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Join Ms. Curran's class to delve into key historical events like Scottish migration, modern Britain's evolution, and the Russian Revolution. Dive deep into the causes, consequences, and societal impacts of these pivotal moments in history.
National 4 & 5 History WELCOME to MS CURRAN’S CLASS
How will the course be examined? • 80 marks up for grabs: • Question paper – 60 marks • Assignment – 20 marks • The course assessment will be graded A-D
The question paper • The question paper will have three sections: • Migration and Empire: Scottish (20 marks) • The Making of Modern Britain : British (20 marks) • The Russian Revolution: European & World (20 marks) • The question paper will be written & marked by the SQA. You will have 1 hour & 30 minutes to complete all 3 sections.
The Nat 5 Assignment • You will choose an appropriate historical question. • Collect relevant information from at least two sources & then use it to address the question. • Identify different perspectives & points of view. • Structure the knowledge acquired & present a reasoned conclusion which is supported by evidence. (20 marks)
Migration and Empire 1830-1939 • We will study the causes and results of the movement of population into and away from Scotland. Specifically: • Immigration to Scotland, 1830s–1939 • Reasons for immigration of different groups and patterns of settlement • Experience of immigrants to Scotland, 1880s–1939 • The experiences of the migrants - living conditions, employment. Scots and Irish: • Scottish emigration, 1830s–1939 • Experience of Scots abroad, 1830s–1939
The Making of Modern Britain, 1880-1951 • We will study the creation of modern Britain. Specifically: • The problem of poverty in early Twentieth Century Britain. • Self help, Booth & Rowntree, changing attitudes to poverty. • The Liberal Reforms 1906-14. • What were the Liberal Reforms? & what impact did they have on British society. • The social impact of the Second World War. • How were attitudes to poverty altered? What was the governments reaction = Beveridge & the Five Giants. • Labour & the welfare state, 1945-51. • What changes did the Labour government implement & where they effective in further solving the problem of poverty.
Red Flag: Lenin and the Russian Revolution, 1894–1921 • We will study the collapse of imperial Russia and the rise of communism. Specifically: • Imperial Russia • The royal family, the church, class division & reasons for unrest. • 1905 Revolution • Challenges to the Tsars power. • The February Revolution, 1917. • Russia & the impact of WWI, Rasputin & the revolution itself. • October Revolution, 1917. • The Bolshevik seizure of power, the civil war, & the creation of the Soviet state.