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Code of Conduct for CF Personnel

AIM. To ensure you know and understand the basic principles of the Law of Armed Conflict and can properly apply them in operational situations. WHAT IS THE LAW OF ARMED CONFLICT?. International law that which sets out rules of behaviour in an armed conflictIt sets out minimum standards applicabl

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Code of Conduct for CF Personnel

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    2. AIM To ensure you know and understand the basic principles of the Law of Armed Conflict and can properly apply them in operational situations

    3. WHAT IS THE LAW OF ARMED CONFLICT? International law that which sets out rules of behaviour in an armed conflict It sets out minimum standards applicable to the conduct of hostilities to limit unnecessary suffering and to ensure respect for human dignity during an armed conflict It protects the victims of armed conflicts

    4. THE AIM OF THE LAW OF ARMED CONFLICT (LOAC) To limit the conflict to opposing forces To limit the extent to which people who are not participants in a conflict become victims Does not prevent the use of force in the achievement of legitimate military objectives

    5. WHY A CODE OF CONDUCT It is CF policy that members will comply with the spirit and principles of LOAC during all CF operations except Canadian domestic operations Captures the Basics of the Law of Armed Conflict that you must know

    6. PEACE SUPPORT VS. ARMED CONFLICT LOAC applies when Canada is a party to any armed conflict During peace support operations the spirit and principles of the Law of Armed Conflict apply CF policy to apply, as a minimum, the spirit and principles of the LOAC in all Canadian military operations other than Canadian domestic operations Train to one standard

    7. ROE VS. CODE OF CONDUCT The use of force to accomplish your mission is also governed by Rules of Engagement (ROE) The Code of Conduct does not replace your ROE, but rather complements them

    8. REASONS TO COMPLY WITH LOAC It is Canadian Law Operational Advantage

    9. Rule 1 Engage only opposing forces and military objectives

    10. Selection and maintenance of the aim Economy of effort SUPPORTS PRINCIPLES OF WAR

    11. IN SIMPLE TERMS: “Warriors fight Warriors” Force must be directed against opposing forces and military objectives

    12. MILITARY OBJECTIVES Effective contribution to military action Destruction or neutralization of object must offer a definite military advantage to your operation

    13. OPPOSING FORCES Any individual or group of individuals who pose a threat to you or your mission, whether in uniform or not

    14. OPPOSING FORCES DURING AN ARMED CONFLICT In an armed conflict, enemy forces are opposing forces whether or not they pose an immediate threat

    15. OPPOSING FORCES DURING PEACE SUPPORT OPERATIONS On peace support operations, persons (including civilians) usually must do more that simply be in possession of weapons to be considered opposing forces Often must act in a threatening manner toward you, or the persons and property you are tasked to protect

    16. Rule 2 In accomplishing your mission, use only the necessary force that causes the least amount of collateral civilian damage

    17. COLLATERAL CIVILIAN DAMAGE Any injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects not part of an authorized target, resulting from the use of force

    18. PRINCIPLE OF PROPORTIONALITY There is a duty to ensure that collateral civilian damage is not excessive in relation to the concrete and direct military advantage anticipated

    19. Rule 3 Do not alter your weapons or ammunition to increase suffering or use unauthorized weapons or ammunition

    20. UNNECESSARY SUFFERING Use of weapons or ammunition that cause unnecessary suffering is unlawful Authorized weapons and ammunition Captured weapons and ammunition

    21. WEAPONS AND AMMUNITION Alteration of weapons or ammunition to cause unnecessary suffering Restrictions on the use of lawful weapons Prohibited weapons and ammunition Inspection

    22. Rule 4 Treat all Civilians Humanely and Respect Civilian Property

    23. Civilians are not to be subjected to: violence, threats, insults, public curiosity rape, indecent assault adverse discrimination Civilians should be treated in the way you would like your family to be treated in the same circumstances STANDARD OF TREATMENT

    24. 1. Engage only opposing forces and military objectives 2. In accomplishing your mission, use only the necessary force that causes the least amount of collateral civilian damage 3. Do not alter your weapons or ammunition to increase suffering or use unauthorized weapons or ammunition 4. Treat all civilians humanely CODE OF CONDUCT FOR CF PERSONNEL

    25. Rule 5 Do not attack those who surrender. Disarm and detain them.

    26. SURRENDER: The “Denial of Quarter” is prohibited There must be a clear intent to surrender Use of the “white flag”

    27. SURRENDER PROCEDURES Handle cautiously, search, disarm and remove military equipment and documents Protect them from harm and evacuate as rapidly as possible Treat all PWs and detainees the same even if doubtful as to their actual status Restraint devices to be used for security purposes only

    28. Rule 6 Treat all detained persons humanely in accordance with the standard set by the Third Geneva Convention. Any form of abuse, including torture, is prohibited

    29. WHY DO WE DETAIN? To prevent further participation in the conflict To prevent the opposing forces from interfering with the military mission Not punishment

    30. STANDARD OF TREATMENT Humane treatment Food, water and shelter Protection and medical care Questioning and interrogation

    31. Rule 7 Collect all the wounded and sick and provide them with the treatment required by their condition, whether friend or foe

    32. PROTECTION Members of opposing forces wounded or sick are considered “hors de combat” provided they abstain from any hostile act Persons “hors de combat” shall not be made the object of attack

    33. PROCEDURE Provision of treatment Priority of treatment Burial

    34. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR CF PERSONNEL 5. Do not attack those who surrender. Disarm and detain them 6. Treat all detained persons humanely in accordance with the standard set by the Third Geneva Convention. Any form of abuse, including torture, is prohibited 7. Collect all the wounded and sick and provide them with the treatment required by their condition, whether friend or foe

    35. Rule 8 Looting is prohibited

    36. RULE 8: No theft No war trophies Looting is a crime …and can affect the accomplishment of your mission

    37. Rule 9 Respect all cultural objects (museums, monuments, etc) and places of worship


    39. EXTENT OF PROTECTION Should not be targeted Should not be used for military purposes Loss of protection

    40. Rule 10 Respect all persons and objects bearing the Red Cross/Red Crescent, and other recognized symbols of humanitarian agencies


    42. USE OF THE EMBLEM Protected personnel Protected units and Establishments Protected transports Perfidy

    43. Rule 11 Report and take appropriate steps to stop breaches of the LOAC and these rules. Disobedience of the Law of Armed Conflict is a crime

    44. DUTIES: Report Investigations Superior orders Leadership Follow Canadian law

    45. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR CF PERSONNEL 8. Looting is prohibited 9. Respect all cultural objects (museums, monuments, etc) and places of worship 10. Respect all persons and objects bearing the Red Cross/Red Crescent, and other recognized symbols of humanitarian agencies 11. Report and take appropriate steps to stop breaches of the LOAC and these rules. Disobedience of the Law of Armed Conflict is a crime

    46. TEST

    47. 1. Engage only opposing forces and military objectives 2. In accomplishing your mission, use only the necessary force that causes the least amount of collateral civilian damage 3. Do not alter your weapons or ammunition to increase suffering or use unauthorized weapons or ammunition 4. Treat all civilians humanely and respect civilian property CODE OF CONDUCT FOR CF PERSONNEL

    48. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR CF PERSONNEL 5. Do not attack those who surrender. Disarm and detain them 6. Treat all detained persons humanely in accordance with the standard set by the Third Geneva Convention. Any form of abuse, including torture, is prohibited 7. Collect all the wounded and sick and provide them with the treatment required by their condition, whether friend or foe

    49. CODE OF CONDUCT FOR CF PERSONNEL 8. Looting is prohibited 9. Respect all cultural objects (museums, monuments, etc) and places of worship 10. Respect all persons and objects bearing the Red Cross/Red Crescent, and other recognized symbols of humanitarian agencies 11. Report and take appropriate steps to stop breaches of the LOAC and these rules. Disobedience of the Law of Armed Conflict is a crime

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