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This Talk. What is Separation Logic?Strengths and weaknessesSuccessful applicationsMain challenges. What is Separation Logic?. Extension of Hoare logic low-level imperative programsshared mutable data structures. Motivating Example. assume( *x == 3 ). assert( *x == 3 ). assume( y != z ). *y = 4;*z = 5;assert( *y != *z ).
1. Introduction to Separation Logic presented by
Greta Yorsh
April 02, 2008IBM, Hawthorne
2. This Talk What is Separation Logic?
Strengths and weaknesses
Successful applications
Main challenges
3. What is Separation Logic?
Extension of Hoare logic
low-level imperative programs
shared mutable data structures
4. Motivating Example Add assertionsAdd assertions
5. Framing Problem What are the conditions on aliasing btwn x, y, z ? frame general concept that things dont change
- hoare proof rules: assignment rule does not work in presence of pointers
- first rule has side condition: where no variable in r is modified by C
frame general concept that things dont change
- hoare proof rules: assignment rule does not work in presence of pointers
- first rule has side condition: where no variable in r is modified by C
6. Framing Problem What are the conditions on C and R?
in presence of aliasing and heap
Separation logic introduces new connective * frame general concept that things dont change
- hoare proof rules: assignment rule does not work in presence of pointers
- first rule has side condition: where no variable in r is modified by C
frame general concept that things dont change
- hoare proof rules: assignment rule does not work in presence of pointers
- first rule has side condition: where no variable in r is modified by C
7. Outline
Assertion language: syntax and semantics
Hoare-style proofs
Program analysis
Object-oriented programs
8. Assertion Language
9. Examples
x ? y
ls(y, z)
x ? y * ls(y, z)
10. Syntax P, Q assertions (formulas)
E ranges over integer expressions (E does not contain indirection through the heap),
x ranges over variablesP, Q assertions (formulas)
E ranges over integer expressions (E does not contain indirection through the heap),
x ranges over variables
11. Semantics Assertions are evaluated w.r.t. a state
State is store and heap
S : Var ? Int
H : Loc ? Int where Loc ? Int
disjoint domains: dom(H1) ? dom(H2)
composition: H1 ? H2
evaluation: ?E?S ? Int
update: S[x:i]
S,H ? P
12. Semantics H ? H' means disjoint function composition
Free(P, Q) ? dom(S),
Free(P) is the set of variables occurring freely in P.)H ? H' means disjoint function composition
Free(P, Q) ? dom(S),
Free(P) is the set of variables occurring freely in P.)
13. E ? E1,E2,..,En ? E ? E1 * E+1 ? E2 * ... * E+(n-1) ? En
E1 ? E2 ? E1 ? E2 * true
E ? _ ? ?x. E ? x
Common Shorthands
14. Examples
15. Inductive Definitions Describe invariants of recursive data-structure
List Segments
Doubly-linked list segments
Cyclic lists
List of cyclic doubly linked lists
Lists with head pointers
Nested lists (bounded depth)
Binary tree
tree(E) ? (E = nil ? emp) ? (?x,y. E ?x,y * tree(x) * tree(y))
ls(E, F) ? (E=F ? emp) ? ( ?x. E?x * ls(x, F) )
possibly empty, possibly cyclic
ls(E, F) ? (E=F ? emp) ? ( ?x. E?x * ls(x, F) )
possibly empty, possibly cyclic
16. List segment Acyclic, possibly empty
ls(E, F) ? (E=F ? emp) ? (E?F ? ?v. E?v * ls(v, F))
ls(E, F) ? (E=F ? emp) ? ( ?x. E?x * ls(x, F) )
possibly empty, possibly cyclic
ls(E, F) ? (E=F ? emp) ? ( ?x. E?x * ls(x, F) )
possibly empty, possibly cyclic
17. More complex structures Doubly-linked list segment
dls(x,y,z) ? (x=y ? emp)
? (x?y ? ?w. x?z,w * dls(w,y,x))
18. Axioms ls(x,y) * ls(y,nil) ? ls(x,nil)
ls(x,y) * ls(y,z) ? ls(x,z)
ls(x,y) ? ?w. ls(x,w) * w?y
(P1 ? P2) * Q ? (P1 * Q) ? (P2 * Q)
x ? y * z ? w ? x ? z
x ? y ? z ? w ? x ? y ? x = z ? y = w
ls(E1, E2) ls(E2, nil) ` ls(E1, nil)
but note: ls(E1, E2) ls(E2, E3) 0 ls(E1, E3)
ls(E1, E2) ls(E2, nil) ` ls(E1, nil)
but note: ls(E1, E2) ls(E2, E3) 0 ls(E1, E3)
19. Axioms Weakening
P ? Q ? P
P * Q ? P
P ? P ? P
P ? P * P
Classical logic
Substructural logic
removal of structural rules: weakening, contraction,
Bunched implications (BI)
mixes substructural logic with classical/intuitionistic logic
? admits weakening and contraction, * does not
Classical logic
Substructural logic
removal of structural rules: weakening, contraction,
Bunched implications (BI)
mixes substructural logic with classical/intuitionistic logic
? admits weakening and contraction, * does not
20. Precise Assertions ? S,H there is at most one h ? h s.t. s,h ? P
precise: x ? 1, ls(x,y)
not precise: ?x. x ? y, P ? Q
Axiom for precise assertions
(P1 ? P2) * Q ? (P1 * Q) ? (P2 * Q)
21. Pure Assertions Syntax: do not contain ? or emp
Semantics: do not depend on heap (for any store)
Axioms for pure assertions
x=y * z = w ? x=y ? z = w
22. Symbolic Heaps A ::= (P ? ... ? P) ? (S * ... * S)
E ::= x | nil | E + E
P ::= E=E | E ? E
S ::= E ? E | tree(E) | ls(E, E) | dls(E, E, E)
23. Hoare-Style Proofs
24. Hoare Triples {P} C {Q}
partial correctness
if P holds when C starts and C terminates then Q holds after C
no runtime errors (null dereferences)
[P] C [Q]
total correctness
if P holds when C starts then C terminates and Q holds after C This interpretation ensures that a well-specified program does not access any L-values
not guaranteed to exist by the precondition.This interpretation ensures that a well-specified program does not access any L-values
not guaranteed to exist by the precondition.
25. The Programming Language allocation
heap lookup
26. Operational Semantics by Example
Allocation x := cons(y, z)
Heap lookup y := [x+1]
Mutation [x + 1] := 3
Deallocation dispose(x+1)
27. Hoare Proof Rules for Partial Correctness
28. Hoare Axiom for Assignment How to extend it for heap mutation ?
29. Small Axioms
30. The Frame Rule Small axioms - tight specification
Frame Rule - allows the Small Axioms to apply generally.Small axioms - tight specification
Frame Rule - allows the Small Axioms to apply generally.
31. The Frame Rule Small Axioms give tight specification
Allows the Small Axioms to apply generally
Handle procedure calls modularly
Frame rule is a key to local proofs
Small axioms - tight specification
Frame Rule - allows the Small Axioms to apply generally.
For all heaps H ? H
If a command does not fault on a small heap H then it does not fault on a larger heap H
Heap Montonicity
The frame rule is complete in the following sense:
Suppose that all we know about a command c is that some partial correctness specification
{p} c {q} is valid. Then, whenever the validity of {p} c {q} is a semantic consequence of this knowledge,
{p} c {q} can be derived from {p} c {q} by use of the frame rule and the rules of consequence, auxiliary variable
elimination, and substitution.
Small axioms - tight specification
Frame Rule - allows the Small Axioms to apply generally.
For all heaps H ? H
If a command does not fault on a small heap H then it does not fault on a larger heap H
Heap Montonicity
The frame rule is complete in the following sense:
Suppose that all we know about a command c is that some partial correctness specification
{p} c {q} is valid. Then, whenever the validity of {p} c {q} is a semantic consequence of this knowledge,
{p} c {q} can be derived from {p} c {q} by use of the frame rule and the rules of consequence, auxiliary variable
elimination, and substitution.
32. Reverse
33. Local Specification Footprint
part of the state that is used by the command
Local specification
reasoning only about the footprint
Frame rule
from local to global spec
34. Frame Rule Sound
frame property of small axioms
derives WLP or SP for commands
35. Weakest Preconditions wp(x:=cons(y,z), P) = ? v. ( (v ? x,y)
wp( x:= [E], P) = ? v. (e ? v) ? P(x/v)
wp([E1]:=E2, P) = (E1 ?_ ) * ( (E1? E2) -* P))
wp(dispose E, P) = (E1 ?_ ) * P Allocation
v ? free(x,y,P)
v ? free(E,P)\{x}
36. Automated verification andProgram analysis
37. Symbolic Execution Application of separation logic proof rules as symbolic execution
Restrict assertion language to symbolic heaps
Discharge entailments A ? B
axiomatize consequences of induction
Frame inference
38. DeleteTree DeleteTree (t) {
local i,j;
if (t != nil) {
i := [t];
j := [t+1] ;
dispose t;
39. Frame Inference Failed proof of entailment yields a frame
Assertion at call site
Callees precondition
40. Frame Inference Assertion at call site:
Callees precondition:
41. Incompleteness of Frame Inference Lose the information that x=y
Do we need inequality involving just-disposed ?
42. Program Analysis Abstract value is a set of symbolic heaps
Abstract transformers by symbolic execution (TODO EXAMPLE)
Fixpoint check by entailement
widening / abstraction
interprocedural analysis (cutpoints)
predicate discovery
43. Global Properties? Before: tree ? (Q * R) ? (tree ? Q) * (tree ? R)
After: (tree ? Q) * (tree ? R) ? tree ? (Q * R)
Loss of global property
no restrictions on dangling pointers in P and Q
can point to each other and create cycles
44. OPCM Ordered Partially Commutative Monoid (OPCM)
M = < E, *, e, ? >
* is associative, commutative,
e is the unit of *
? is a partial order on E
Redefine OPCM
get semantics of the assertion language for free
Redefine small axioms
satisfy safety-monotonicity and frame property
get frame rule for free depends granularity of star
depends granularity of star
45. Bibliography http://www.dcs.qmw.ac.uk/~ohearn/localreasoning.html
46. Early Days The Logic of Bunched Implications O'Hearn and Pym. 1999
Intuitionistic Reasoning about Shared Mutable Data Structure Reynolds. 1999
BI as an Assertion Language for Mutable Data Structures. Ishtiaq, O'Hearn. POPL'01.
Local Reasoning about Programs that Alter Data Structures O'Hearn, Reynolds, Yang. CSL'01.
Separation Logic: A Logic for Shared Mutable Data Structures Reynolds. LICS 2002. BI had a general model theory oriented around ``resource composition', no heap
Reynolds: separating conjunction as the heap composition primitive, simplify some proofs about aliasing.
POPL01: Reynolds idea as standard, not intuitionistic logic, and support free().
CSL01: ``small axioms'', and an example showing why one can't avoid the notorious frame problem in program specification.
CSL01, LICS02: Examples of ``within data structure'' locality, which went beyond the ``between data structure'' locality that had been displayed in the POPL'01 paper. Concentrate on ``local surgeries'' that worked on small areas of a data structure, to be later glued together using the frame rule.
how are BI and separation logic related, are they the same thing?
separation logic is a formalism of program dynamics, based on Hoare triples, while in BI there are no Hoare triples (separation logic is an extension of BI)
BI is a model theory which is inspired by a primitive of resource composition, whereas separation logic has been based on particular storage models. The heap models of separation logic are specific BI models, and furthermore not all BI models are about separation
Classical logic
Substructural logic
removal of structural rules: weakening, contraction,
Bunched implications (BI)
mixes substructural logic with classical/intuitionistic logic
? admits weakening and contraction, * does not
BI had a general model theory oriented around ``resource composition', no heap
Reynolds: separating conjunction as the heap composition primitive, simplify some proofs about aliasing.
POPL01: Reynolds idea as standard, not intuitionistic logic, and support free().
CSL01: ``small axioms'', and an example showing why one can't avoid the notorious frame problem in program specification.
CSL01, LICS02: Examples of ``within data structure'' locality, which went beyond the ``between data structure'' locality that had been displayed in the POPL'01 paper. Concentrate on ``local surgeries'' that worked on small areas of a data structure, to be later glued together using the frame rule.
how are BI and separation logic related, are they the same thing?
separation logic is a formalism of program dynamics, based on Hoare triples, while in BI there are no Hoare triples (separation logic is an extension of BI)
BI is a model theory which is inspired by a primitive of resource composition, whereas separation logic has been based on particular storage models. The heap models of separation logic are specific BI models, and furthermore not all BI models are about separation
Classical logic
Substructural logic
removal of structural rules: weakening, contraction,
Bunched implications (BI)
mixes substructural logic with classical/intuitionistic logic
? admits weakening and contraction, * does not
47. Successful Applications An example of local reasoning in BI pointer logic: the Schorr-Waite graph marking algorithm Yang, SPACE 2001
Local Reasoning about a Copying Garbage CollectorBirkedal, Torp-Smith, Reynolds. POPL'04
48. Analysis and Automated Verification Symbolic Execution with Separation Logic.Berdine, Calcagno, O'Hearn. APLAS'05.
Smallfoot: Modular Automatic Assertion Checking with Separation Logic Berdine, Calcagno, O'Hearn. FMCO06.
A local shape analysis based on separation logic Distefano, O'Hearn, Yang. TACAS06.
Interprocedural Shape Analysis with Separated Heap Abstractions. Gotsman, Berdine, Cook. SAS06
Shape analysis for composite data structures.Berdine, Calcagno, Cook, Distefano, O'Hearn, Wies, Yang. CAV'07.
1) Smallfoot requires (lightweight) preconditions, postconditions and loop invariants to be given by the user. It uses its own toy programming language, designed to ease experimentation in the initial steps, rather than a real programming language.
2) TACAS06: Smallfoot's symbolic execution mechanism together with selected true impications to infer invariants via a fixed-point calculation, in the usual way of abstract interpretation.
3) CAV07: Found several previously unknown memory safety bugs and memory leaks in the IEEE 1394 firewire device driver.1) Smallfoot requires (lightweight) preconditions, postconditions and loop invariants to be given by the user. It uses its own toy programming language, designed to ease experimentation in the initial steps, rather than a real programming language.
2) TACAS06: Smallfoot's symbolic execution mechanism together with selected true impications to infer invariants via a fixed-point calculation, in the usual way of abstract interpretation.
3) CAV07: Found several previously unknown memory safety bugs and memory leaks in the IEEE 1394 firewire device driver.
49. Concurrency Resources, Concurrency and Local Reasoning O'Hearn. Reynolds Festschrift, 2007. CONCUR'04
A Semantics for Concurrent Separation Logic Brookes. Reynolds Festschrift, 2007. CONCUR'04
Towards a Grainless Semantics for Shared Variable Concurrency John C. Reynolds (in preparation?)
Permission Accounting in Separation LogicBornat, Calcagno, O'Hearn, Parkinson. POPL05
Modular Verification of a Non-blocking Stack Parkinson, Bornat, O'Hearn. POPL07
A Marriage of Rely/Guarantee and Separation Logic Parkinson, Vafeiadis. CONCUR07
Modular Safety Checking for Fine-Grained Concurrency (smallfootRG)Calcagno, Parkinson, Vafeiadis. SAS'07
Thread-Modular Shape Analysis. Gotsman, Berdine, Cook, Sagiv. PLDI07
... OHearn concur and tcs07: Some highlights:
we can transfer portions of heap between processes, as in a resource manager or in efficient message passing;
we can do modular reasoning in the presence of semaphores (e.g., split binary semaphores without maintaining a global invariant);
we do parallel mergesort with no rely or guarantee conditions, the proven processes automatically mind their own business.
proven programs are race-free, and Steve Brookes showed a theorem to that effect.
1.5) POPL05: proof of the classic readers-and-writers program.
2) POPL07: the concurrent separation logic just forces you to be explicit about granularity, by wrapping little critical sections around those portions of code considered atomic.OHearn concur and tcs07: Some highlights:
we can transfer portions of heap between processes, as in a resource manager or in efficient message passing;
we can do modular reasoning in the presence of semaphores (e.g., split binary semaphores without maintaining a global invariant);
we do parallel mergesort with no rely or guarantee conditions, the proven processes automatically mind their own business.
proven programs are race-free, and Steve Brookes showed a theorem to that effect.
1.5) POPL05: proof of the classic readers-and-writers program.
2) POPL07: the concurrent separation logic just forces you to be explicit about granularity, by wrapping little critical sections around those portions of code considered atomic.
50. Termination Automatic termination proofs for programs with shape-shifting heaps. Berdine, Cook, Distefano, O'Hearn. CAV06
Variance Analyses from Invariance Analyses.Berdine, Chawdhary, Cook, Distefano, O'Hearn. POPL 2007
a termination-proof method that could be applied to other abstract interpretations, resulting ina termination-proof method that could be applied to other abstract interpretations, resulting in
51. Object Oriented Programming Separation logic and abstraction Parkinson and Bierman. POPL05
Class Invariants: The End of the Road? Parkinson. IWACO'07.
Separation Logic, Abstraction, and Inheritance Parkinson, Bierman. POPL'08
POPL05: handle a subset of Java, by adding ``abstract predicates'' to separation logic. These predicates are logical cousins of type variabes, and their explanation of abstraction with them is somehow analogous to the treatments of classical abstract typesusing the polymorphic lambda-calculus, by Reynols, Mitchell and Plotkin.
IWACO07: entertaining and radical position paper against the notion of class invariants.
POPL08 : extend POPL05 to account for inheritancePOPL05: handle a subset of Java, by adding ``abstract predicates'' to separation logic. These predicates are logical cousins of type variabes, and their explanation of abstraction with them is somehow analogous to the treatments of classical abstract typesusing the polymorphic lambda-calculus, by Reynols, Mitchell and Plotkin.
IWACO07: entertaining and radical position paper against the notion of class invariants.
POPL08 : extend POPL05 to account for inheritance
52. Summary of Basic Ideas
Extension of Hoare logic to imperative programs
Separating conjunction *
Inductive definitions for data-structures
Tight specifications
Dangling pointers
Local surgeries
Frame rule