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Blockchain: A Competitive Differentiator at DisruptWell Summit

Explore how blockchain technology is revolutionizing business, government, and economies. Discover how to leverage blockchain for your competitive advantage with real-world use cases in agriculture, natural resources, and tourism.

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Blockchain: A Competitive Differentiator at DisruptWell Summit

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  1. DisruptWell SummitBLOCKCHAIN: A COMPETETIVE DIFFERENTIATOR Heidi Stephens Metz heidimetz@imanibank

  2. My story

  3. My Inspiration

  4. Purpose of today Gain a current understanding of blockchain technology--how it is transforming business, government, economies, and societies. And to begin thinking about if you have use cases or situations where you can use it to your competitive advantage.

  5. Blockchain Definitions

  6. Distributed Definitions

  7. Nodes Definitions

  8. Protocol Definitions

  9. Cryptography Definitions

  10. Authentication Encryption Definitions

  11. Ledger Definitions

  12. Immutable Definitions

  13. Mining Definitions

  14. What is Blockchain intended to solve? • Cryptocurrencies • Smart contracts

  15. What do smart contracts provide? • Autonomy – no need to rely on contracts or lawyers • Trust – agreement is encrypted on a shared ledger that is immutable • Record – automatically backed up on the blockchain which is duplicated many times over on each node • Savings – no intermediaries or overhead • Accuracy – no human error or negotiation

  16. 67% of 400 top level execs say they have already invested >$100K. 91% say they will be spending at least $100K in the coming year to understand what blockchain can do for them. Juniper Research Who is implementing Blockchain?

  17. Advantages of blockchain in agriculture Transparent supply chain (who raised it, how it’s raised, what it’s fed, who processed it) Fraud prevention (remove legal culpability, economic loss, and social impact by ensuring there is no compromise, contamination or spoilage) Investments’ attraction Smart contracts Stock exchange for farmers

  18. Data source: “Supply Chain Resilience Report,” Business Continuity Institute 2016

  19. Blockchain use cases in agriculture • Walmart • Easy Trade Connect

  20. An explosion of blockchainin agriculture • Provenance - focused on traceability and transparency, wants to “tell the story” of food, uses blockchain to guarantee trust • Filament - uses blockchain for agricultural asset tracking • SkuChain - tracks containers and transport shipments using blockchain • FarmShare - builds decentralized community support agriculture • Ripe – tracks where you bought your food, when it was harvested and processed, and who produced it

  21. Advantages of blockchain in natural resources Trading marketplace ID and management Registration of mineral rights and intellectual property Inventory visibility Automatic reconciliation of production vs sent to processing

  22. Blockchain use cases in natural resources BHP – Australia’s largest mining company ADNOC - Abu Dhabi National Oil Company De Beers - diamonds

  23. Tracr - verify the authenticity of diamonds and ensure they are not from conflict zones where gems may be used to finance violence • SteelTrace – register certificates, making them visible to all parties and tracking the journey to make it efficient and reliable • Kuovola – automated and transparent bidding process • L03 Energy – how energy is generated, stored, bought, sold, and used, including wholesale energy trading • Ondiflo - platform that automates all ticketing-based services for the Oil and Gas industry An explosion ofblockchain in natural resources

  24. Advantages of blockchain in tourism The cost of implementing a blockchain reservations system is negligible when compared to the cost of setting up and maintaining an online website Customers can easily connect to a blockchain system with only a mobile phone and instantly begin interacting with a tokenized system that provides ongoing rewards from day one The low cost of entry and simplicity of deployment means a blockchain-based platform is available to any organization or business, no matter the size or exposure to technology

  25. Blockchain use cases intourism Travelchain – open-source blockchain La’Zooz – ride sharing

  26. IBM – working with Travelport to streamline the commission process with hotel chains and booking agencies • Webjet – travel agency with a blockchain based marketplace • TUI Group - using blockchain technology to manage contracts with freelance tour guides • Winding Tree -  using smart contracts, they deliver savings for all travel industry stakeholders while its nonprofit status also assures there are no middlemen adding unnecessary fees • Cool Cousin - curated travel experience seeks to provide a better alternative for tourists than TripAdvisor or Lonely Planet • Sandblock - enables travel providers to create their own loyalty tokens, which can be exchanged and used like real coins and exchanged for fiat An explosion ofblockchain in tourism

  27. Advantages of blockchain inretail • Retailers can reward their customers with tokens that not only equate to real money but consistently increase in value over time, with no extra cost to the retailer • Any retailer can instantly join a blockchain platform and begin trading services without the timely and costly need for a third-party intermediary • The availability of encrypted shared data gives retailers the ability to provide more refined and targeted results while effortlessly maintaining the privacy of customers

  28. Blockchain use cases inretail • Ascribe • Microsoft

  29. Coinify – POS kiosks, integrations of online shopping cart and payment buttons, permitting merchants and customers to make transactions in cryptocurrencies • Openbazaar - Sell anything. Pay zero platform fees. Create a store. Reach a new audience. Get paid in cryptocurrencies. • Loyyal - universal loyalty framework based on blockchain that permits consumers to amalgamate and trade loyalty rewards, including providing options to retailers to offer more advanced loyalty packages • Ubitquity - securely recording and tracking property of all types using Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform An explosion ofblockchain in retail

  30. Blockchain in government Optimize government processes and offer secure yet efficient data sharing: Store personal identity Store criminal backgrounds Distribute benefits Author using biometrics Auditable and trusted election results

  31. Blockchain use cases ingovernment • Dubai • Switzerland • Malta

  32. An explosion of blockchainin government • Lazooz - new application to manage traffic and ride sharing • GovCoin – UK department of Work and Pensions, to manage benefit payments • Followmyvote – allows the creation of secure, transparent voting systems, reducing opportunities for voter fraud and increasing turnout through improved accessibility to democracy • Samsung - created a blockchain solution for the government of South Korea to use in transport and public safety applications

  33. How you can take advantageof blockchain • Incorporate blockchain into company functions to reduce cost and increase accuracy: • Sales – transactions can be costly and time consuming, CC transaction fees average 1.5 – 3% and take 90 days to clear • HR – track credentials, like certificates, awards, degrees, training, etc.

  34. But how? • Incorporate the tech through public or private blockchains • Build • Buy • Lease/partner

  35. But how? • Skills - • Build/train (Ethereum, Hyperledger) • Outsource • Remote

  36. How to create your ownuse case • Identify the issue • Make the business case for a pilot • Prepare members of the chain • Identify the relevant data to capture • Pick a blockchain platform • Establish your architecture, leveraging existing technology and processes • Run new systems in parallel to old, for extended time • Measure ROI

  37. Thank you! heidimetz@imanibank

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