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STEM CAREERS IN 3D: The Change over Time Project

STEM CAREERS IN 3D: The Change over Time Project. Virginia Career VIEW Virginia Tech, School of Education Virginia Children’s Engineering Convention 2013. CoT Team. Transdisciplinary Student Team Greg M. Industrial Design, Creative Technologies, Architecture

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STEM CAREERS IN 3D: The Change over Time Project

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  1. STEM CAREERS IN 3D: The Change over Time Project Virginia Career VIEW Virginia Tech, School of EducationVirginia Children’s Engineering Convention 2013

  2. CoT Team • Transdisciplinary Student Team • Greg M. Industrial Design, Creative Technologies, Architecture • Evelien Communication Science, Instructional Design and Technology • Greg W. Computer Science • Kendall Instructional Design and Technology • Emily Educational Psychology • Faculty Team • School of Education (SOE) • Liesl Baum • Phyllis Leary Newbill • Teri Finn • Advisors • Dr. Mitzi Vernon – School of Architecture and Design • Dr. Kathy Cennamo – SOE • Dr. Kelly Parkes – SOE • Dr. Heather Moorefield-Lang – College Librarian • Misty Culler- Middle School Teach • Sarah Gerrol- High School Teacher

  3. Background • Fall semester • Spring semester • Kindergarten to College • Glenvar Middle School • Video Game/Graphic Design course collaboration • Final Outcomes • Website • Kit

  4. Design Problem To use creative technologies to create a product of the arts that can be used to teach science.

  5. Process • Research • Design • Development • Testing • Review • Implementation

  6. Change over Time (C/T) challenges students to creatively represent learning in a tangible form; through the process of creating paper art sculptures to represent abstract concepts. C/T, a project-based learning activity, encourages students to think critically and creatively as they discover firsthand how art and science inform each other

  7. But Why? Mae Jemison – astronaut, doctor, art collector, and dancer– advocates for integration of art and science. Jemison calls on educators to teach both art and science, and to create bold thinkers through teaching intuition and logic. Mae Jemison’s TED Talk

  8. Let’s Play

  9. What does it mean to visualize?

  10. Prompt Card

  11. Paper

  12. Technology

  13. iMotion HD iPod App Using the iMotion HD iPod App. Find and press the iMotion HD icon. Select “new movie”. Make sure manual is selected for options shown towards the bottom of the screen. Enter a movie title if desired. Press start to being capturing videos. Position the iPod until the screen is in the desired area and press the capture button to take a picture of the art. Don’t press the stop button until you are finished with the video series.

  14. Rules • Use the same piece of paper. • Use all of the paper. • Be original! • There are no right or wrong answers.

  15. 2 minutes

  16. Time Lapse Video After capturing the number of desired images, press the stop button twice to stop capturing images. The app will create a time-lapse video. To delete a frame from the movie, press the tools button to display the tool interface. Use the rewind or forward options to reach the desired image to delete. Press the delete button (the icon of a polaroid picture with a minus sign) to remove the frame.

  17. Reflection What happened to the paper as you continued to use it over and over again? What do you think would happen to the paper if you continued to fold it? Can you think of other examples of objects that change over time?

  18. Reflection How do engineers change things over time? What are some examples of change that have been demonstrated by engineering concepts? What could engineering change in the future?

  19. Virginia Career VIEW www.vacareerview.org

  20. Time Lapse Video

  21. Final Product

  22. CoT as a Career Exploration Resource • Project-based learning • Collaboration • Communication • Critical Thinking • Creativity • Technology • Presentation • Interpretation • Analysis

  23. Consider • Using CoT as a tool to connect classroom learning with careers • Repeating CoT throughout the year with different prompts • Having students write a reflection • Engaging school counselors • Exploring more IDEAS kits

  24. Michele Seibert/Emily Fieldermseibert@vt.edu/fieldere@vt.eduVirginia Career VIEW • References • ICAT – www.icat.vt.edu • IDEAS- www.ideas.soe.vt.edu • Change over Time- www.ideas.soe.vt.edu/changeovertime • Change over Time- www.icat.vt.edu/IDEAS/TeacherResources/index.html

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