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The ThetaHealing Technique is an energy-healing modality founded by Vianna Stibal. The formation of this school opens the door to all who have been interested in the ThetaHealingu00ae technique to continue to learn and gain confidence in their abilities.
Welcome to Tattvam Presentation https://www.tattvam.co.in
About Us Seema Singal, the Master Healer, is also the Founder Director of ‘Tattvam’. An extension of her own self, her organisation, too, strives to transforms the lives of individuals around the world through energy healing and Thetahealing® techniques. This spiritualhealer’s ultimate goal is to train at least one member of each family into a new age healer to lead humanity towards a greater reality. Having practiced natural healing techniques over a decade, she has grown into a recognised life coach and counsellor who offers boutique workshops andpublic seminars, especially in the domain of ThetaHealing®. From better health and wealth creation, to counsellingon relationships, careers, and addictions, SeemaSingal has guided multiple souls towards a higher purpose—in India and abroad. Her areas of specialisation include spiritual healing, energy healingas well as holistic wellness.
ABOUT USOur Short Story It is hard to find a single, standalone meaning for a word like Tattvam, which has evolved over generations. The root word however is TATVAMSI- translated as "Thou art that”. The objective of "Tattvam- Soul Power" is to invoke the internal power present in everyone and help them walk the path of spirituality, higher knowledge and greater wisdom in life. In this endeavour we have had great success in the past and are working towards Tattvam's awareness even today. Tattvam, has its foundation laid in the year- 2010, founded and spearheaded by Mrs. Seema Singal who carries more than a decade's experience on her strong shoulders. Tattvam, is headquartered in Delhi and is strategically placed to attend to most of our clients across the city. This "Center of Excellence" is prospering in multi-dimensional healing techniques, taught to Tattvamites by our globally recognized healers certified in various forms of healing methodology. Tattvam, has evolved from independent consultation to a highly-acclaimed healing centre since 2010 to hundreds of its clients and is honored to continue to do so, by virtue of retaining itself as "Centre of Experience" for various clients and students seeking an entry into this art form.
Theta Healing Basic DNA. • This is where your ThetaHealing journey begins. This is the first seminar to take to become a Certified Practitioner. • The Basic DNA introduces the ThetaHealing techniques and focuses on activating the 12 strands of DNA within each participant. • The heart of this seminar is the practice of techniques that allow you to change life patterns held in place by core, genetic, historic and soul beliefs, either self inflicted or externally imposed. ThetaHealing we believe you inherit beliefs and emotions from your ancestors. This level we call the genetic level. The ThetaHealing Basic DNA seminar is the first seminar to certify you as a ThetaHealing Practitioner. The Basic DNA and Advanced DNA are the two main seminars that will give you the main tools to start as a ThetaHealer.
Theta Healing -Advanced • Is the seminar to take after completing Basic DNA. Experience the in-depth and powerful digging and belief work that will change your life. • As a student of ThetaHealing, you will continue learning and mastering belief work, enhance your knowledge on downloads, and learn how to differentiate between the different planes of existence and the knowledge in each plane through various exercises building on the information learned in the basic practitioner class. • With the completion of the Advanced Practitioner Seminar, you would have developed a strong foundation in the basics of ThetaHealing
Theta healing -Manifestation • Learn to clear beliefs that are holding you back from manifesting in your life. Learn you can Create Your Own Reality. • This course uses an amazing questionnaire to assist you to find the many surprising and deeply hidden blocks standing between you and your goals. It shows you how to dig deep to clear them; teaches you about intention and Divine Timing, followed by how to make everything in your life work for you. You are then given all the positive new Feelings you need to establish abundance in your life. Many people attempt to use ThetaHealing® to download complete financial success without first Energy-Testing themselves to find what may be blocking them. In some instances, these people become upset when they do not achieve immediate results. In this seminar you will learn how to clear these possible blocks, how to make a plan, to set your intentions, and follow through on your ideas to achieve your successes. This is not a get-rich-quick manual, but rather a universal tool of self discovery to utilize your potential to become rich in all aspects of your life. The ThetaHealing® Manifesting and Abundance Seminar has the following criteria taught by a certified ThetaHealing® Instructor:
Theta Healing Intuitive Anatomy Jurney through the human body in a way you have never experienced. Learn the beliefs tied to each system of the body.The Intuitive Anatomy Seminar is an in-depth journey of discovery that takes the emotioons and Beliefs that are inherent in the body. This seminar offerThetaHealing® Practitioners through the Body Intuitive, allowing them to intimately and intuitively meet the organs and systems. The student will discover s healing to the bodies systems through the release of accumulated energetic emotions. We then explore the beliefs held in each system and their relationships to physical “dis-ease”. Students have ample time for self-healing and work with other seminar members to clear limiting Beliefs. This is the seminar for the serious ThetaHealing Practitioners who desire to become highly skilled at scanning and healing within the physical body using the ThetaHealing Technique.
Theta Healing Soul Mate • Call forth the exquisite perfection of the one destined to intertwine in dignity.This seminar goes more in-depth on clearing the beliefs and fears surrounding finding your soul mate. This course is a wonderful way to find out what it is you are truly looking for in a partner and attract that beautiful energy to you without even looking for it! Come discover what your relationship is missing and let us help you find your self-confidence, soul mate or just help rekindle that old spark again. "Remember" love is everywhere, but without being completely open or aware to everything around us it can easily pass us by without even knowing it!
Theta Healing Rhythm to Perfect Weight • It isn’t about who is the skinniest or most beautiful! It’s about being comfortable in your own body and finding inner peace and happiness through accepting who you are • Explore your inner being and become the most magnificent version of you that you can be. Discover how to feed the body with the best feelings and foods that your body will reward you for, the 8 minute rule, and Vianna’s secret exercise
9811014207 info@tattvam.co.in http://tattvam.co.in