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Prasugrel in all ACS Patients! . Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai , MD Sapienza University of Rome , Italy giuseppe.biondizoccai@uniroma1.it. First and foremost : both prasugrel and ticagrelor are lifesaving vs clopidogrel. Biondi-Zoccai et al, Int J Cardiol 2011.
Prasugrel in all ACS Patients! Giuseppe Biondi-Zoccai, MD Sapienza University ofRome, Italy giuseppe.biondizoccai@uniroma1.it
First and foremost: both prasugrel and ticagrelor are lifesaving vs clopidogrel Biondi-Zoccaiet al, Int J Cardiol 2011
Prasugrel hasanestablished and favorablerisk-benefitprofile Wiviottet al, New Engl J Med 2008
Riskstratificationisofcourse key Montalescotet al, Lancet 2009
Short-termregimens are notenough Murphy et al, Eur Heart J 2008
Dose adjustmentispossible Erlingeet al, J Am CollCardiol 2012
Loadingwithboth clopidogrel and prasugrel isnotprohibitive Lohet al, Am J Cardiol 2013
Particularlyrisk-beneficial in diabetics Wiviottet al, Circulation 2008
And even more so in IDDM Wiviottet al, Circulation 2008
Non-CABGbleedingalso ↑ by ticagrelor Wallentinet al, New Engl J Med 2009
And are shortnessofbreath and bradyarrhythmias minor issues? Wallentinet al, New Engl J Med 2009
Last butnotleast • Are youafraidofincreasedneoplastic riskafterassuming prasugrel? • Do youknowhow long doesit take todevelopcancerafteryou are exposedto a nuclearbomb (e.g. Hiroshima)? • Anypurportedassociationbetween prasugrel and cancerrisk in TRITON-TIMI 38 patentlylacksbiologicplausibility
Do you trust plateletresponsivenessassays? Alexopouloset al, J Am CollCardiol 2012
I personally don’t Biondi-Zoccaiet al, BMJ 2008 (butalsoGurbelet al, JAMA 2012; Colletet al, NEJM 2012; Gagliaet al, CardiovascRevascMed 2013; etc)
Evenifyoubelieve… Alexopouloset al, CircCardiovascInterv 2012
Adjustedindirectcomparison Biondi-Zoccaiet al, Int J Cardiol 2011
Adjustedindirectcomparison Biondi-Zoccaiet al, Int J Cardiol 2011
Adjustedindirectcomparison Biondi-Zoccaiet al, Int J Cardiol 2011
Reconciling the evidence Biondi-Zoccaiet al, CurrVascPharmacol 2012
Manythanksforyourattention Fortheseslides and furtherones on similartopicsfeel free tovisit: www.metcardio.org/slides.html Foradditionaldetails or queriesfeel free tocontact me directly: giuseppe.biondizoccai@uniroma1.it