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SHEFFIELD HIGH SCHOOL. Compstat Report #2. SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GRANT ZONE. Agenda. Academic Report -Math -English/ Reading / Language Arts Non Academic Reports Attendance -Week, 20-Day, Year (Students)
Agenda • Academic Report-Math-English/ Reading / Language Arts • Non Academic Reports Attendance -Week, 20-Day, Year (Students) Graduation -Number of Seniors -Number of On-Time Graduates Summary Discipline -Referrals, Suspensions, Expulsions Interventions - Stanford Math -Reading Plus -Kaplan
School Demographics Current Enrollment 826-830 Special Education Population137 (Includes CDC, ED, Gifted, & Inclusion) TCAP –Alt (Portfolios)5 English Second Language Population 107 (96 last yr) Algebra I=19 English I=23 English II=24 Free and Reduced Lunch 78.2% (646)
Grade HS English 2 Test 1 to Test 2 Regression
The Self-Directed Improvement System™ SDIS™ | Action Plan • Reading/Language Arts
The Self-Directed Improvement System™ SDIS™ | Action Plan • Reading/Language Arts
Reading/Language Arts Findings: Students in Reading Plus are in grades 9 and 10 only and scored Basic on the English I EOC or TCAP Test. Nine percent of the students are on schedule. Four percent has received a warning for not meeting the on schedule status. Eighty-seven percent are using Reading Plus insufficiently. Our goal is to have all students scheduled for Reading Plus meet the requirement of 90 minutes per week, and all students with comprehension of 70% or greater.
Reading/Language Arts What’s working • Reviewing student common assessment data from the Common Assessment and Discovery Formative Assessments to identify areas of proficiency and deficiency for students in PLC settings. • Increase in professional development on effective teaching strategies and checking for understanding. • Internal and external mentoring for new teachers • Focused interventions based on student needs • On-site and off-site learning walks • Blended Instruction • Rigor, Relevance, and Relationship Framework • NRA Instructional Design Challenges 1. Increased student to teacher ratio in English II classes 2. Lack of computers for interventions 3. Common assessment and lesson alignment
Next Steps • Extended Contract for EOC selected students and Homework Center tutoring • Administering Mock Assessments aligned to the EOC • Implementing Sheffield High School Literacy Initiative • Implementation of Mobis and All in Learning System to create a quicker turnaround in disaggregating and analyzing data • Book studies and increased professional development to improve instruction • Action plan for all teachers with failure rates above 18% • Mrs. Branch’s bubble students (41) and two classes have been moved to Ms. Lumpkins switching her to Reading Plus. • Additional computers have been purchased allowing a lab on each floor and an additional cart increasing usage for interventions. • Interdisciplinary common planning • Teacher Coaching Team (Day) • Personalized PD to accommodate individual teacher needs
The Self-Directed Improvement System™ SDIS™ | Action Plan Baseline Assessments Data Proficiency Target • District Discovery Formative Assessment Test A • Chancery SMS (Grade Distribution) • Reading Plus and Kaplan • School-Wide Common Assessment District Discovery Formative Assessment Test A Data 25.66% prof/adv -Chancery SMS (Grade Distribution) English II Data- Quarters 1 F=24%; D=31%, C=54%; B= 56%; A=32% Reading Plus Usage Enrolled=Active Avg sessions completed=7.3 Avg comprehension=75% • Meet or Exceed the New Goal of 37% Proficient/Advanced on English II EOC. • 85% Proficient and Advanced on the District Formative and School wide Common Assessments • Meet or Exceed the District Reading Plus Benchmark of 90 Minutes Per Week and 70% Reading Comprehension. • All Proficient and Advanced students completing 5 hours weekly on Kaplan ACT Strategy • Continue to review student common assessment data from the mock assessment, Discovery Formative Assessment, and assessments administered in blitz settings to identify areas of proficiency and deficiency for students in PLC settings. • Continue to review the syllabi from all teachers to determine SPIs that were taught and to be taught and review of teaching strategies. • Continue to provide professional development on effective teaching strategies and checking for understanding. • Ensure that at least 50 students are enrolled, scheduled, and on schedule in Reading Plus. • Ensure that Reading Plus students complete 90 minutes per week and have at least 70% reading comprehension. • Continue to offer the following interventions: Reading Plus, Gateway Language Pull-Out Sessions during the school day, Increased Learning Time (SIG), Extended Contract After-School Tutoring, Saturday School. • Incentives for Kaplan and Reading Plus usage Execute Who? Principal, English II teachers Does What? Continue the EOC English II Intervention based upon the levels of proficiency; When? Ongoing Who? English II teachers , Principal, Instructional Facilitator Does What? Continue to review student common assessment data from the mock assessment, Discovery Formative Assessment, and assessments administered in blitz settings to identify areas of proficiency and deficiency for students in PLC settings; When? Daily during Blitz with Collaborating Teachers; Faculty Meetings (Wed.) Who? Instructional Facilitator Does What? Continue to review the syllabi for SPI’s and teaching strategies; When? Quarterly; Weekly Who? Instructional Facilitator & SIG Coordinator Does What? Provide professional development on effective teaching strategies and checking for understanding; When? Bi-monthly (As needed) Who? Instructional Facilitator, Reading Plus Teachers Does What? Ensure that at least 50 students are enrolled in Reading Plus, scheduled, and “On Schedule”; When? Daily, Weekly Who? Reading Plus Teachers Does What? Ensure that students complete 90 minutes per week and have at least 70% reading comprehension When? Daily Who? Reading Plus Teacher, Literacy Coach, SIG Coordinator, SES Coordinator, Extended Contract Coordinator Does What? Implement interventions: Reading Plus, Gateway Pullout Sessions, Increased Learning Time (SIG),, Extended Contract, Saturday School; When? Daily, Some Saturdays Feedback Why are students scoring below 85% on targeted skills? How can we help all students attain 85% proficiency? What strategies did the teachers use to teach the skills? Are teachers frequently checking for understanding throughout their lessons? How can we ensure that 100% of students scheduled in Reading Plus are “On Schedule”?
The Self-Directed Improvement System™ SDIS™ | Action Plan • Algebra I Findings: The percentage of failing grades decreased during the 3rd quarter for Mrs. Arnold and Mrs. Tsirgiotis. Mrs. Jackson had an increase in failing grades. Mrs. Arnold had the greatest percentage of failing students for the 3rd quarter, but she does have the largest number of English II students. Mrs. Jackson had the largest percentage of students earning a grade of C or better for Quarter 3.
The Self-Directed Improvement System™ SDIS™ | Action Plan Math Sheffield High School’s Stanford Math Performance Findings:The average number of students increased each week due to routine beginning of the year schedule changes. As to date, we have not achieved an average of 90 minutes each week. However, we have rescheduled students during the extra learning time to assist with Stanford Math time. Teachers with Intervention students will be approached and encouraged to ensure intervention students meet 90 minute per week goal. Availability of computers is also a problem that will be addressed.
The Self-Directed Improvement System™ SDIS™ | Action Plan Math Sheffield High School’s Stanford Math Performance Findings:The average number of students remained consistent with the exception of November 19th due to Thanksgiving holidays. As to date, we have not achieved an average of 90 minutes each week. However, we have rescheduled students during the extra learning time to assist with Stanford Math time. Teachers with Intervention students will be approached and encouraged to ensure intervention students meet 90 minute per week goal. Availability of computers is also a problem that will be addressed.
Math What’s working • Reviewing student common assessment data from Common Assessment and Discovery Formative Assessments to identify areas of proficiency and deficiency for students in PLC settings. • Increase in professional development on effective teaching strategies and checking for understanding. • Decrease in the number of failing students from focused interventions. • No failure option Challenges 1. Lack of computers for students in need of interventions. 2. Stanford Math students meeting the Average Minutes (90) and the Percentage of Correct First Attempts (100)%. 3. Students identified as below basic are not in plus class due to a lack of plus teachers
Next Steps • Extended Contract for EOC selected students and Homework Center tutoring • Administering Mock Assessments aligned to the EOC • Implementing Sheffield High School Literacy Initiative • Implementation of Mobis and All in Learning System to create a quicker turnaround in disaggregating and analyzing data • Book studies and increased professional development to improve instruction • Action plan for all teachers with failure rates above 18% • Additional computers have been purchased allowing a lab on each floor and an additional cart increasing usage for interventions. • Interdisciplinary common planning • Teacher Coaching Team (Burton) • Personalized PD to accommodate individual teacher needs
The Self-Directed Improvement System™ SDIS™ | Action Plan Data Baseline Assessments District Discovery Formative Assessment Test A Prof/Adv= 22.58% Chancery SMS (Grade Distribution) Algebra I Data- Quarters 1 F=21%; D=29%; C=68%; B=54%; A=27% Stanford Math Usage Students=31; AvgMins=60; Avg % correct=54% ; correct 1st attempt=48% • District Discovery Formative Assessment Test A Chancery SMS (Grade Distribution) • Stanford Math Proficiency Target • Meet or Exceed the New Benchmark of 43% Proficient/Advanced on Algebra I EOC. • 85% Proficient and Advanced on the District Formative and School wide Common Assessments • Meet or Exceed the District Stanford Math Benchmark of 90 Minutes Per Week and 100% CFA. • All proficient and Advanced students complete 5 hours weekly on Kaplan Strategy • Continue EOC Algebra I Blitz/Intervention based upon the levels of proficiency. • Continue to review student common assessment data from the mock assessment, Discovery Formative Assessment, and assessments administered in blitz settings to identify areas of proficiency and deficiency for students in PLC settings. • Continue to review the syllabi from all teachers to determine SPIs that were taught and to be taught and review of teaching strategies. • Continue to provide professional development on effective teaching strategies and checking for understanding. • Continue to provide intervention to students enrolled in Stanford Math by Stanford Math teacher. • Continue to offer the following interventions: Stanford Math Lab, Gateway Mathematics Pull-Out Sessions during the school day, Increased Learning Time (SIG), SES & Extended Contract After-School Tutoring. Execute Who? Principal, Algebra I teachers Does What? Continue the EOC Algebra I Intervention based upon the levels of proficiency; When? Ongoing Who? Algebra I teachers , Principal, Instructional Facilitator Does What? Continue to review student common assessment data from the mock assessment, Discovery Formative Assessment, and assessments administered in blitz settings to identify areas of proficiency and deficiency for students in PLC settings; When? Daily during Blitz with Collaborating Teachers; Faculty Meetings (Wed.) Who? Instructional Facilitator Does What? Continue to review the syllabi for SPI’s and teaching strategies; When? Quarterly; Weekly Who? Instructional Facilitator & SIG Coordinator Does What? Provide professional development on effective teaching strategies and checking for understanding; When? Bi-monthly (As needed) Who? Stanford Math Teacher Does What? Continue to provide intervention to students enrolled in Stanford Math by classroom teacher; When? Daily Who? Stanford Math Teacher, Mathematics Coach, SIG Coordinator, SES Coordinator, Extended Contract Coordinator Does What? Implement interventions (Stanford Math, Gateway Pullout Sessions, Increased Learning Time, SES, & Extended Contract; When? Daily Feedback Why are students scoring below 85% on targeted skills? How can we help all students attain 85% proficiency? What strategies did the teachers use to teach the skills? Are teachers frequently checking for understanding throughout their lessons? Why are students not meeting the 100% Correct on First Attempts goal?
The Self-Directed Improvement System™ SDIS™ | Action Plan Biology
Science What’s working • Reviewing student common assessment data from the Common Assessment and Discovery Formative Assessments to identify areas of proficiency and deficiency for students in PLC settings. • Increase in professional development on effective teaching strategies and checking for understanding. • Internal and external mentoring for new teachers • Focused interventions based on student needs • On-site and off-site learning walks • Blended Instruction • Rigor, Relevance, and Relationship Framework • NRA Instructional Design • Usage of AP standards for instruction Challenges 1. Lack of computers and resources for interventions 2. No daily common planning for Biology teachers. 3. Common assessment and lesson alignment
Next Steps • Extended Contract and Home Center tutoring • Administering Mock Assessments aligned to the EOC • Implementing Sheffield High School Literacy Initiative • Continued usage of data trackers and data analysis in PLCs • Book studies and increased professional development to improve instruction • Action plan for all teachers with failure rates above 18% • Additional computers have been purchased allowing a lab on each floor and an additional cart. • Interdisciplinary common planning • Teacher Coaching Team • Increase in Teachscape recordings to create the professional Development Library
ACT *Fourteen Non Kaplan students were not included in this analysis due to students taking the ACT make-up and scores still pending, students who transferred from the MCS district, and students who did not test.
ACT *Fifty-seven Kaplan students were not included in this analysis due to students taking the ACT make-up and scores still pending, students who transferred from the MCS district, and students who did not test.
Comparison of ACT Score Analysis for Kaplan Students vs. Non Kaplan Students
9th Grade Student Usage Overall Lesson Completion | K12 ACT On Demand | 84 Enrolled Students Student Usage EnrolledStudents: from 70 to 84 ActiveStudents: from 10 to 12 Avg. LoginsPer Student: from 6.6 to 8 Avg. TimeOnlineper Student: from 2.09 hours to 2.29 hours Avg. TimePer Sessionper Student: from 0.32 hours to 0.29 hours • English: 3 % (12 of 418 complete) • Math: 2 % (21 of 931 complete) • Reading: 4 % (6 of 171 complete) • Science: 3 % (4 of 133 complete) • Writing: 5 % (6 of 114 complete)
10th Grade Kaplan Usage Overall Lesson Completion | K12 ACT On Demand | 64 Enrolled Students Student Usage EnrolledStudents: from 48 to 64 ActiveStudents: from 18 to 20 Avg. LoginsPer Student: from 6.2 to 19.5 Avg. TimeOnlineper Student: from 1.82 hours to 6.29 hours Avg. TimePer Sessionper Student: from 0.29 hours to .32 hours • English: 3% (19 of 550 complete) • Math: 12% (144 of 1225 complete) • Reading: 2% (4 of 225 complete) • Science: 6% (11 of 175 complete) • Writing: 2 % (3 of 150 complete)
11th Grade Kaplan Usage Overall Lesson Completion | K12 ACT On Demand | 359 Enrolled Students Student Usage EnrolledStudents: from 100 to 359 ActiveStudents: from 36 to 67 Avg. LoginsPer Student: from 6 to 11.5 Avg. TimeOnlineper Student: from 1.7 hours to 3.45 hours Avg. TimePer Sessionper Student: from 0.28 hours to 0.3 hours • English: 6% (236 of 3696 complete) • Math: 5% (452 of 8232 complete) • Reading: 5% (70 of 1512 complete) • Science: 12 % (136 of 1176 complete) • Writing: 2% (16 of 1008 complete)
12th Grade Kaplan Usage Overall Lesson Completion | K12 ACT On Demand | 68 Enrolled Students Student Usage EnrolledStudents: from 47 to 68 ActiveStudents: from 15 to 32 Avg. LoginsPer Student: from 7.2 to 10.4 Avg. TimeOnlineper Student: from 1.42 hours to 3.05 hours Avg. TimePer Sessionper Student: from 0.2 hours to 0.29 hours • English: 4% (35 of 924 complete) • Math: 4% (90 of 2058 complete) • Reading: 3% (11 of 378 complete) • Science: 6% (18 of 294complete) • Writing: 2% (4 of 252 complete)
School-wide Kaplan Usage Overall Lesson Completion | K12 ACT On Demand | 8 Classes • English 5% 184 of 3740 complete • Math 6 % 481 of 8330 complete • Reading 4 % 56 of 1530 complete • Science 8% 101 of 1190 complete • Writing 2 % 21 of 1020 complete Usage Average | K12 ACT On Demand | 4 Classes • Online Lesson Completed 5% 843 of 15810 Lessons Complete • Time Online/ per class avg.: from 7.16 hrs per wk to 8.49 hrs per week
ACT What’s working • All students have been provided with log in information • Implementation of Kaplan ACT Foundations classes • Incentives for students reaching 5 hours completion weekly • Selected cohort of 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students in ACT class with a high performing teacher Challenges • Lack of computers to provide identified students with ACT enrichment • Lack of subject area teachers available to assist with Kaplan ACT
The Self-Directed Improvement System™ (SDIS ™) Data Proficiency Target 93 %-Attendance Baseline Assessments EnrolledStudents: 100 ActiveStudents: 36 Avg. LoginsPer Student: 6 Avg. TimeOnlineper Student: 1.7 hours Avg. TimePer Sessionper Student: 0.28 hours Kaplan ACT Data Increase the number of actively enrolled juniors by 75%. Increase the usage of 9th and 10th graders enrolled by 50% and increase usage to 5hours weekly Strategy • 11th grade homeroom teachers and teachers associated with ACT Complete and ACT Foundations have a copy of the juniors’ usernames and passwords; These teachers continue to ensure that juniors they teach have their assigned username and password and encourage juniors to login and use Kaplan ACT On-Demand. • ACT Complete courses have completed; By using the English III classes as an avenue for this course, this helped students to become familiar with the ACT test and provide strategies; It also provided students an opportunity to access the online course. • ACT Foundations classes are continuing and are taught by Sheffield High teachers. This course helps students to review content most commonly tested; This class also provides students an opportunity to access the online course. Feedback Execute Who? 11 Grade Homeroom Teachers, Teachers w/ ACT Complete and ACT Foundations Does What? Continue to ensure that juniors have their user name and password and encourage use of Kaplan ACT On-Demand. When? As needed Who?SHS Math & English Teacher Does What? Help students to review content most commonly tested; This class provides students an opportunity to access the online course. When? Daily Why was there an increase in the number of juniors active in Kaplan ACT On Demand?