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ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION. King and Webb . Alternative dispute resolution facilitators .
King and Webb. Alternative dispute resolutionfacilitators. Are youinvolved in a dispute? Do youwant a Speedy, cheap and privateresolution? Thereisanalternative to litigation. Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) may be thesolutionyou´relookingfor. There are twomainmethods of ADR – mediation and arbitration.
In mediation, thepartiesreach a voluntarysettlementbydiscussingthesituationbetweenthemselves and withthehelp of a skilledfacilitator. Thismediatoracts as anadvisor. He mayoffersuggestions, buttheresolution of the case lieswiththepartiesthemselves. In arbitration, a desinterested neutral partylistens to the case. Theseimpartialpersonsare expert in theirfield. They decide on a rulingafterhearingeachsideargueits case. Therulingis final, legallybindingand enforceable in mostjurisdictions.
In both cases, thepartieshave control overtheissues to be resolved, the procedural aspects and thescope of therelief. The case isless formal tan a court trial, and iscompletelyprivate. Almostallkinds of disputes can be mediatedorarbitrated. Ourcaseloadincludes disputes involvingbusiness, insurance, environment, family, employment, and manyother áreas.
1 RESOLUTION A dispute B settlement C mediator 2 LEGALLY BINDING A enforceable B jurisdictional C neutral 3 DISINTERESTED A careles B impartial C informal 4 RULING A argument B agreement C decisión
1 In ADR, thepartieshavesome control overhowmuch (relief / ruling) theywillpay. 2 In (mediation/arbitration), theparties decide on a rulingthemselves. 3 It´simportantthatyour (relief/mediator) iscompletely neutral. 4 The (settlement/facilitator) willarrange a meeting betweenyou and theotherparty.
5 Tom needs a cheap and fastsolution to the (resolution / dispute) 6 In (arbitration/mediation), the final decisión ismadeby a thirdpartywhoisimpartial 7 The (settlement/dispute) wasarrangedfor a large sum of money.