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10.1.12. Before Bell. Pick up half sheet of notebook paper Pick up article. Warm-Up 10.1.12. Put NAME and DATE at the top of the paper Answer the questions below Think about the most interesting class that you have ever taken. What made it interesting?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 10.1.12

  2. Before Bell • Pick up half sheet of notebook paper • Pick up article

  3. Warm-Up 10.1.12 • Put NAME and DATE at the top of the paper • Answer the questions below • Think about the most interesting class that you have ever taken. What made it interesting? • What do you expect to get from this class? • What have you learned from this class so far? • What would help you learn more information? • Why do you think it is important to study objects in space?

  4. How Has Space Exploration/Technology Improved Human Lives?

  5. Notes: Space Exploration • People began studying the stars: • Earliest record: Babylonians 1000 BC • To make sense of the world they live in • To understand where we came from & how we were created • To understand “our place” in the universe • To recognize how special Earth is and the importance of taking care of it • To prove/disprove existence of an “intelligent designer”

  6. Famous Words of… Albert Einstein • “Two things inspire me to awe - the starry heavens above and the moral universe within” • “I maintain that cosmic religiousness is the strongest and most noble driving force of scientific research”

  7. Group Discussion • Key terms/concepts in Astronomy have been used in names of products (ie: cars, candy, cleaning solutions, names of companies, etc) • On your WHITEBOARD create a list of as many things as you can • Small prize for group with the most names • CHEATING=AUTOMATIC DISQUALIFICATION!

  8. Class List: Astronomy & Consumer Products

  9. Quick Write: 2 min • Why do you think companies created names that used astronomy terms? If not sure, explain if you would use these terms if you were a company • Do you think the name helps the product sell? Why or why not? If not, what makes a product sell?

  10. Notes: Key Definitions in Astronomy • Star- Giant ball of gas that radiates heat • Constellation- Small group of stars that makes a “shape/picture” • Solar system- Group of planets, moons, asteroids, etc. that orbit around a star • Galaxy- massive system of stars, dust, gas, clouds, etc. that is held together by gravity • Milky Way- galaxy that contains Earth; has approx. 200-400 billion stars!!!

  11. Space Exploration: Gallery Walk • 6 medical technologies that have greatly improved human lives • Rotate to facts & add to notes • Time limit: 10 min.

  12. Grab-N-Trade • Read text in order to fill in notes

  13. Other Space Technology • Flash drives that are scratch and corrosion-resistant • Scanners that examine food safety of chickens • Self-reflecting paint so can see how to escape building or plane • Insulated paint, which lowers heating bill • Memory foam in shoes and mattresses, which make them more comfortable • Crash dummies used to make cars safer

  14. Interactive Website • http://www.nasa.gov/externalflash/nasacity/index2.htm • Add to notes as class explores different examples

  15. Article Reflection • Time limit: 10 min • Read about how space technology is improving lives in developing countries such as Ghana and Nigeria • Answer questions on a SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER & TURN INTO MS. M!!!!

  16. Quick Facts: Federal Budget • The Federal Budget only allots $18.4 billion or .5% of the Federal Budget for NASA • For 2013, NASA has requested that this amount be doubled to 1% • Write a letter to President Obama telling him 1. if budget should be increased or decreased, 2. why (use info from today’s class)

  17. Closure • Write NAME & DATE ON POST-IT • Write at least 3 ways space exploration/technology has impacted your life • Post your post-it on the back poster

  18. Homework: Due 10/3 • Choose 1 of the 3 options. Can do more to replace missing grades. • Design a 5 question survey about the importance of space technology/exploration. Ask 5 friends/family members/co-workers! Write a paragraph (6-7 sentences) on what you learned. • Create an ad for a product with an astronomical term (design, ingredients, slogan, cost, celeb endorsements, commercial, etc.) • Research a product that was named based on an astronomical term (company, history, old names, how created name, cost, commercials, etc.)

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