate with the computer and detects motion.By the display screen you can see that “What is the robot doing at that time?” Robot is also protected for someone come from backside by coming near the wall before stopping. At no condition; never stops at the middle of the room. (The installer musn’t been located the transmitters to middle.) At the other hand robot is secureted against any effect. At any effect vacation robot urgently send alarm code to the control center. And also takes fotos. As additional an 360 degree motion passive infrared sensor mounted on the robot. So we can say that ‘Watchdog Robot’ has a complete immunity. If the user come home without stopping the patrol of the robot has 25 seconds to unlock and stop the system by the operator pc. After this robot stops the patrol mission and go back to reference point wherever is. System Control Center: This part is the meeting interfence of the orders come from internet and sent datas from the watchdog robot.User’s orders sent by tcp/ip are converted to RF signals by this device for robot’s running.Control Center must be connected to LPT and Joy port.This steel armored 20x20cm box also contains the panic alarm siren which has a high sound frequency can be hear from outside clearly. Micro Transmitters: These transmitters will be located on the waiting points.By the following signals of the radio frequences.The robot will recognize the points which will stop and send order to computer for detecting motion.These parts will work in a harmony with the watchdog robot and identify it’s nearest watching point by signals. The transmitters must be located to nearest places to the walls or corners. RF Receiver Mounted Power Switches: These devices contain an RF receiver and output of this; a powerfull relay can be used at this condition.When the robot makes active the relay by sending it’s code value as RF signals the device will get power.By the way the devices such as; air condition, garden lights etc. will turn on or off.The switch’s one part is male socket which easily adaptable for the female electric sockets on the walls at our buildings. The other side is female socket for the device’s can be connected easily.As we can see that this part is an RF controlled adapter between the device and power.
SUPERVISION Security & Automation System No Establishing Needed The capabilities of Supervision Security & Automation System? • After the user’s order, the house is securited by Supervision System’s Watchdog Robot!After you leave the home, the robot patrols between the rooms one by one and detects motion at it’s field of wiev. • By internet during this time you can : • Watch your house live by Watchdog Robot. • Send order : • To take fotographs: You may want to save these time stamped photos. • Turning on/off the air condition: Before you come home, your house can be cooled or heated. • Turning on/off the water heater: You can have hot water when you come home and you can have a bath without wait anymore. • Turning on/off the garden lights:This application is very useful if you won’t go to home at that night.This property will keep your house from burglars! • Turning on/off the oven:Before leaving work turn your oven and when you come home your dinner is ready. • Turning on/off the security doors: You can let someone to enter your home or by opening and closing the outside doors you can give an impression from the outside. • Or any device whatever you want to control by internet.When you turn on/off any device the robot goes near to the device and it lets you to watch the turned on device (may be oven or else).After this, the robot turns back to it’s patrol and motion detection mission. • Out of this order missions when the robot detects a motion : • Takes fotographs during the detected motions. • Calls telephone numbers you wanted. • Sends e-mails attached motion’s photos. • Uploads all the photos to password controlled system’s private web page. • Makes panic alarm siren active for 3 minutes.
No Establishing Needed SUPERVISION Security & Automation System The advantages of the System The Price of the System: System contains a wireless camera, a paletted robot, RF transmitters and receivers, power switches etc. The system’s cost price is about ~180€. The equivalent security & automation system’s selling price is about 3000€. Of course that cheaper and reliable systems will be preffered more.By this reason Supervision Security & Automation System has a serious advantage. No Establishing Needed: No wires, no cameras, no ugly automation panels, no broken walls, no dust at establishing of the system so it is completely moveable. This means you can move your system to your summer resort or anywhere and use at there! And this takes only half an hour! This is the specific property which makes the Supervision Security & Automation System different.Which system has such a practical application today? Or which system has a property such as this? The Automation Module: By this protocol the system is controlled and watched live standart. Because of this; the system security is at the first importance. At the system the client program has the first unique key codes to acces the system control.The password control constitues second step of the acces the control. Communication by Tcp/ip: By this protocol the system is controlled and watched live at standart. Because of this the system security is at the first importance. At the system the client code has the first unique key codes to acces the system control.The password control constitues second step of the acces the control. Changeable Capability of the System: If the user don’t want the control any device more, what he must only do is to change the power switch’s place in 1 minutes.As addition; the user can use the system to watch the children while they are alone at home.