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The Quran is the holy book of Muslims.
How Many Ayat are in Quran? The Quran is the holy book of Muslims. This is the last book that is revealed to our last prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W). The word “Quran” means “Reading”. There are 30 “siparahs” and 114 “Surahs” in the Quran. There are specific verses in each “surah”. The meaning of the verse in Arabic is “ayah” ayah means “the sign”, in Quran text. A “Ayat” in the Quran, one of the statements of diverse length that make up the chapters (surah) that Quran and which reduces the length of any incident. There are 6,236 Aayaat without Bismillah, and 6,348 Aayaat including Bismillah. Meaning of Hadees: who reads one letter of the Qur’an will get ten virtues for one letter. And He said, “I don’t say that the “Alif Laam Meem” is a letter, but by reading it, you will get 30 virtues The Most Powerful Ayat: Most Ayaat of the Qur’an contain Prayers. These include Astaghfar, repentance, religion, and prayers for the good of the world. The 255th Ayat of the Surah-al-Baqara, Ayat-al-Kursi, is named by our Prophet (S.A.W.W) as the master of all Ayaat, Ayat al Kursi are exposed to collect what is described in all these other verses and to describe Allah’s power once again. Meaning of Hadith the most powerful verse in Quran isAyat- al-Kursi, when it is recited; the greatness of Allah is believed to be confirmed. Hazrat
Ali says: I have heard Muhammad (S.A.W.W) say: Whoever recites the Ayat of Al-Kursi after every prayer, no one can stop him from going to Jannah. Astaghfar Aayaat: Astaghfar means seeking pardon from Allah. Astaghfirullah’, is a powerful prayer that a Muslim can recite and Allah will listen. Of course, he (Allah) is Kind and Merciful. Also in the Quran, Allah has called on many cases to ask for forgiveness. Astaghfar is beautiful prayers that will open doors and ways from places one never thought. “And (there are) others who have accepted their wickedness. They had mixed a righteous action with another that was bad. Maybe Allah will return to them in forgiveness. Indeed Allah is forgiving and Compassionate.”“Surah Taubah: Ayat 102” Ayaat for the Good of religion and the World: Dua is very significant in the life of Muslims because Dua is like a talk with Allah in which we place our demands before Him and ask for Allah’s help in the solutions of our difficulties and it is a form of Worship. Allah said, “Ask for, I will definitely accept your Dua”. In the Qur’an, Allah says: And of them (also) is he who says: “Our Allah! Grant unto us in the world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and defend us from the doom of Fire.”“Surah Baqarah Ayat No. 201”.