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Prof. Sergey Y. Yurish Universitat Polit è cnica de Catalunya, UPC-Barcelona, Spain

Novel Curricula in Smart Sensors Systems Design in the Frame of Human Resources and Mobility Marie Curie Chairs (EXC) Action. Prof. Sergey Y. Yurish Universitat Polit è cnica de Catalunya, UPC-Barcelona, Spain. EWME 2008, Budapest, Hungary , 30 May 2008. Contents. Introduction

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Prof. Sergey Y. Yurish Universitat Polit è cnica de Catalunya, UPC-Barcelona, Spain

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  1. Novel Curricula in Smart Sensors Systems Design in the Frame of Human Resources and Mobility Marie Curie Chairs (EXC) Action Prof. Sergey Y. Yurish Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC-Barcelona, Spain EWME 2008, Budapest, Hungary, 30 May 2008

  2. Contents • Introduction • Course Highlights and Contents • Methodology and Features • Prerequisite and Readings • Online course and tutorial • Courses for academia and industry in 2007 and 2008 • Future courses • Summary International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  3. Introduction • Marie Curie Chairs (EXC) is one out of 3 actions devoted to the promotion and recognition of scientific excellence andcreated with the aim to increase the visibility and attractiveness of European research • It strongly focused on both: research and teaching activities (at least 50 % of project timefor teaching activities) • Teaching activities should be connected with new research results obtained during the project International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  4. Course Highlights • Describes a systematic approach towards design of low-cost, high-performance smart sensors systems, digital and intelligent sensors • Base on the novel measuring methods and techniques to built smart sensors systems • Uses innovative teaching methods • Updated on annual basis • Benefits both: academia (graduate and post-graduate students) and industry (engineers and researchers) International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  5. Smart Sensors Systems Design • Smart and Quasi-Digital Sensors: Sate-of-the-Art • Data Acquisition Methods for Sensor Systems • Classical Frequency-to-Digital Conversion Methods • Advanced and Self-Adopted Conversion Methods • Digital Sensors and Program-Oriented Conversion Methods • Smart Sensor Systems • Virtual Instruments International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  6. Smart Sensors Systems Design (cont.) • Sensor Buses, Protocols and Networks • Sensor Interface Chips and Frequency-to-Digital Conversion ICs • Digital Sensors and Smart Sensors System Design • Smart Transducer Interface IEEE 1451 Standard and Frequency Output Sensors • Direct Sensor-to-Microcontroller Interface International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  7. Methodology and Features • Lectures, lab activities, project based learning (PBL), seminars, training-through-research using a special equipment, e-learning • Focused on both: technological and stuctural-algorithmic methods for performance improvements • Laboratory and PBL activities based on ICs UFDC-1, UFDC-1M-16, UFDC-2 and USTI which were developed during the SMARTSES project. It can be used in CMOS MEMS and SoC designs International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  8. Prerequisite and Readings • Basic knowledge of electrical circuits, microcontrollers and measurements • Readings: [1]. Kirianaki N.V., Yurish S.Y., Shpak N.O., Deynega V.P., Data Acquisition and Signal Processing for Smart Sensors, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, UK, 2002 [2]. Smart Sensors and MEMS, ed. by S.Y. Yurish and M.T. Gomes, Springer Verlag, 2005 [3]. Sensors Web Portal (www.sensorsportal.com) International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  9. IFSA Sensors Web Portal http://www.sensorsportal.com/HTML/Education.htm International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  10. IEEE Sensors Council Web Site http://www.ewh.ieee.org/tc/sensors/tutorials.htm International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  11. Visitors Statistics Since December 2006 to April 2008 both online courses were attended approximately by 10 000 visitors International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  12. Courses for Industry and Academia in 2007 • A short course in University of Applied Science, (Furtwangen, Germany) • 5-day advanced engineering course for industry in Fundació UPC, (Barcelona, Spain) • IFSA or/and Fundació UPC certificates International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  13. Courses for Industry and Academia in 2008 • Short courses in: • University of Brescia (Italy); • University of Catania (Italy); • Technical University of Catalonia (UPC-Barcelona, Spain) • Main topics from the course have been integrated and given in the frame of Sensors and Signal Conditioning course (UPC-Barcelona) International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  14. The Future • An advanced engineering course for industry on annual basis (Barcelona, Spain) • Courses in University of Waterloo (ON, Canada) and Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal (Portugal) • Sensors and Signal Conditioning course on annual basis (UPC-Barcelona) including lectures, laboratory activities and project (PBL) • PhD thesis supervising • Course or short seminar can be given on request in any European university and company International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  15. Summary • The course is based on new research results obtained during the SMARTSES project in emerging field of smart sensors systems design, digital and intelligent sensors with self-adaptation and self-identification possibilities – highly relevant to European research interests • The developed course has received a high appreciation from industry and students (based on off-line and on-line questionnaires prepared by EC and Fundació UPC • Due to positive feedback from industry the Fundació UPC has decided to propose this course annually in order to improve industry and university collaboration in education. International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  16. Acknowledgment These teaching activities were supported by EC Marie Curie Chairs (EXC) grant in the frame of project MEXT-CT-2005-023991 SMARTSES International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

  17. Thank you for your attention. Questions ? International Frequency Sensor Association ● www.sensorsportal.com

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